Living our purpose is the key to fulfillment. Creating both an inner and outer positive impact through living our life purpose will take you beyond what you might have seen as possible. When stepping into your purpose this way, you experience a depth of meaning and harmony. You become less afraid of outcome and more able to face difficult truths. You become this way because you are doing exactly what you are best able to do.

Each and every one of us will not feel satisfied or fulfilled in our lives until we understand the power we hold. For example, if I go to work and believe my actions and interactions are meaningless regardless of what my job is, this will have a negative effect on how I perceive my life and how much meaning it has. Or, if I perceive myself as a victim in all circumstances, feeling as though the world sets me up to knock me down and shy away from actions that might prove otherwise. As a result, I am likely to create situations that prove I am at the mercy of the world. This perspective will leave me blaming others, feeling resentful, and feeling stuck.

On the other hand, if I see my actions, regardless of my situation, as having the potential to have a positive impact and to be within my control, I will feel more positive about my life, more excited by my choices, and, ultimately, more deeply fulfilled and satisfied. More than that, if I see a situation that is dangerous, negative, or hurtful, I will feel it is possible for me to take action in a positive way. As a result, I will see even more positive effects and will likely find it easier to face even more challenging circumstances in a more positive way. This makes a profound difference in my life and the lives of others.

Think of this in terms of your life's purpose. In order to move toward your life purpose you will need to feel as though what you are doing makes a difference, that you are capable of making a difference at least in your own life. Otherwise, there is no reason to bother.

Whatever it is that you feel passionately about, you can do it! You were meant to do that thing more than anything else. Think about yourself in the terms that Alan Watts used: "You are the perfect expression of the universe exactly where you are in this moment." Or, as Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote: "The eye was placed where one ray should fall, that it might testify of that particular ray."

When you begin to see yourself as a being who is connected organically to the rest of the world, whose personal wants are whispers of the universe, then you can begin to see your work as imperative, but less personally driven. Of course, because you are doing exactly what you want to do, you benefit as well. Following what you love and exploring the ideas and options that emerge is a great way to hone your ability to envision a different future for yourself and others.

The thing is, people often think that there is some secret to finding out what they really love. However, this is not the case. The biggest thing that you need to do is pay attention to when you are feeling good. If you have not felt good in a while, then think about a time when you were happy -even if it means thinking back to when you were a kid. Want to build on this? Think of a time that you lost track of time because you were so engrossed in an activity. These are the cues that show you your purpose.

The following questions that get you to think outside of the limitations you have placed on yourself are also helpful in getting clear on your purpose.
If money were no issue, how would you spend your time? Or, if you could do anything, what would your ideal day look like? One of my favorites, is list people you are jealous of and why. (The why is something you want more of in your life.)

The fact of the matter is that once you know what you love, the key is doing as much of it as possible. It is when we do more of what we love that we uncover and clarify our purpose as well as make our lives much more fulfilled. Sometimes, it can feel a bit overwhelming or out of reach to bring what we love into our life. So, start small. Small, consistent changes make a huge difference over time. Set goals for yourself. So, you can be clear about and proud of your progress as you bring in more and more of what you want.

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Kate Siner has been on NBC, ABC, Fox, and other major networks affiliates speaking on fulfillment and success. She has been featured and quoted in numerous journals, magazines, as well as online resources. She is founder of Dr. Kate Inc. and hosts her own radio show Real Answers each week. Tune into this week's hour of Real Answers Radio as Dr. Kate discusses how to tap into your passion and purpose and most importantly, how to take that passion and use it to craft more and more pleasure, happiness and deep satisfaction in all that you do.