At last, the closely-guarded, little-known habits of the highly mediocre are exposed! After years of unscientific research and observation, we reveal the powerful daily habits in this article. No longer will the highly mediocre have the corner on status quo. By developing these habits, we ... Views: 1591
For the past several years I have had the opportunity to volunteer at the ACC Basketball Tournament (women’s and men’s) when it is held locally. I got connected with a group of volunteers from the community that “push wheelchairs”. This is a result of one person’s passion to help folks with ... Views: 1152
Time management – that’s like trying to nail Jell-O to the wall. We are trying to harness something we can’t touch of feel – only experience and see the results. We have a gazillion time saving devices. Just think for a moment of all the ‘things’ in your life now (microwave, speed dialing on ... Views: 1172
As we close out one year and ring in another, many people tend to get sentimental and reflect upon the ending of another year. What has your year been like? A year comprises:
• 365 days
• 8,760 hours
• 525,600 minutes
• 31,536,000 seconds
How is your year ending? One dictionary definition ... Views: 1075
So much has been in the news recently about boards of directors, seemingly to be asleep at the wheel while major corporations crumbled. Most boards are designed to provide oversight and guidance to the direction of a business. Good or bad, boards of directors effect the direction of a ... Views: 1217