We all have a tendency to put things off for various reasons and believe me, I've been the master of this one in the past. Understanding why you procrastinate helps you to do something about it.
How often have you made yourself 'busy' just because you're putting off doing something you're ... Views: 1552
Does any of the following apply to you?
· Need to get your money under control.
· Want to be more financially aware
· Just getting by from day to day.
· Not be able to afford the things you need.
· Up to your limit on your credit cards.
Well, I’d like to share ... Views: 1776
Does any of the following apply to you?
* You would like to get your money under control.
* You want to be more financially aware
* You're not able to afford the things you'd like.
* You're up to your limit on your credit cards.
I'd like to share with you some of the money habits I've adopted ... Views: 1164
One of the important things we need to do to ensure a good balance in our lives, is to be aware of what we eat , so that we can have optimum health.
There are certain foods that contain high amounts of beneficial substances – antioxidant vitamins and minerals and beta-carotene that can help ... Views: 1472
Do you have drawers full of clothes you don't wear? Rooms full of junk taking up space. Are you a bit of a hoarder? How much stuff do you have in your house that you don't really need or use? Now's the time to have a good clearout and here's how to do it.
It's probably taking up more than ... Views: 1393
Do you feel that you’re spending too much time at work and there must be more to life? Perhaps you need to improve your work life balance?
One way to assess how you’re doing, is to score each of the following eight areas out of 10. If any one of these is seriously out of balance it’s likely ... Views: 1240
If you’re the sort of person who plans Christmas like a military operation you may already have everything well under control. If you’re not so good at managing your time then here are a few tips to help.
Daily Planning. Spend the first 10-15 minutes every day planning your tasks and ... Views: 1294
Dealing with change.
“The only constant is change”. Change is something that affects us all in our lives some more serious and impacting than others. Moving house, changing jobs, redundancy, divorce, losing a loved one, death, they all affect us in different ways and our ability to cope ... Views: 1468
Top Tips: Improve your Eating habits.
How many of us have been on diets at one or many times in our lives. Basically diets don’t work. If you want to lose weight permanently – adopt a healthy eating regime. Eat less and exercise more!
1. Water. If you’re thirsty you’re already ... Views: 1914
At times when life seems to be getting us down or we’re going through a period of stress and uncertainty, it’s important to take special care of ourselves!
- Take time out. If you can get away from your usual environment then do so. Go away for the weekend or even a day – do something ... Views: 2021