Procrastinators always have poorly defined goals and successful people always have clearly defined goals. Successful people do not want to waste energy going nowhere in particular.
It is imperative that in being a good decision maker you start the whole process by clearly defining your goals. ... Views: 1855
Rapport is the exchange of communication between two or more people. It is like a table tennis match with the ball going back and forth between two or more players. In good communications the ball is in play. When the communication breaks down, the ball is no longer in play and ... Views: 1212
1. Speak about what you know
Many years ago when I started as a writer I was given a very good piece of advice: “Write about what you know”. It was, in fact, one of the best pieces of advice I have ever had and I try to stick to it. The same piece of advice I am going to give to you is to ... Views: 1154