Contrary to what advertisers would have us believe, what makes people happy does not come from getting more things, perennial youth, extra income or drinking a certain brand of beer. According to massive research done in the new field of positive psychology, authentic happiness (the kind that ... Views: 3765
Inner happiness is an inside job; a mindset, an idea, a thought, a decision. It's a willingness to see things differently. And it requires action, commitment and perseverance. It also requires letting go of grievances, and letting go of grievances requires letting go of the thought system we ... Views: 974
Are you still dreaming of your ideal life? A life of prosperity and abundance? Health and fitness? Achievements? Accolades? Or spiritual peace? Whatever your mind can dream of, you can attain it if you increase your mind power and consciously direct it with a bold mindset, discernment and ... Views: 1797
Most of the general anxiety that millions of us suffer from is the result of making poor choices: poor choices in what we choose to focus on, what we give our attention to, who and what we issue our power to and poor choices about our own identity. These poor choices lead us into a mindset of ... Views: 1696
The act of offering a prayer of forgiveness, whether for yourself or for another, is a choice for empowerment; a decision that results in a gift to yourself. This is a gift of freedom - freedom from bitterness that sours life and the misery of grievances that live on only in the mind; freedom ... Views: 1845
There is a solution to the madness of alcoholism and addiction; a solution that will restore sanity and health, repair relationships and rebuild finances. The solution will have different components for different people but the key to the solution is personal responsibility. If you can, for ... Views: 3270
In Eckhart Tolle's seminal book, The Power of Now, he identifies the greatest obstacle to experiencing enlightenment as being that of "identification with your mind, which causes thought to become compulsive" - this compulsive thinking is what creates the barriers to experiencing our natural ... Views: 3827