Whether you plan to write an online best seller e-book author or a more traditional book, you will have to finish that book before you actually get anywhere. No matter how good your intentions you may find it near impossible to get your book done unless you are aware of on fact; distractions abound.
The reality is there are just so many distractions in the world that it becomes impossibly difficult for anyone to get any writing done if they let these distractions get the better of them.
So if you are a writer looking to craft a bestselling work of art, make sure to step around these annoying little distractions
Personal issues
Every best selling author definitely has a few skeletons in the closet, and they sometimes serve to inspire a surprise best seller. Most of the time, however, personal issues get in the way of focusing and getting things done. The writer's inspiration depends on his or her muse, which can so easily be affected by events in the course of living out life. Breakups, academic or professional failures, and other similar issues can affect your drive to write. This is why you should learn how to get them under control. Although it may be difficult, you are well served to learn to separate your professional and personal lives and get the job done.
Writers need inspiration, but TV, movies, video games and even other books rarely help in the writing process. A couple of minutes of relaxation is nothing bad, but getting these relaxing moments every five minutes only helps to muddle the mind and shift your focus away from your writing. Dedicate separate time to work and play, and you should be able to handle writing without breaking your concentration.
Many an aspiring author say they have to be inspired. You will likely find most truly successful authors have the discipline to write even when they are not fully inspired. The simple act of writing can be the catalyst for the inspiration.
There is a time and place for editing and critiquing, but the writing process is not the ideal place for letting your obsessive-compulsive perfectionism take root. A bestselling author needs to come up with a bestseller before anything else, which is why you need to focus on creating a book before creating a best seller. Just let your mind wander freely, scribbling and getting ideas down, and leave the polishing when you actually have something substantial to polish.
Trying to have the perfect manuscript is likely to reap no manuscript. Just get started.
Marketing your book can be very challenging for many authors. Some live in the fairytale belief that all they need to do is write the book and it will somehow sell itself.
On the flipside there are those who stress out over the marketing of their book. Although an absolute necessity, don't get too distracted while you are writing your book with the details of marketing.
However, if you have your systems in place with marketing, you can do the writing and marketing simultaneously.
One last thing: do not get too obsessed with becoming a best selling author right off the bat. You have to realize that very few authors get everything right the first time around, especially since it takes a lot of practice in the art of writing to carve your name into the bestseller lists.
While other people may argue otherwise, substantial and engaging writing is still one of the key ingredients to becoming a best selling author - and being one for a long, long time to come.
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