Do You Have a Big Enough Why?

Once you get clear on WHAT you want to achieve, it's crucial to know WHY you want it.

If you have an important goal, it needs a big why. Otherwise, you won't have the determination and resolve to overcome the inevitable challenges you'll encounter in the process of achieving it.

Most people are too focused on the how and they miss the all important why.

When it comes to investing our precious time and energy into a worthy objective it makes a huge difference if our why is strong. If we have enough benefits—enough REASONS for the goal—we substantially increase our chances for success.

I believe the Universe hangs onto the answers we seek until it's convinced we're inspired by enough desire. When our desire is equal to the task, we find what we're looking for.

Weak passion, weak answers. Little zeal, little determination.

How's YOUR why? If you're not making the progress you think you should be making in achieving your goals, maybe you haven't inspired yourself with enough reasons why you want them.

Let's take losing weight. Many people have this goal. But based upon the average weight of North Americans, very few are achieving it.

But what if you HAD to lose weight? What if you were promised a million dollars to lose that extra 20 pounds you're carrying around? You could do it, couldn't you?

Of course you could. And all that changed was the payoff. Your why got bigger.

So maybe all that has to happen is for you to come up with enough reasons to lose the weight. There are many, of course, but have you ever listed them? Have you reviewed them? Do the benefits stir you with strong emotion?

Jim Rohn says, "When the why gets stronger, the how gets easier." I agree.

What can you do today to increase your motivation and determination to achieve the goals you've set? Make a good list of why you want each important goal. If you do, and if you review them often, you will be focusing not only on what you want, but why you want it.

It works.

Author's Bio: 

Michael Angier is founder and CIO (Chief Inspiration Officer) of and helps people and businesses grow and prosper. By being a Diamond Club Member of SuccessNet you can expect to reach new heights of achievement by creating the support structure you need to accomplish your objectives.