We hear it all the time… "I don't have enough time."
We feel there is too much to do and not enough time to do it in.
And even though that feels very true, when you start to change your perspective, you realize that it does not need to be your reality.
Time actually is inside of us. It ... Views: 2993
“You can’t afford the luxury of a negative thought.”
This quote is the title of a book first published in 1988 by self-help author Peter McWilliams. He asserts that negative thinking is a debilitating illness that we must overcome by deliberately looking for and focusing on all that is going ... Views: 2894
What is the real source of abundance in your life?
Most people have collapsed the concept of abundance with the condition of having plenty of money, but true abundance – as I define it here – encompasses far more than material possessions or luxuries. Satisfaction, fulfillment, joy, ease, ... Views: 2843
Think back to a time earlier in your life when you were in the midst of some kind of a challenge. Maybe it was a problem you were having with a boss, or a breakdown in a relationship with a family member or friend. And now imagine if you could go back in time and talk to that younger version of ... Views: 2610
The secret to getting is having.
Now, before you dismiss this idea as some kind of far-out New Age aphorism, take a moment to contemplate the difference between the experience of wanting something and the experience of having it. Try this: Bring to mind a goal or objective – whether it’s ... Views: 5785
June 7, 2013 by Christy Whitman Leave a Comment
A good friend of mine has a 15-year-old daughter who is just learning how to drive. As we were talking the other day, my friend Sam told me how excited and nervous her daughter becomes when she is behind the ... Views: 3801
Four more weeks ‘til summer vacation!!
As Memorial Day approaches, this is the anthem of kids everywhere engaging in the annual countdown to summer. Maybe you can remember anticipating summer break when you were a kid – envisioning sleeping late on long, warm days, lazing in front of the TV, ... Views: 4055
There’s an old story about a farmer who is working feverishly to chop down a tree with his axe. A friend comes to pay him a visit and asks the farmer what he is doing. “What does it look like I’m doing?” comes his impatient reply. “I’m chopping down this tree!” Noticing the heat of the day ... Views: 4136
“Appreciation of others and the appreciation of yourself is the closest vibrational match to Source Energy of anything that we’ve ever witnessed anywhere.” ~Abraham-Hicks
The fastest way to get into a good mood or to radiate a good energy vibration is to practice appreciation. The greatest ... Views: 4335
As a Law of Attraction coach, it’s rare that I ask people to deliberately conjure negative feelings, but today is an exception.
I was sitting on an airplane yesterday on my way back from a trip, along with a fellow passenger who was very clearly having one of “those” days. I could go into ... Views: 5399
“How can I attract more love in my life?”
This is a question I’ve been asked a lot recently – from coaching clients who are looking for their soulmates, and from a good friend whose recent divorce left a void in what used to be a very active social life.
As I thought about the question as ... Views: 4872
“Christy, stop daydreaming!!”
I heard these words a lot when I was a little girl. For me, daydreaming wasn’t about idly staring out the window; it was a way to make life more fun! While doing homework, I’d pretend that I was a travel agent… my completed papers itineraries to exotic ... Views: 4225
n the next 60-seconds, the sun will generate enough solar power to fulfill the energy needs of our entire planet for a year.
There are over 200 billion stars in the Milky Way galaxy, which is just one in hundreds of millions of galaxies.
If the water contained in the world’s oceans was ... Views: 4259
All creation begins with a vision.
It begins by seeing – literally or symbolically – some greater possibility for your life than you previously believed was possible. Whether it comes about as an idea, inkling, a glimpse, or a three-dimensional Technicolor picture you see in your mind’s eye – ... Views: 5115
Money: Everyone has an opinion, definition, and even a certain feeling as it relates to this one word. Some may feel good when they hear that word, whereas others, most in fact, may feel bad. The reason we feel good is that we have a good relationship with money. The reason we feel bad is that ... Views: 3966
“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” These words, written by Chinese philosopher Lao-Tzu, are as true today as they were in the 6th century BC. Every undertaking –long or short, simple or complex – starts with action. But what is it that inspires us to get into action ... Views: 5541
Christy Whitman, Founder, Quantum Success Coaching Academy tells us:
These four steps are important to learn and implement, because they allow you to take your power back and step into being a deliberate creator.
1. RECOGNIZE: Identify what the situation is and how it takes you away from ... Views: 6246
Do you have balance? What do I mean by balance? We live in a world that is made up physically and metaphysically. If you want to make your dreams a reality, it is important to balance both the physical and the metaphysical. Most people that watch or read The Secret, and were introduced to The ... Views: 4526
I learned something when I was a small child that literally changed my life. My mom used to tell me that my feelings were wrong, and I ended up feeling badly about myself because of that. What I learned from another adult was that feelings aren’t right or wrong, they just are. What I have come ... Views: 6846
Your Outer Reality is A Direct Reflection of How You Feel About Yourself
Your entire outer reality reflects how you feel about yourself. This is based on the Law of Attraction and the Law of Reflection. You have everything in your world for a reason and that reason is there to serve you. Do you ... Views: 7432
Everything Happens for A Reason!
Do you believe that everything happens for a reason? Most people do, but struggle to find out the meaning behind it all. We observe what is happening and have a hard time understanding the big picture. Haven’t you had the experience where you are going through ... Views: 6938