Our lives are filled with lots of repetition and routine. It's common for many of us feel numb and bored from time to time.
Perhaps you have asked yourself questions like these:
Why has there been little change in my life over the past weeks or months? Why is it that I'm no longer excited ... Views: 838
We often strive to create healthy and satisfying relationships. But sometimes, despite how much we may try, we're unable to do so. When this happens, here are four things we can do to bring our best selves to our relationships, and in turn, bring about the positive change we seek.
Get to Know ... Views: 776
Overcoming Your Negative Inner Dialogue.
I can almost guarantee that you've held yourself back in some way. More likely than not, there is some aspect of yourself you've restricted or some part of your life that you've not been willing to fully embrace. I can say this because I've yet to come ... Views: 780
I've learned a LOT about leadership while growing my business. I cannot say these have been easy lessons. I've probably made every mistake in the book. I've been too hands off. I've been too rigid. My standards have - at times - been out of reach. In those moments, I've let my frustration get ... Views: 884
I listen for a living. Over the years, I've developed my ability to listen into what people say and - sometimes more importantly - what they don't say. My ability to listen closely to my clients is a big part of how I help them get the results they seek.
Really listening to what people say ... Views: 1786
When I went to high school my teachers had it backwards. Instead of helping their students to develop the right thinking necessary to solve a problem, they simply encouraged them to have the right answer to a problem. Their answer-based rather than thought-based focus of education amplified my ... Views: 1156
Note from Kate
I don’t think that we can learn enough about communication. It's a tool that's essential to every part of our lives. The way we communicate has the potential to motivate people to action or to tears. It has the potential to mend fences or to put helpful fences in place. In ... Views: 1649
I learned after years of working my tail off that if I did not take care of myself one of two things was going to happen. Either I was going to lose my health or I was going to lose in terms of my results. Self-care became my battle cry where as before I would sneer a little bit at people that ... Views: 1767
The day that I reached the 300k mark in my business I didn’t feel happy. I had been frequently attending fancy events staying in fancy hotels – you know the kind with really large water features, perfect gardens, and extremely polite staff – the kind who say “can I do anything else for you miss” ... Views: 1916
I am not on top of the latest and greatest news the way that some people seem to be. I have a tendency to get things a little later than hot off the presses. However, I happened to watch the Bruce Jenner interview pretty much as soon as it was available. It was a fluke really. While I am very ... Views: 1288
You have probably heard me say this a bunch by now but your life is what you make it. If it is lacking passion then, it is your job to bring it back. Sometimes, this requires a mental shift. Sometimes, this requires taking action to create more of what we want in our external life. A little of ... Views: 1682
Like many of the personal development terms that have become common in our vernacular, life purpose is something that many people talk about and feel they should have and often times wonder how they would know if they had it.
While some people might think of life purpose in terms of fate or ... Views: 973
This week I want to talk about personal power and empowerment. What does it mean be in your power? What gets you there, what holds you there, and what gets you off track? When you know more about these dynamics you are able to harness really deep forces for creation and transformation.
What ... Views: 1315
Relationships are the one of the most rewarding and challenging parts of our life. There are types of personal development that we are unable to do unless we are in relationship and there are ways that relationships push us to do work that we would not be otherwise motivated to do.
One of ... Views: 1338
Returning to Love in a Conflict Situation
It is often the case that the people we love most are those that we have the worst conflicts with. Our most intimate relationships can touch upon our deepest places of hurt, mistrust and wounding often leading to misunderstandings, distance or ... Views: 957
The story goes like this: Eighteen hours before my plane is going to leave for Jamaica, I discover that I cannot find my passport anywhere. I spend the next 10 hours turning my house upside down and still no passport. I was calm at the beginning. Of course it will show up I thought. It really ... Views: 1156
Living our purpose is the key to fulfillment. Creating both an inner and outer positive impact through living our life purpose will take you beyond what you might have seen as possible. When stepping into your purpose this way, you experience a depth of meaning and harmony. You become less ... Views: 1175
Many of us believe that we should “just know how” to relate in ways that bring us happiness. However, creating healthy and fulfilling relationships is an art and a practice. Before we get into some tools for creating more fulfilling relationships take a moment to look at some of the components ... Views: 964
Knowing what you want is only part of the process in living the life that you dream of. The transformation really begins when you can start to translate what you want into radical honesty in each moment - honesty with yourself and with everyone in your life.
Once we have connected to our ... Views: 1138
On my radio show last week, a woman called in and asked “How can I know what is the right way to move forward?” Which argument from her mind can she trust when she can make so many different arguments to go in one direction or another?
This is such a good question! Our minds can confuse us ... Views: 1684
I have to be honest about how I typically deal with my distaste for winter - I get the heck out and go somewhere warm! While I will be making some trips to warmer climates this winter, I still try to find ways to be happier and more at peace when I find myself wishing I had three jackets on ... Views: 1200
On the topic of intimacy many people might say, “What do we really mean by intimacy anyway?” Intimacy is both a familiarity with and a deep knowledge of another person. And in fact, the first person that we really need to be intimate with is ourselves. Our capacity to see and relate to another ... Views: 1195
I am not really one for New Year resolutions. I kind of think I need to be continually making changes and improvements throughout the year. However, this year, I cleaned closets, rearranged my kitchen, brought stuff to the Salvation Army, AND, of course fit in some time for both relaxation and ... Views: 1190