A limiting belief is any belief you have that is not serving your highest good and is not aiding in your personal growth. These beliefs are usually formed during childhood, and come from your parents, relatives, teachers, and peers. They combine to form the basis of your paradigm, or how you ... Views: 1462
Before being born into this life, you made a plan of karmic lessons you wanted to learn while here. If you are to grow as a spiritual being, you need to check these lessons off your plan so that you can move forward. It is the nature of the Universe to give you plenty of opportunities to learn ... Views: 1399
Learning self-mastery is the journey of learning how to take full responsibility over your life. Once you achieve self-mastery, you become the person in charge of your life. You are no longer a reactive victim of circumstances and your environment. You are a proactive co-creator of your life ... Views: 890
Everyone wants to know the answer to the question, "What is my purpose?" You have probably asked yourself this question numerous times throughout your life. I'm sure you've gotten plenty of input from parents, other family members, and friends about what you should do with your life, how you ... Views: 849
As a Lightworker and/or holistic business professional, I know that you give away a lot of your energy. It is a part of who you are and what you do. Being of service to others and helping to heal them is your divine purpose and mission in life. However, when you give indiscriminately, what ... Views: 830
It seems like everywhere you turn today, all you find is negativity. It's on the news, in the papers, in the world, in the people around you. We are constantly bombarded by it. As a Lightworker and/or holistic practitioner, it is your mission to bring peace and love to the world. It's ... Views: 1004
Psychic over-sensitivity is also known as psychic overload or psychic stimulation. Lightworkers and holistic practitioners are especially susceptible to this because you are more open to spiritual and psychic energies and work with them on a daily basis with your clients. If you don't take ... Views: 3161
Our personal paradigms are formed when we are young and often continue into adulthood. They are the beliefs and basic perceptions we have of the world and how it works. Some paradigms are good and support a successful mindset, while others keep you from achieving your goals. If you have a ... Views: 1022
Divine Timing is the idea that everything happens at its exact right time. I like to think of it as the time it takes from when I receive an epiphany or inspired thought of where I should go next in my life, to when this thought is manifested into reality. In this modern age of multi-tasking ... Views: 13679
By now, most people have heard about The Secret and the Law of Attraction. Perhaps you've read the book or seen the movie, or maybe you've caught one of the many episodes of Oprah that she has devoted to this concept. Manifestation, co-creation, and visualization are all the newest buzzwords and ... Views: 3437
Whenever someone asks me how to start meditating, the first question I ask them is, "What's your zodiac sign?" That may sound like a cheesy pick up line but, in my experience, I've found that people have an easier time beginning a meditation routine if they work *with* the element of their ... Views: 5759
We all know that affirmations can be very powerful and effective. But to get the most out of them, you have to believe what you're saying! How many times have you tried saying an affirmation only to feel dumb afterward or like it doesn't feel true to you? Here is one way you can create ... Views: 1570
All too often, people put the care and well-being of everyone else ahead of their own. When you spend all of your time on others and none on yourself, you become energetically depleted, stressed out, even physically ill or dis-eased. These are messages from your body telling you to take time ... Views: 1445
All of us are guilty of procrastinating at some point or another. We put off unpleasant tasks for as long as we possibly can simply because our mind tells us we don't want to to do them. Try this experiment to see what kinds of tricks your mind is capable of playing on you.
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