As leaders, we are often called to help people get perspective and to see and move through apparent inner and outer limitations. During this process, people will sometimes experience emotional reactions as they face challenges in their personal and professional lives. Our conditioning might ... Views: 2238
So something’s been bugging you. You know that you need to make a change and you’re pretty sure there will be big consequences. So how do you go about it? Here are five things to consider that will make a tough change just a bit easier.
1. What's the cost of status quo? Not making a change ... Views: 1438
Lets face it, most meetings being held right now, and the thousands more scheduled for tomorrow, will be boring as hell and a poor use of time.
Why? Because they’re not effectively lead. Your average meeting leader and participant alike thinks it’s easy to hold a stupid meeting.
They’re ... Views: 1447
Clearly we're all drawn to charismatic leaders. Whether we're talking about political leaders like JFK, public speakers like Zig Ziglar, or trainers like Anthony Robbins, how does the charisma or strength of a leader impact a team, pro or con?
We've become increasingly conditioned to being ... Views: 1523
Individual, collective, and planetary strength is necessary for long term sustainability
I love the Apprentice TV series hosted by Donald Trump. This season, Donald recruited a cast of 18 celebrities, competing against one another on various business tasks. Each week the winning team leader is ... Views: 1518
Research shows that a great percentage of meetings are run poorly, resulting in huge losses of time and productivity. I believe that there are three main reasons that meetings continue to leave us wanting:
1) We underestimate the complexity of group thought.
2) Few of us are trained in meeting ... Views: 1360
Have you ever felt ‘stuck’ in a conversation with three or more people that just wasn’t going anywhere? People are droning on and on about this and that, leaving you bored and wishing you could just slip away? This is an all too familiar social situation - we’ve all been there and , chances are, ... Views: 2337
What Story are you Enacting?
How much of your life is directed from the foundation of unexamined mythology? What if we are all enacting some sort of story in our lives?
Now what do I mean by story? I mean that we have some vision, set of ideas, or beliefs about ourselves that define us as a ... Views: 1546
As human beings, we’re creatures of habit. No wonder making a major life change is so hard! But it can be done. Follow these steps to get your change in motion, one easy step at a time:
1. Identify the price of maintaining the status quo. Not making the change you know you need to make is ... Views: 17532
Most of us have had the experience of working on teams, an experience, in retrospect, we often regret having had. Consequently, you probably have a pretty good idea of the things that are typically "wrong" with groups. By "wrong," of course I mean those behaviors that are getting in the way of ... Views: 17723
Western culture has reached a level of material wealth greater than at any time in history. We include in this material wealth, wealth of information as well. Currently, at the pinnacle of our ability to manipulate our environment and produce all the things we need, and many that we don't, it's ... Views: 1238
I've been a big fan of the new TV show, "The Apprentice," appearing every Thursday night on NBC. This new show is co-produced by Mark Burnett, producer of the incredibly successful "Survivor" reality show, and billionaire real estate mogul, Donald Trump in Manhattan. Though I love the business ... Views: 1313
Does "Being Professional" Evolve Your Audience?
The supreme accomplishment is to blur the line between work and play. --Arnold Toynbee, author--
We recently attended the "MillPond" Festival in Bishop, CA. with a rather eclectic blend of musicians from all over the US and Europe in attendance. ... Views: 1278
Our friend, who we'll call "Kay," started work as the only Social Worker in a medical treatment clinic about six months ago. This clinic employs about 40 people, and runs two shifts, 6 days a week. About 120 patients are served weekly, with each visiting 3 times per week.
A ... Views: 1636
If you happen to be a member of any kind of group that meets regularly, I’m calling you to play your part in saving the world from millions of wasted hours in boring, poorly facilitated meetings!
Any participant in any group, at anytime, can commit a Random Act of Facilitation to ... Views: 1355
Joe makes a comment and you suddenly feel a rush of energy. Your face flushes and your knuckles whiten as you begin squeezing the edge of the table for dear life. Some part of you knows that this feeling is not proportionate to Joe’s comment or intention, but something was triggered in you ... Views: 2484