Let's Share a Dream
Sharing in someone elses dream can be one of the most rewarding event in your life.
Everyone has dreams, which they wish to become a reality. Sometimes they need the appreciation, encouragement and actual input to make that dream a reality. We all do.
However ... Views: 1408
Overcoming Anxiety
For a long time I have struggled with episodes of anxiety. At times, I’ve gotten a feeling of crushing fear that occurs even in situations that most people consider to be safe.
The first episodes I remember were from my early childhood, when I was so frightened that I ... Views: 1103
The Akashic Records
The Akashic Records are said to be the universal library of all events and responses concerning consciousness in all realities.
Everything that has ever happened is happening and can happen is recored in the akashic Records.
Every life form therefore contributes and ... Views: 1622
Signs Your Guides Are Communicating With You
When a person dies, many things can happen to them. A deceased person has the ability to come back to Earth without taking a physical form. They do this for a lot of reasons but mostly they are attempting to pass along a message.
As they have ... Views: 973
The Journey Of Life
The journey of life ultimately comes down to who we are, every step we take is related to everything that’s within. We all come into the world with a certain psychology, one that’s made of the same components as everyone else.
Life gives different situations to ... Views: 978
Astral Telepathy ESP Meditative Exercise
This is a Meditative Energy Exercise to Stimulate Physical and Astral (out of body, while soul traveling) Telepathy and ESP .
Ideally, first practice this in a deep meditation state, you can later on do it while relaxing. Turn off all lights, ... Views: 1654
Retirement Of The Mind Is Meditation
Retirement makes people tired…really fast.
People really do not know what they want to do after retirement! Most of them have plans of travel and other exotic vacation. But after a year or two they start withering away. Spending time becomes single ... Views: 998
Your Last Chance - Do You Take The Blue Pill Or The Red Pill?
These are the prophetic end times, as per The Revelations, which has all come to a head this year, and a lot more turmoil to come in the next few months, beyond most peoples comprehension.
Despite having been forewarned of these ... Views: 1022
The Art Of Channeling
Essentially channeling is a communication between a living person and a consciousness that is no longer in human form, we often think of channeling as the communication between the living and the dead, however we live in a multi dimensional universe where our physical ... Views: 1054
Awakening Consciousness
Awakening is a process towards self-discovery that we are so much more that we perceive to be. An awakening of higher consciousness is a shift to the potential that we all have and it is in knowing the value of growth and self-actualization.
We all have a plan and ... Views: 947
Pure Consciousness
Pure consciousness is life within you beyond mind. You, as a mind come out pure consciousness. Pure consciousness is part of God within you.
The nature of mind is to think thoughts, create ideas, imagination, evaluate, divide, analyse and so on, while the nature of ... Views: 1252
Seeing Things In A New Light - This Can Change Everything
“The way we see the problem is the problem.”
You need more than natural light to live a truly successful life
If we can just see things in a new light … in an elevated way … it will make all the difference.
In a real ... Views: 1310
The Purity Of Intent
Here is a suggested Code of Conduct that transcends all social, religious, scientific and political beliefs while bridging the gap between the mainstream and the miraculous.
The Code is specifically designed to empower you so that you can bring fulfillment into your ... Views: 2929
Open Our Heart
We need to TRUST enough to open our heart again.
It is impossible for us to fulfill our purpose and reason for being on Earth with a closed heart, and yet, the majority of people all over the planet have closed their Heart to some degree with each and every painful ... Views: 1067
Knowing Into Experience
Life is a process by which the soul turns Knowing into Experiencing, and when what you have known and experienced becomes a felt reality, that process is complete.
Awareness is achieved by Knowing and Experiencing which produces Feeling. whereupon you reach a place ... Views: 956
Helpful Hints on Developing Mediumship and Channeling
The development of mediumship requires, time, rather hard work, study, and, above all, patience. Despite what so many weekend intensives may promise, there is nothing "instant" about mediumship.
If you are interested in developing ... Views: 1011
Why Seek Inspirational Mediumship?
For thousands of years, Spirit has come forward, through a variety of channels, and communicated to us regarding the wonders and mysteries of life, death, birth, and creation. They have, also, come forward and warned us to be weary of the times and to change ... Views: 881
Manifest Your Dreams
Developing a positive mindset is one of the most powerful life strategies there is. Using powerful positive thinking techniques, visualisations and positive affirmations, it is possible to achieve whatever you want. Professionals and business people can use these ... Views: 1330
Safety in Communication
Pay attention to what is in your heart center—if the energy of an entity contacting you feels good and right, then it probably is. If it doesn’t feel right, then pay attention to that and withdraw from the contact.
When you withdraw, always withdraw with honor and ... Views: 1193
Ten Life Changes You Can’t Avoid on the Path of Awakening
1 ) Healing Your Relationship with your Parents & Family
It’s vital we revisit our youth and childhood, to do deep healing and clearing work. Many of us have experienced great traumas in our youth, and these traumas need our loving ... Views: 1150
The Whole Person Concept
Too often, we forget that a person is made up of more stuff that we show gratitude and appreciation for. I have never known the days when it was standard to look at each person as a Whole Person.
That might sound a bit odd – BUT – think about it a moment…
How do ... Views: 12326
Happiness Is Not A Result of Our Environment
Our Environment Is A Result of Our Happiness
We have the power and the right to be Happy in each moment of time no matter what challenges we are going through. We can be Happy and successful, regardless of problems and setbacks.
Our ... Views: 1480
My Journey With Light
This story is about my experiences of what light really means in my life.
How my understanding of light has grown over the years and is ongoing.
I remember the first time at school using a prism and being fascinated by the refractured light of what I thought was ... Views: 1299
So You Want To Be A Channeler Too?
No problem. Spend the early part of your life learning how to be ultra-aware and sensitive to what others are thinking and feeling, often before they are aware of it themselves.
Develop the ability to be awake to and aware of every little thing you do. Read ... Views: 1804
Do You Use Affirmations?
Daily affirmations are a powerful way to take control of certain things in your life.
Take a little time to think about what you are struggling with at the moment and what powerful words you want to use to affirm you are changing it.
You might be going ... Views: 1457
We can use these five steps if we have a problem of any kind for which we desire a solution or wish for help.
First Step :- Pray and meditate about it. Use the Prayers of Manifestation as they have the greatest power. Then remain in the silence of ... Views: 1322
My Experience of Higher Consciousness
Over the years I have strived to learn from spiritual leaders and teachers what higher consciousness is and how to incorporate it into my life. This has taken many different forms through learning about life force ( otherwise known as ki, chi or prahna), ... Views: 1212