Top 10 Reasons to Stop Facing Reality
By Sue Frederick, author of Dancing at Your Desk and BrilliantDay:7 Steps to Turn Your Day Around

“You need to face reality!” How often have you heard that? How often have you said that while talking yourself out of pursuing a dream career?

From now on, try this instead: “I will face the reality that I want to happen.”

Why? The answer lies within this question: What is reality? Is it a fixed set of external circumstances that we have no control over? Or is reality the external manifestation of our thoughts, beliefs and emotions – which means “our energy?”

If you believe reality is a fixed set of external circumstances that we have no control over, the next question is, “How’s that belief working for you? Are you joyfully happy? Successful? Well loved?”

If not, are you willing to rethink some of the beliefs you hold true? Are you willing to consider that 20 years from now the quantum physicists will have proven scientifically that this physical world is a manifestation of our inner world of thoughts and beliefs?

Are you willing to consider these ideas:
• Your thoughts are written across the sky for everyone to read, and they’re more powerful and clear than the words you speak.
• When you hate your job, everyone at work knows it because they feel the energy coming from your negative thoughts.
• People ignore the words you speak and instead react to the thoughts you’re thinking, and thus your miserable job situation gets worse and worse.
• Every time you tell yourself you’re “facing reality” by not pursuing your dream career, you’re creating a reality where your dream can’t come true.
• “Facing reality” has been your way of avoiding responsibility for your own happiness.

Here are the top ten reasons to stop facing “reality:”

1. You don’t understand what reality is. You have been misled into believing that the seen world is more real than the unseen world of thoughts, beliefs and energy. Quantum physicists remind us that at the core of all matter (which makes up our reality) are endless waves of light. They remind us that the observer (you) determines the form and shape of reality. This means that you choose your reality when you choose your thoughts and beliefs.

And, as the physicists point out, we are vibrational beings sending out vibrational frequencies which interact with other vibrational frequencies. We connect with and attract people, circumstances and opportunities that exist on the same vibrational frequency as the one we are sending out.

Don’t worry. You’re not alone in misunderstanding how these things work in our world. It’s our human challenge to figure this out. We were taught to “face reality” before we understood that we were creating it. All of our preciously held “realities” only exist because someone intended them into existence. What reality are you intending into existence right now? Look closely at your life for the answers to that question.

2. Your focused attention on the circumstances of your life (good and bad) forces them into reality. What you focus on gets bigger, because you’re giving it energy with your thoughts. This is why it’s so very important to focus on the reality you want to be true.

For example, do you dream about the career you would love? Or, do you believe that the job market is bad; you’re too old for a new career; no one would hire you; and you can’t make good money doing that kind of work? Your life is a physical manifestation of those dearly held beliefs. Look around you to see what you believe. If you don’t like what you see, change your beliefs. Make a course correction in your life.

3. There’s no one to blame for your reality but you. Believing in a reality of job unhappiness, meaningless work and not enough money makes that reality true for you. Look at your work/life right now, and see what you’ve created. If you’re blaming your manager, the corporation, the nature of your work, or the current economic situation for your unhappiness, realize you chose all of those external circumstances to push you forward. You are NOT the victim in any area of your life; You’re the magnificent creator.

4. When you’re “being realistic,” it means you’re accepting other people’s ideas of what “reality” is. You’re accepting what other people have imagined into existence for you. And you’re not being creative or brave enough to imagine, and then attract, a better scenario for yourself.

5. If you’re “facing reality” it means you’re being a victim to your circumstances. (Read #4 again!)

6. When you change your mind, it changes your reality – for better or worse. After you change the way you’re thinking about your life, then you can face the new and improved reality that you’ve created. For example, change your belief to: “I have always been abundantly successful when I pursue my dreams.” This is now your new reality. Embrace it. Feel it. Believe it, and it’s on its way.

7. You don’t understand who you are. You are a divine being tapped into source energy in order to manifest divinity (not to be pitiful and powerless). Don’t insult your divinity by dreaming small and living small. You’re part of the source, and you’re here to create.

8. You don’t understand why you’re here. (Read #7 again!)

9. The geniuses of our times (Newton, Einstein, DaVinci, etc) challenged our dearly held beliefs about reality and advanced humanity’s development considerably. They gave us gravity, relativity, flight and a number of other ideas that defied the acceptable reality of the times. Be a genius; we need more geniuses – not more pitiful thinkers.

10. The road to happiness requires taking a long honest look at your “reality” and then dreaming up a better one. Stop wasting time being unhappy, limited, small or pitiful because you’re “accepting reality.” Create a new “reality” that follows YOUR bliss. The entire world will benefit from your new and improved “reality.”

Sue Frederick is a career counselor, author, energy coach and lecturer. She is the founder of BrilliantDay Revolution Network and teaches at Naropa University and University of Colorado, and is the author of Dancing at Your Desk; A Metaphysical Guide to Job Happiness and BrilliantDay: 7 Solutions to Turn Your Day Around. Visit, email or call 303-939-8574.

Author's Bio: 

Sue Frederick, author of Dancing at Your Desk: A Metaphysical Guide to Job Happiness, and BrilliantDay: 7 Steps to Turn Your Day Around, is founder of and the BrilliantDay Revolution Network. Sue is a career and life coach and serves on the faculty of Naropa University and University of Colorado. Visit email 303-939-8574