Picture this:
You're sitting in a bank foyer, anxiously awaiting a loans officer. Your heart is pounding; you need the loan to grow your company with additional equipment. As each minute creeps by, you feel your anxiety building.
'What if I don't get the loan?' you think. Suddenly, your ... Views: 2701
When the Vancouver 2010 Olympics were on, I had the fortune to get tickets to an event. I went and saw a hockey game - Latvia vs. Slovakia. It was a great game although Latvia was overmatched with Slovakia. Still, it was exciting to watch these athletes in action and it got me thinking about ... Views: 2346
"Begin challenging your own assumptions. Your assumptions are your windows on the world. Scrub them off every once and a while, or the light won't come in."
Alan Alda
Actor, Writer and Director
It’s one of the most dangerous things you can do in relationships - make assumptions. Assumptions ... Views: 1615
It’s Thursday afternoon and it hits like a monsoon – a wave of extreme fatigue, a headache and the sudden urge to lie down and hibernate. You’re exhausted! After a week of pulling ‘all-nighters’ for a nightmare of a client, you’re burnt out. It seems like time is painstakingly ticking at an ... Views: 1401
Love him or hate him, Michael Jackson left a huge legacy in the world. He was a father, entertainer, genius, abused child, wounded man, humanitarian…He was a man with many sides – more than two and a man on mission to re-enter the world of entertainment after a long delay. The world was ... Views: 1415
Tumbling stocks and a world economic crisis – not exactly the words a person wants to hear. These words don’t exactly drum up feelings of living large – on the contrary they often spark the panicked ‘lack’ feelings deep inside many of us.
So what’s a person to do when they’re inundated by ... Views: 1331
You sit at your desk, primed for another day of work when it hits you – overwhelm, lack of focus and frustration. There it is: your inbox has 125 emails and it is only 9 a.m. What’s a sane person to do?
Some of us might dream of doing the following: take two pills and skipping work for the day, ... Views: 1176
Quick - did you ever make New Year's Resolutions? Did most of your goals come true? If not, you're not alone.
If you've ever planned to quit smoking, lose weight, make more money, be a better person...you may have failed because you didn't know the rules.
If you want this year to be different, ... Views: 1199
If you are a coach, a business person, a busy person, an overwhelmed person... you're probably seeking what the 'experts' call - balance.
While this sounds great, it's an unrealistic term that sets you up for failure.
I know I'll probably get a lot of heat from people out there (and especially ... Views: 1538
What do Valentine’s Day, Christmas, dating, dinner and a movie, marriage and couples have in common? Rituals. A ritual is defined as ‘any method of doing something in which the details are always faithfully repeated.’
To relate this to your life, rituals include: the time you wake up, how your ... Views: 1223
It doesn't matter where you live, who you are or what you're doing, you'll encounter stress – that's life. And, it's not all bad. We all perceive things differently; some people see things as more negative while others are more positive about things.
Why do some of us thrive on stress and some ... Views: 1003