Students of personal growth and development know that change is greatly affected by their ability to take command of and alter their thinking. This concept of changing your thinking to change you life was brought to the limelight with the movie, "The Secret" and it's description of the Law of ... Views: 947
As you are aware, there are two sides to everything; good and bad, positive and negative, yin and yang, action and inaction, force and allow, rigid and flexible. In all of life there is a balance between the two polarities, sides or aspects that must be mediated in your pursuit of happiness and ... Views: 1110
Are you moving towards or against what you want?
Every action you take supports something, some result.
The question is - are you taking the actions that supportthe results you would rather have in your life?
If not, are they supporting something opposite of what youwant or are they neutral? ... Views: 808