One point many Christian Working Moms who have been interviewed have made is that they are a shining light in their work place. Whether or not you can speak openly about your faith at work, your co-workers are watching. Are they seeing Jesus in you? Do they see you handle ethical issues in a ... Views: 955
“Cast all your anxiety on Him for He cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7. I don’t know if you have ever been fly-fishing or maybe you have seen it on TV. When you go fly fishing you cast your bait way down the river and let it float. That way the fish does not see you and hopefully attacks the bait. I ... Views: 792
Recently, I have received several emails asking me about coaching and what it is exactly. So, I decided to answer some of those questions in this article.
First, of all let me start with what coaching is not. Coaching is not therapy or counseling. Therapy tends to focus on the past whereas ... Views: 886
In our fast paced society we often want everything done quickly or your boss wants it done yesterday. In your spiritual life are you a Microwave or Crock Pot? I think often we want God to answer our prayers in Microwave fashion. I prayed a specific request today and I want it answered today. If ... Views: 1094
As Christian’s we are often very independent. We try to do everything and often feel we do everything. Are there times when you are frustrated, tired, irritable, and have no energy? I am not selling you a vitamin supplement, so don’t worry. I have recently realized this past week how little I ... Views: 908
How does God see you? Does He like what He sees? Can I tell you He loves you 100% and loves everything about you? He loves all your annoying habits, He loves those extra pounds you have gained, and He loves you when you falter. Basically, He loves you. As a new creature in Christ when God looks ... Views: 2401
I don’t know about you, but I do guilt very well. At times, it seems like I can feel guilty for almost anything. Also, as a parent I mess up routinely. I can be short with my temper and my words are not always pleasant. Also, there seems to be a new parenting article out daily that tells you how ... Views: 920
Do you feel like someone has abducted your sweet, innocent child and replaced them with a monster? Are you confused that somehow you have gone from knowing everything as a parent, to knowing absolutely nothing? Welcome to being a parent of a preteen/teenager. It is a brave new world. Being a ... Views: 1547
Whether we realize it or not we teach our children about money every day. Sometimes we teach with words and sometimes with actions. I’m sure at one time or another the following scenario as happened to you or something close to it: “Mom, can we go buy some toys?” You say, “We don’t have the ... Views: 762
When someone asks you, “Who are you, what is your name?” What do you say?
My response is something like, “Hi, I’m Kimberly Chastain a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Professional Life Coach, Wife, Mom, etc.” Depending on groups you may attend, it could be something like I’m a recovering ... Views: 714
Are you a worrier? I think it comes with the job description of Mom. Seems like there is always something you can worry about. As a child I memorized Philippians 4:6. This is what I memorized, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything pray.” Recently, I rediscovered this verse and found I had ... Views: 924
Wow what a strange title for an article. So, what clay am I talking about? I would like for you to spend some time focusing on the verse, “Yet, O Lord, you are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter, we are all the work of your hand.” Isaiah 64:8. Have you ever watched a potter work ... Views: 801
I am currently working through a Beth Moore Bible Study and came to an interesting find. In Luke 2:42, we learn that Jesus was 12 years old when he went to the feast at the temple. In Luke 2:52, we learn that Jesus grew in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and men. In Luke 3:23, we find ... Views: 1124
Do you have a daily routine that goes something like this at your house? You ask your children, spouse, friend, etc. "How was your day?" Then, do you either get a grunt in return, a fine or whatever? Maybe every once in a blue moon you will get a rather long and involved answer. Sometimes when ... Views: 812
We have all been there, the things you said you would never say when you are a parent come flying out of your mouth. We often don’t even realize what we are saying, in our moments of frustration. I want to start with two questions you should never ask your kids and why they are not good ... Views: 822
Have you struggled with trying to figure out what is God’s call for your life? Do you wonder if you are in the right career or if you are doing the right things? I remember vividly while in high school trying to figure out what to major in when I went to college. I was tormented with picking the ... Views: 921
We are coming to the time of the year when our children can get the “I want”, or “I need,” or “must have” for Christmas. There is so much pressure from everywhere to buy and meet our children’s every need and want. Also, in the United States we are getting close to Thanksgiving and a time to ... Views: 1111
In these uncertain economic times, it is very easy to get anxious and worry about your future. Often anxious thoughts can become overwhelming. Also, children are starting to become more and more anxious as well. Here are some tried and true techniques to deal with any kind of anxiety. These ... Views: 1666
In the United States we just celebrated our nation’s birthday and Independence Day. In other countries as well there is national pride. Just wait until the Olympics come around and we will all be rooting for our individual countries. Is there anything wrong with national pride? What about ... Views: 824
I love the quote I read in a bulletin once, “Blessed is the family who begins family devotions again.” I could relate to that comment. Before we discuss how to have a family devotion time, we need to ask the question, “Why should we have a family devotion?” In Proverbs 22:6 we read, “Train a ... Views: 3614