One of the great fallacies in the self-help industry is the notion that you can change your life with "positive thinking."
The purveyors of positivism, starting with Napoleon Hill and including the people who now promote The Secret, contend that we all have, at our conscious disposal, the means ... Views: 858
I didn't always plan my days. For most of my career, in fact, I didn’t.
I had written goals. And I referred to them regularly. My goals kept me pointed in the right direction, but I was always moving back and forth. Often for no good reason.
Driving to work in the morning, I would think ... Views: 2050
We all have dreams. We all carry movies in our minds about how life could be for us in a better world. Sally dreams of a big house with a built-in pool. Harry dreams of an eight-car garage filled with vintage Porsches. Jill fantasizes about painting pictures at the seashore. Jack wants that ... Views: 713
Here's your challenge: a car race from New York City to Las Vegas. If you get there within a certain amount of time, you win millions of dollars and a completely new and better lifestyle.
Sounds like fun? Good.
Here's the problem: You don't know how to get there.
The countdown has already ... Views: 984
Every January, I write down a set of goals. Some are financial. Some relate to my business. And some are personal. When I put my new list down on paper, I feel powerful and confident. Here are the things I will accomplish this year. Clean and simple. I imagine how I will feel when they are ... Views: 935
"How many of you get up before six a.m.?" I asked the 80 people who came to last year’s Wealth Building Conference. Twenty-six hands went up — many more than I had expected. "And how many are up before seven?" Another 32.
I suppose it shouldn’t have surprised me that ... Views: 834