Mystics from all ages have talked about spiritual practice as a doorway to greater experience; a doorway that leads us to a deeper understanding of the unseen. Yet, for most of us, the idea of spiritual practice just feels like adding another burden to our already busy lives. We don't have a ... Views: 1309
This article is based on the following question I was recently asked:
"One thing that seems consistent with my various readings over the years is the issue of gratitude. As someone who's grown up and currently lives in a land of plenty, I realize that I take a lot of things for granted. So ... Views: 980
When I wanted a Benz and had no idea how to get one nor money, I would get in my rusty, beat up, bent up Hyundai and say to myself, "I love driving my Benz!" "I'm so lucky to have this beautiful car!" I just pretended - in every way I could think of - whenever I thought of it - that I was ... Views: 1373
A lot of us like to think that the Bible is the original, absolute, inviolate word of God. But that comes into question when we realize that many of the biblical stories occur in other, older religions.
According to academia, there are at least 32 stories of other virgin births in ancient ... Views: 1286
I was leading my twice monthly Law of Attraction Study Group and found myself explaining the Pie Theory of Life. This is pie, like in pizza. Not Pi like in math. Most of us believe in the Pie Theory without even knowing it. It is sort of ingrained in us by our western culture, and it goes ... Views: 1683
I was out having dinner with four other women a few evenings ago and the conversation turned, as it usually does, to men. One of us was in a committed relationship, two of us were ‘looking’, and one said she was celibate.
We asked her why she was “now practicing celibacy,” as she put it. The ... Views: 3613
Law of attraction tells us that when we are feeling good, we are attracting more of all the things that make us feel good. Our task, then, is to find ways to feel good, or at least better than we were feeling.
Researchers at Rutgers University in New Jersey have run a series of three studies ... Views: 1254
Get yourself a nice notebook – one that you can write in and make notes. Let it be one that makes you feel good when you look at it. Then follow the steps below.
1. Make a list of all the qualities you want your partner to have – looks, personality, job, attitudes, etc. Make it as long as ... Views: 1206
Lots of talking heads. That was my first impression. Lots of folks no one knows, and a few who are known, talking about motivation. Not the most exciting format. Motivation, success thinking, and goal setting are fine topics and, when you put a lot of effort in, they work.
But they are not ... Views: 4306
We are always creating our reality by our thoughts. Energy is always flowing where we give our attention. When we feel we are ‘stuck’, we are unconsciously re-creating the same situation for our selves over and over. It is like a car that is stuck in snow – the wheels are moving, the engine is ... Views: 1854
“If I get to pick what I want to do, then it's play...
if someone else tells me that I have to do it,
then it's work.”
Some folks are good at creating relationships, some at creating money. One thing I’ve always been able to do easily is create wonderful jobs for myself. Over the years, I’ve ... Views: 1506
Continued from Part 1: The 9 ways we create unconsciously:
6. Momentum from the recent past in this life
Manifesting, from the time we think or feel a powerful thought to the time we experience our creation, can take a while. Sometimes, even though we have changed our thoughts and beliefs ... Views: 1885
Make resolutions that are more about how you want to be – how you want to relate to the world – than about specific changes in behavior. They should be spiritual goals. Changes in behavior don’t last unless preceded by a change in consciousness. New Years Resolutions, to be effective, must be ... Views: 1084