~A woman must come of age herself. She must find her true center alone. She must become whole.” ~Anne Morrow Lindbergh
As a middle aged woman and single mother of two teenage daughters, I am keenly aware of the hectic pace life can place before us on many days. Between work, activity ... Views: 1364
If you think back to your childhood, can you recall being asked, “Who’s your best friend?” As a young girl, I can remember the security that I gained from having a best friend to share my life with. Somehow I felt safer if I had someone in my life who I knew was on my side and would defend me as ... Views: 1101
For as long as I can remember, watching the Olympic Games has been a highlight for me. The excitement of watching these elite athletes compete with each other to see who could bring home the gold medal has always been a source of inspiration and motivation to me. Watching the strength and ... Views: 1000
Happily Single
"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so."… Shakespeare
Being apart from your spouse can be a shattering experience at first. After one has grieved, adopting a positive attitude towards stepping into a new life can be exciting! By taking advantage of the ... Views: 1759
How Positive is Your Perspective?
If asked to visualize your future, is your perspective filled with excitement and possibilities? Or do you envision the life you would like to have but are burdened with the distractions of the obstacles you may have to overcome to create it? If asked to ... Views: 1000
When one door closes another one opens;
But we often look so long and regretfully
Upon the closed door,
That we do not see the ones which are open.
-Alexander Graham Bell
When I ask women who are going through a divorce, “What do you think you can gain from this?”, I’m usually met with blank ... Views: 1037
We live in a world that is ever changing and evolving into a faster and faster pace. Consequently, our response time to information that is presented to us has become more immediate. Such a scenario makes it difficult to both truly listen and to truly be heard. People have become accustomed to ... Views: 1999
Become a Healthier You Inside and Out In the New Year!
Tips to Jump Start Your Level of Fitness
Although January signifies the beginning of frigid weather and shorter days, it also brings you the opportunity to reflect on the year that has just past and offers a perfect time to evaluate the ... Views: 1069
Have you ever wondered what enables some people to make positive changes throughout their lives while others seem to be standing still in situations that they are clearly unhappy with? What enables some people to take risks and use courage to forge into the unknown to grow and develop in ... Views: 1190
Happiness From Within
By Elizabeth Savino
Are you happy? When asked this question, do you stop to ask yourself, “What is happiness anyway”? I wonder how many people even stop to clarify what happiness means to them or what can be done to improve the present level of happiness that exists in ... Views: 4089