Hypnotize Yourself Right Now!
I want to show you a really interesting technique to hypnotize yourself. It is known as the Betty Erickson technique as she devised it to hypnotize yourself. Betty’s husband Milton Erickson is someone I have referred to on several occasions in my work as a renowned ... Views: 7349
One of the amazing gifts that we have as people is the desire to have dreams of a better life, and the ability to establish goals to live out those dreams. What is even more amazing is that we have also been given the ability to not only dream but to pursue those dreams and not only to pursue ... Views: 1542
Are you actually aware of what you are feeling right now? Would you know how to change that feeling? Would you know how to get rid of it? So many of us seem to resist and fight our feelings without really being aware of what the feeling actually is and when we stop fighting, we can actually ... Views: 1378
Words are just a part of our lives aren’t they? Why do we needto think about them? When I teach people self-hypnosis, the language they use in self-hypnosis sessions is very important. What's more, the kind of language used in self-hypnosis can be used outside of formal self-hypnosis too, to ... Views: 1501
The Psychology of a Confident Golf Swing Part one.
Before focusing on the subject of developing confidence with ones golf swing I want you all to think about this notion; you cannot just "Think" yourself a wonderful golf swing. Otherwise, we would all just think about pots of gold arriving in ... Views: 3523
I spend lots of time working with individuals, corporations and businesses to get them engaged in the present moment. The reasons I think this is important in business as well as personally are drawn upon toward the end of this article.
My centre here in Bournemouth used to sell a wide range ... Views: 1262
There was some sunshine this weekend while I was writing this! At least here on the sunny south coast of England there was. I went out walking along the sea front with my partner Sara on Saturday morning and it was wonderful; the feeling of sunshine on my face, the smell of the air, the sites of ... Views: 1838
"When you breathe, you inspire. When you do not breathe, you expire." – Quote from an 11-year-old’s science exam
John Grinder, co-creator of NLP talks about the link between respiration, physiology, internal state and high performance. He calls this ‘the chain of excellence’. I recently read ... Views: 1503