There is a little known fact that what goes up must come down (eventually).
It’s easy to get caught up in the highs of our passion and just as equally easy to get caught up in the lows of our passions.
When faced with the highs we need to embrace them, and ride the wave as long and hard ... Views: 772
2008 the year that I will….
Make some positive life changes
Form some new habits
Finish reading that self help book I bought 20 years ago
What changes can you make to your life?
What new habits would you like to form?
What do you need to let go?
You have incredible untapped potential inside ... Views: 911
Your image determines your success
Your image is your weakest link it to how far you rise.
You can dress your worst and perform at your best but ultimately no one ever got very far for dressing like crap.
But if you dress like success, does that guartunee you success? No, of course not!
But it ... Views: 964