What’s the quickest way to build rapport with someone? Use their name when speaking to them.
As simple as it may sound, it's a task that often gets undermined by forgetfulness. Why people forget names is the subject of much discussion, why they have difficulty remembering them is ... Views: 1278
Have you hugged your child today? It was a popular slogan that was coined in 1969. I think it’s time to modify the phrase to: Have you hugged your loved one today?
Most couples report the perfunctory kiss upon their greeting or departure as their most consistent form of affection outside of ... Views: 3487
Time is not tangible, but yet we all feel its effects as we age. Time passes you by while you are standing still or when running at full speed. You can't outrun time; it's too fast and tireless.
Time waits for no one. Some people try to save time, but time can't be saved like money. Money can ... Views: 1422
I recently attended the funeral of a young man I'd known for all of his life. As with most funerals, it was a somber experience marked by the outward display of sadness.
Funeral services can be as formal or as informal as the family allows them to be. This particular funeral service was very ... Views: 1487
Over the years it's come to my attention that people - educated, accomplished, or just highly opinionated - tend to be very generous in giving advice. They mean well, for the most part, but they often don't weigh the outcome of their generosity.
Advice, like food, tastes better when one is ... Views: 1603
Parents are well-acquainted with excuses and reasons. After all, they get exposed to plenty of them while raising their children. Some children become adept at making excuses from the time they learn to talk. Left unchecked, the pattern becomes habit forming and lingers into adulthood. It also ... Views: 1359
When I was a boy, I would overhear older black men talking about this evil, mythical figure called "The Man." I thought there was Batman, Spiderman, Superman, and The Man.
The Man was accused of selfishly hoarding power and resources that prevented black men from getting jobs, owning ... Views: 2576
The interesting thing about being the only black man, and black person, in an office is that I have this unique opportunity to educate white people about black culture.
For me, and many black men in my position, we find that once the initial barrier of resistance is overcome and a right of ... Views: 2417
If you are trying to get a job, or a better job, your chances of doing so will be greatly enhanced by the experience and education you place on your resume, but the "soft" skills that you demonstrate will distinguish and differentiate you from the gluttony of competitors who are vying for the ... Views: 1175
I know them. You know them too: People who are always late. It seems like no matter what the situation or event, they just can't seem to be on time. Some use a litany of excuses to justify their chronic tardiness, but the worse offenders are not only comfortable with being consistently late, but ... Views: 10265
Criticism is tough for most people. When we are criticized, we often develop a reaction to what is being said which makes us feel as though we are under attack. It's only natural to impulsively defend one's self under such circumstances.
Granted, some criticisms are malicious and unwarranted, ... Views: 1532
One year while watching the NFL playoffs, an Old Spice commercial came on which featured a confident, dapper, middle-aged man. He was sitting on a chair in front of a lit fireplace with his legs crossed, striking a rather debonair pose while looking directly into the camera. He then delivered ... Views: 1262
If experience is the greatest teacher, and hindsight is 20/20, then what can be said of observation?
Observation is defined as: 1 a: an act or instance of observing a custom, rule, or law b: observance 2 a: an act of recognizing and noting a fact or occurrence often involving measurement with ... Views: 7996
We have all been in situations with people who seem to be talking at us instead of with us. They just open their mouths, take aim, and commence to rapidly moving their lips. It doesn't matter that we don't (or have the chance to) interact or interject, they just keep on going...and going...and ... Views: 2679
Professionally, we often hear people say that they are busy. Some people repeat it so much that they sound like broken records. But are they really that busy? Or do they suffer from faulty time management skills? In the vast majority of cases, it's the latter reason.
There are 24 hours in a ... Views: 1331
With the marketplace becoming increasingly competitive for professionals, service providers, and contractors, more people are focusing on their marketing efforts than ever before. While marketing seems to be the logical answer to the complex problem of creating greater awareness of your products ... Views: 1749
What is branding?
Branding is a set of qualities and characteristics that are associated with a person, product, company, or organization. Successful brands rarely have negative associations; brands with negative associations are rarely successful.
What does branding have to do with ... Views: 1450
Look the part. That's what people from my grandmother's generation used to say. It meant looking like the professionals who belonged to the group that you wanted to be a part of. It also meant carrying yourself, through your demeanor, in a manner that's consistent with the expectations of the ... Views: 2359
It's estimated that more than one-third (35 percent) of U.S. adults have a profile on a social networking site, according to the Pew Internet & American Life Project's daily tracking survey of 2,251 adults. A more practical survey can be done just by thinking of the number of people you know who ... Views: 3981
Listening is such a simple process. One person talks, the other person listens. Or do they?
We often confuse hearing with listening. The two are different, though both are done with our ears. Hearing is a natural function of the ear which involves the reception of sound. It's one of your ... Views: 5146
So often we mention the importance of preparation without discussing what it means and what it entails. That's a mistake.
The definition of preparation varies from one person to the next; therefore it is possible to lack preparation from the very beginning of any process in one person's view, ... Views: 1359
Public relations is defined as: Positive communications and interactions between a person, organization, or company and the public on whom its success or failure depends.
Like it or not, we are always engaged in public relations. From the time you step out of your house and greet your ... Views: 1445
I have been curious about the concept of being "true to yourself" (i.e. honoring one's true self) for a while. It's a motto for some and an aspiration for others. This article will provide you with deeper (psychological and scientific) insight into the phenomenon and offer a broader ... Views: 3460
It's Monday morning. In any office, in any given city, you can find an ample amount of people who are suffering from that dreaded condition called "Monday Morning Blues."
The exact origin of this condition is unclear. Does is it start the moment we open our eyes on Monday morning? Or does it ... Views: 6405
For many of us our routine interactions with each other are not given much thought. We assume that how we conduct ourselves in our private and personal lives is a reflection of the actions, behaviors, and decisions that we make under our own volition. After all, we are the ones exhibiting the ... Views: 1422
One of my favorite movies of all time, Jerry Maguire, features Tom Cruise as an agent with a major sports management firm. He's enthusiastic, successful, a great negotiator and people like him. But it begins to dawn on Jerry that there's something wrong with what he's doing, and not long after a ... Views: 2040
Recently I severed a business relationship that I once valued. It was not something that I did impetuously; on the contrary, I had been contemplating this move for quite some time. The delay was not in the deliberation, but in maintaining the hope that things would get better - which it ... Views: 5015
There comes a point and time in everyone's life when they need to let go. It's easier said than done, and even when most recognize the need to let go they can't do it.
Letting go is about freedom; freedom that can only be experienced through the disconnection of the things - or the person - ... Views: 2810