4 Critical Success Factors
If you’re like most people…
When you first set a goal it’s pretty easy to stay on track, right?
You’ve got a plan…you’re working the plan and your motivation is strong…
As time goes on however, you lose steam and get off-track…
So to help you stay on ... Views: 1641
One of the biggest obstacles that we *all* have to face from time to time is dealing with Confrontation”
And most of us can’t stand it!!
Fact is, you’re not going to be able to ‘win’ every time …and some people are so stubborn that they’ll argue till they’re blue in the face – even when ... Views: 9303
Affirmations for success are a particular set of statements to be used for you to achieve your goals for success. There is no limiting factor to the type of success that you can use these for, however. Success is only defined as what YOU feel it is. You can use your affirmations to help you ... Views: 2347
At the beginning of a new year, it is a very common tradition to make resolutions about how you would like to improve yourself. Using positive affirmations, you can accomplish any resolution that you would like to make. By definition, resolutions made at the beginning of the year are things ... Views: 1825
There is much talk and discussion of remapping of the brain through the use of NLP. But what exactly does this mean? Remapping the brain is a way to change the pathways that your thoughts take in order to control your reactions to a given situation. Your brain is a complex system of pathways ... Views: 2024
Neuro-Linguistic Programming, or NLP, is the integration of three important concepts in our lives. It is the combination of our neuro (brain) processes, our linguistic inputs of experience, and the programming that occurs between the two. As a science, it was developed in the early 1970s by ... Views: 3184
I recently came across a perfect example of how the law of attraction works. There was a freshman in high school who decided that he wanted to earn a letterman’s jacket in his first year of school. This freshman knew that he would have a fairly good chance of doing so by playing baseball, ... Views: 1455
The law of attraction is the universal belief that “like attracts like”. In general terms, this is a relatively easy concept to grasp. At its root, most people do understand that if you think positive thoughts, then you will attract positive things to you in life. Of course, the inverse to ... Views: 1562
When you start working on your own positive affirmations, you may become inundated with information. One of the best tips you will get though is to write your affirmations out. By writing them out, you will be able to keep a clear, concise list of the exact words that you want to use when ... Views: 1915
You can read anywhere about how to create affirmations, what exactly positive affirmations do, and how they work. But it can be a little harder to find tips on how to make them more successful for you. There are obviously as many tips available to you as there are actual affirmations. ... Views: 1563
One of the questions I get asked the most is if English is not my first language, will English subliminal messages work for me? This is an interesting, and actually very astute question. I know that if I was to get subliminal messages in, say, Swahili, they probably wouldn’t help me, since I ... Views: 2806
Your self-esteem is critical to your success.
It can be hard to identify what exactly healthy self-esteem is.
The signs of an unhealthy self-esteem are usually obvious. Someone who cuts themselves down a lot and is always afraid to make big decisions or use their talents doesn't have ... Views: 1090
Would you go into a mountain climbing forum and say, "I've never climbed a mountain and I'm a total couch potato but would like to read the top of Mt. Everest by the end of the month. Can you help me?" Of course you wouldn't.
If you tried to climb Mt. Everest without the right training and ... Views: 1345
A newspaper columnist at a large newspaper wrote on his personal blog about his fears of losing his newspaper job.
As you know, newspapers are on shaky ground these days.
Newspapers in large cities are closing one after another.
This journalist has so far survived several lay offs ... Views: 1339
Surrounding yourself with supportive people who don't drain your energy is important no matter what you're trying to accomplish in life, whether it's building a business or raising children.
Attracting the right people into your life is like having the right teammates on a football team; ... Views: 1496
Have you ever noticed how sneaky procrastination can be??
It’s incredibly easy to ‘fool’ ourselves into thinking we’re
being productive - but at the end of the day we find we’ve
gotten precious little done.
Have you ever found yourself surfing the internet, watching
TV, doing housework ... Views: 1283
All it takes is *one* small step....
Start with the smallest of your desires and work up from
Well, success creates self empowerment, which in turn
creates even more success. This extra success creates even
MORE self empowerment which in turn creates significantly
more ... Views: 1172
Last week, you learned some of the basic tips to use to get the most out of using subliminal videos to change your subconscious way of thinking. You learned that the videos should be relatively short, that you should repeat them at least twice a day for a month, and that you need to rest your ... Views: 1989
The concept of subliminal videos has been around for a while now. Most people understand the basic principal of how they work. An image or message is flashed on the screen too quickly for your conscious mind to register having seen it. The human subconscious, however, sees and hears ... Views: 1885
A few decades ago, advertisers decided to give subliminal videos a try in advertising. Most people have at least heard of this. The advertiser would show a commercial or series of images on the TV, but intersperse the longer seen images with a quick flash of the product. It was placed in such ... Views: 1546
Everyone dreams of success in one way or another. Unfortunately, those who don’t know the power of positive affirmations often think that success is out of their reach. With positive affirmations, however, you will find that anything is possible. Most people know the story of the little ... Views: 1642
Positive Daily Affirmations and the Law of Attraction
By now, most people know the basics of positive daily affirmations. These are sayings you repeat to yourself in order to program your subconscious mind into changing your view of the world. The harder part to understand is how they work ... Views: 1422
How Positive Daily Affirmations Work
Everywhere you look today, you will find some mention of positive daily affirmations. Most people understand the basics of them. Affirmations are short, positive statements that you say to yourself on a daily basis. They are designed with a sort of ... Views: 1237
There are many positive thinking exercises that people use to get the best results out of the time spent working on their way of thinking. Some of these exercises are physical, while others of them are mental. You will find several physical based exercises in this article. In the next ... Views: 1208
You have heard about positive thinking tips, but don’t necessarily know what hey are or what they can do. Everyone has been somewhere where one person seems to stand out. They aren’t necessarily the leader or the biggest person in the room, but everyone looks to them for advice, or they will ... Views: 1119
Positive daily affirmations can be powerful for helping you achieve a positive outlook on life. The most important thing to remember about them is that they all have common components in them. If you look at some positive daily affirmations and take one at random, you will be able to analyze ... Views: 1506
Last week, you learned about some of the fundamental aspects for good positive thinking exercises. These all revolved around happiness and good thinking: making positive time, allowing yourself some joy, and looking at the bright side. This week will be about implementing those concepts in ... Views: 1272
One of the most important positive thinking exercises that you can use is daily affirmations. However, these affirmations aren’t the only thing you should use to help improve your way of thinking. By nature, most people tend to think in the negative, since that is what life seems to throw at ... Views: 1182
Life can be difficult sometimes. How is it that some people around you can have such a positive outlook on life no matter what the circumstances? They probably have a set of positive thinking tips that they use on a daily basis. These tips are how they continue to enjoy a glowing outlook on ... Views: 1278
Affirmations for success are a very powerful force that can change the way that your life is going right now. These simple, yet powerful statements program your subconscious mind into seeing the things around you in the way that you want them to be seen. The most obvious example of this is to ... Views: 1471
Men are expected, by most people, to be strong and commanding in virtually all aspects of their life. Have you ever wondered how some of these men seem to stand out among their peers? The use of positive daily affirmations is the most likely reason for this. By using and practicing positive ... Views: 10726
It is an easy thing in the abstract to understand what positive affirmations are, and how positive thinking tips can help you. But knowing exactly how to break down the process can help you understand exactly what you are trying to accomplish. Affirmations are not just for feeling good. They ... Views: 1261
Positive daily affirmations have been a popular subject with people lately. You can find places all over the internet that will give you good examples of these affirmations. However, it can be a bit more difficult finding information on exactly what positive daily affirmations actually are. ... Views: 1298
For today’s woman, the right set of positive daily affirmations can affect every aspect of their lives. While women are capable of doing anything they want to in life, it is often necessary for a woman to give her own self-esteem a bit of a boost. That is why it is important for a woman to ... Views: 3210
Everyone knows that positive daily affirmations can help in many different aspects of life. They can help you become successful, rich, happy, and more. What you may not know is that you can use positive daily affirmations to help your relationships. It doesn’t matter the state of your ... Views: 1346
Affirmations for success can help you become extremely successful in anything you do. An affirmation is a statement that you repeat to yourself to embed it into your subconscious. Most of the time, affirmations for success are used for work, but can be applied to just about anything in life. ... Views: 1460
Everyone has been in a room where one person seems to stand out. They aren’t necessarily the leader or the biggest person in the room, but everyone will look to them for advice, or they will want to talk to that person, just to be close to them. Standing back, you may see that they aren’t ... Views: 1249
Getting what we want in life can seem like a very difficult task to accomplish. What’s more, most people believe that they have no control over how well they do in life. This is an untruth! You can completely control how you live your life, and how successful you become from it. All it takes ... Views: 1642
The power of positive thinking is something that has been under rated, but has been commonly used for centuries. Anyone who has ever achieved anything in life has gotten it by the using their own set of positive thinking tips. World leaders have used them, business executives use them, and ... Views: 1884
What is success? Success is the achievement of a desired goal. Unfortunately, that definition is quite lacking. If you decide that you want to eat dinner at 5 o’clock, and you do, does that make you a success? Most people would say that no, that doesn’t make you a success. But, they can’t ... Views: 1066
Willpower is a powerful weapon to have in your personal arsenal. With enough willpower, it is possible to survive traumatic experiences that most people wouldn’t think it was possible to survive from. For example, if you get into a car crash, you can just give up and let yourself go, or you ... Views: 1443