When you engage and collaborate with people - you both grow!
What I have learnt from my experience over the years as a consultant / small business entrepreneur can be summed up in the following statement: You have to build a relationship with your clients and you have to form partnerships ... Views: 704
Ask yourself: what is the essence I want my work to be. Is it simply a vehicle to make the most money possible? Or is it a means to provide the best product solutions at the best possible price.
If you are ill and need an operation, would you rather the knife be in the hand of a surgeon ... Views: 563
Your long term happiness and success as an entrepreneur depends on your ability to adopt and integrate your business lifestyle around your own unique personality.
Success does not fall from the sky. It is a result of both hard-thinking and hard-working. I have learnt over the years that ... Views: 585
The two most important principles to which I have committed myself is to be 1. TRUSTWORTHY and 2. THE BEST.
Every entrepreneur likes to think he is trustworthy and “the best”, but it is far easier said than practiced.
TRUST is the description for a broad number of principles that falls in ... Views: 780
To be the best at what you do has to be an important principle in your life. To continually improve your skill level and not settle for second best is what makes you competitive.
If you look at the lives of successful businessmen and read their biographies, you’ll see a common trait. Yes, ... Views: 1197
Despite the bad news we so often hear about the number of small businesses closing or moving, the news really isn't all that bad.
Thousands of small businesses startup every year, and a good percentage of those companies have learned what it really takes to survive the early startup years and ... Views: 749
There are many aspects towards creating a successful business or thriving in your current business, but on the top of the list should be keeping your vision alive and yourself motivated regardless of the struggles and obstacles you have to face.
If you don’t truly believe in yourself or your ... Views: 612
There are many answers to this question. But a wider perspective I want to take in my blog also includes the question: what defines great business leaders.
This is an important question to ask because it relates to a code of conduct or principles we all live by. We all know that people of ... Views: 1016
Do you have the ability to do what needs to be done, without influence from other people or situations?
How many people, do you think, are self-motivated enough to find a reason and strength to complete a task, even when challenging, without giving up or needing another to encourage ... Views: 1138
SELF-BELIEF is a character trait any entrepreneur must have to experience sustained success in their business. Yet many people overlook it.
When the question is asked: What are the qualities I need to be successful in my business, you will find that many of the experts will list the ... Views: 744
Do you know what is driving you? Why are you working so hard and doing so much to get what you want? Do you know your purpose for being here?
It seems strange that most of the time we go through life without any real purpose of our own. At times we do achieve great things and have the ... Views: 784
A wise person once said that you will not meet the ‘right’ person to marry one day until you yourself become the ‘right’ person.
True words indeed. Similarly, I believe that it also applies to business. You cannot have a successful (‘right’) business until you yourself acquire similar ... Views: 584
Have you noticed that successful entrepreneurs seem to know what makes them tick....
they know what they want and they know how to get there.
Only once you truly know yourself, will you be able to fully tap into your strengths & abilities each day, regardless of negative people and ... Views: 1005
Business success CAN be yours, but it is your personal responsibility. There is a saying… “If it is to be, then it is up to me”
Success in business is not an accident or luck… It is a choice! So many people look at the doctor, the lawyer practise or the restaurant owner and think “look at the ... Views: 780
When you are down and depressed and days feel like a burden to live, you tend to think that that is all there is to life. When you are on the ninth cloud and everything seems bright and promising, you feel that it is going to last forever. But nothing lasts forever. The moment comes and your ... Views: 1010