‘Tis the season for workplace wellness!
The holidays will be here before you know it, and as Halloween quickly turns into Thanksgiving, the open enrollment period for health insurance will begin for 2016.
From November 1st, 2015 through January 31, 2016, your employees will be thinking ... Views: 640
Hosting a successful fitness event is a huge undertaking, a massive challenge, and one of the most rewarding things you can do to serve your target audience.
Fitness events bring communities together while helping teams and families form lasting bonds that stretch beyond the office, the gym, ... Views: 723
Your family’s wellbeing is made up of many different facets, from physical health and nutrition to financial literacy and emotional intelligence.
But, have you considered including technology in your healthy living toolkit?
Technology has become an integral part of our lives, but it is ... Views: 726
In a previous case study article, I revealed how we increased employee wellness program participation for a large government agency by 69% in just a few years.
While there were many key action steps that contributed to our success, including the creation of consistent, congruous program ... Views: 948
Sometimes everything just falls into place.
That's how it has felt working with our current client, a large government agency with a multi-faceted workforce spread out across three states and five different locations.
But the warm and fuzzy feeling that comes from a wildly successful ... Views: 971
In a previous article, I revealed the #1 way to reduce the cost of employee healthcare in your company: by making your employees well.
The solution may sound simple, but it really does work. By providing your employees with exciting wellness options that involve the entire family, you can ... Views: 984
In the past year, many companies have felt the squeeze of rising healthcare costs due to new laws.
Providing healthcare for employees has always been expensive, but in light of recent changes, employers are scrambling for ways to reduce rising healthcare costs while keeping their employees ... Views: 930
Last month I revealed 5 effective ways to increase sign-up’s and participation in your Employee Wellness Program.
This month, you’ll learn how to move beyond the initial sign-up, and ensure that interest and participation in your program only grows stronger with time. After all, it’s much ... Views: 928
As we're thrust deeper into the holiday season with thoughts focused on the New Year, a great temptation is about to rear its ugly head.
No, it's not the temptation of yet another batch of holiday cookies. It's the impossible-to-resist pull to set unrealistic, Herculean goals for 2015.
And ... Views: 945
‘Tis the season to be grateful – for your family, your friends, your work and your health. But as we near the end of the year and take stock of all the good things in our lives, don’t forget to spend some time appreciating yourself.
During this busy time of year, it can be more challenging ... Views: 766