And you better have something interesting and unique to teach my audience if you want to be in a panel.
I believe we don’t have enough representation for women in my generation, which has been lovingly labeled as “The Sandwich Generation”. Our parents are living longer lives, some with years ... Views: 849
I’m 22 years old and I’m about to start playing my first “Adult” role, in a way I’ve been preparing for this role my whole life, so when the Rabbi said “I now pronounce you husband and wife” I know I’m ready for the part.
We live in a small studio apartment where we can barely store the few ... Views: 783
It wasn’t until my kids started going to school that I paid attention to the way people work and interact, I guess I was reliving my childhood through their eyes, while using the wisdom of my years. I have a tendency not to dwell on my past, so I was always moving forward and never looking back. ... Views: 614