There’s nothing more frustrating and disheartening than feeling that your boss is undermining your efforts to do your best at work. Maybe it seems intentional, maybe it seems just who s/he is. Whatever the origin, the toll on your morale and performance is heartbreakingly wasteful.
What to ... Views: 1841
Are you wondering if you’re the proverbial person who has climbed the ladder of success only to find it’s leaning up against the wrong wall? Is this all there is, settling in a career that has brought you success, perhaps, but leaves you hungry for something more? To be excited and challenged ... Views: 982
Do you have a working definition of success that fits for you, or has the word lost its meaning? Did it once have personal meaning, or was it never truly yours in the first place? Is “success” a dark cloud hovering over you, or a foggy place in your mind you’d rather not visit? And - ... Views: 1134
Discovering Your Personal Success Footprint
Nina Ham, CPCC, LCSW
Are you tired of being told what success is and isn’t, or counseled how to get it, as though it’s a publicly held commodity? Even when it’s couched in glowing New Age language (“success is fulfilling your destiny…”), the ... Views: 1048
Nina Ham, LCSW, CPCC
It’s fall in the mid-west, and the crisp chill in the air means it’s time for a taffy-pulling party. For the uninitiated, here’s what happens. Groups of kids wait impatiently while a parent stirs a pan of sugar, butter and ... Views: 1198
Judging by the extraordinarily positive reader response to Po Bronson’s What Should I Do With My Life?, people are aching for a sympathetic outlook on their stories of career dissatisfaction. They tend to be their own harshest critics, often ... Views: 1209
Are you tired of being told what success is and isn’t, or counseled how to get it, as though it’s a publicly held commodity? Even when it’s couched in glowing New Age language (“success is fulfilling your destiny…”), success is still something to fit yourself into rather than something arising ... Views: 1782
Whether it’s making a prospecting call to a promising business contact, giving an informal “elevator speech” to a networking group, or attempting to close a transaction, there are certain key moments when putting your best-dressed foot forward really matters. Some of life’s fortunate people ... Views: 1314