Rob White is The Official Guide to "Empowerment". You can find complete information on Rob White and his products by visiting
Sometimes it's important to look at things through the eyes of a child. That way, we are able to see life and our experiences in a simpler way--without being complicated. If we search too deeply and try to explain concepts philosophically, we tend to get lost and forget what we really want to ... Views: 3851
Do you have internal rules about how you expect the people in your life to treat you? Are you comfortable speaking up for yourself when someone crosses one of those lines? Are you able to say no when you don't want to participate in something you've been asked to consider? Your ... Views: 2616
Acceptance simply means "EMBRACING WHAT IS". Acknowledging the "what is"......may include yourself, your spouse, significant other, job, house, health or a set of circumstances. With ACCEPTANCE, we embrace PEACE. And, it's in this peace that miracles happen.
For those of us that thrive on ... Views: 4512
I've heard it said that by the end of January, over 90% of individuals who make New Years resolutions don't remember what they were. Why is this so?
People are often sincere, however, they are not yet in the right place for big changes in their lives. Many others want to continue same ... Views: 2723
It Is Up To You
So, you want to get promoted. The possibility really lies in your own hands. Remember the trite but true saying, “If it is to be, it is up to me!”
Don’t wait for things to happen. Set yourself apart from the crowd and make things happen.
Most people look outward for success. ... Views: 3198
At 211 degrees, water is hot.
At 212 degrees, it boils.
And with boiling water, comes steam.
And with steam, you can power a train.
One degree. Applying one extra degree of temperature to water means the
difference between something that is simply very hot and something that
generates ... Views: 1625
We are ALWAYS at CHOICE. Sounds simple. For many things, this is an easy and empowering concept to embrace. Someone asks you out to dinner. Do you really want to go? You decide "yes" or "no". You're at choice. Someone asks you to do something you DON'T want to do. Again, you're at choice..."yes" ... Views: 3560
During this holiday season if you find yourself facing difficulties in regard to your business, or possibly struggling to meet financial obligations, perhaps the challenge is giving you an opportunity to develop emotional strength. While most individuals perceive success as something tangible, ... Views: 1445
I have a white cat named Frankie that thinks he's a dog. He walks around the block with me like a dog. He eats dog food. And when I clap my hands and say, "come on boy" he comes running. Amazingly when dogs come up to him he doesn't run away. And strangely enough dogs never chase him. While I ... Views: 1443
There was a time in most of our lives when we had no fear—that feeling when we jumped from the jungle gym and slammed our little bodies to the ground. Perhaps it was when we went on our first roller coaster, or when we were in high school or college and felt that there was nothing we couldn’t ... Views: 1243
According to Hale Dwoskin, author of The Sedona Method, our relationship problems stem from need, not love. we are really looking for love in all the wrong places and in all the wrong ways, he says. Love gets mixed up with or covered over by other feelings, and therein lie such problems ... Views: 989
What is it about change that makes us uneasy. What is it about the thought of being alone that keeps spouses together when one finds the other cheating? What is it about a new job that keeps people at jobs where they can't advance or will never get ahead? What is it about new challenges ... Views: 753
Almost everyone has experienced at least one harrowing event in which they felt they might have died. An automobile accident or near accident, a fall, an illness. A car speeding past them careening off the road while they were walking along. A kitchen towel you were holding just started to ... Views: 1062
The tiny dogwood sapling was only a twig when my motherplanted it years ago. At age four, with a red wagon andbucket, I was happy to carry water to anything thatgrew, even to the full grown, flowering apple trees inmy grandfather's orchard.
Thrilled with the promise of a flowering dogwood, ... Views: 1105
Napoleon Hill, best known for his book "Think & Grow Rich" itemized the twelve components to true wealth as follows:
1. A Positive Mental Attitude
2. Sound Physical Health
3. Harmony in Human Relationships
4. Freedom from Fear
5. The Hope of Future Achievement
6. The Capacity for Applied ... Views: 2463
In our striving to succeed, we set goals. Common goals like earn more money, build a bigger business, lose some weight, remodel or build that home, buy that boat or car, get more time off. I call these goals “common” because we boil our definition of success down to the same goals everyone else ... Views: 1394
Can you recall a time where you utilized silence to make a point? If you can consciously recall, you probably know your silence made more than just a point; it made an exclamation point ... and without a single word preceding it. Now that's powerful.
Silence is a widely-known, but rarely ... Views: 2216
Beyond food and shelter, our next greatest need is to matter.
-David J. Walker
What can I do? Where do I start? How do you matter?
What would our contribution be, in some way, to making a difference? How would we go about helping the life of another person? How can we best help ourselves? ... Views: 929
To our past ancestors, the animal held great spiritual power and symbolic meaning. In Native American culture, mythology and ancient civilizations, each animal is embodied with its own symbolic meaning and held its own unique spiritual power.
A particular animal crossing your path had deep ... Views: 1035
(Adopted from Guide to Intuitive Healing by Judith Orloff,M.D.)
Growing up, my girlfriends couldn't wait to hit the shopping malls and go to parties, the bigger the better--but I didn't share their excitement. I always felt overwhelmed, exhausted around large groups of people, though I was ... Views: 810
Who is in charge of my life?
If I was in charge, would I not achieve
at least those things that are attainable through effort?
It's one thing to give away to destiny and unknown forces,
those things where other forces have say,
but what about those things that simply require effort?
Is it ... Views: 8092
There is a problem with the majority of success minded
individuals way of approaching success. It^s not a complex
problem, but the intensity of it is enormous. What I mean is
most people have a success block or barrier that hinders any
action for victory. The solution, however, is simple. ... Views: 1216
Our world today seems to be too busy for our own good. Day after day is a balancing act with tons of demands on your time such as working, personal relationships and maintaining your health just to name a few. With all these priorities, a very important area of life gets put on the back burner. ... Views: 966
“The heavens themselves, the planets and this center,
Observe degree, priority and place
Office and custom, in all line of order “
– Shakespeare, Troilus and Cressida, Act I, sc. 3, 1.85
“There are no accidents.”
- Alan Walter
Everything you did today, everything you have ... Views: 1169
The way you feel about yourself impacts how and why you do everything in life. If you feel good about who you are, then what you do will be an outside reflection of your innermost thoughts and feelings. Contrary to popular belief, self-esteem is not something anyone or any accomplishment can ... Views: 4059
Installment #16
Say “Cheese” for the Cosmic Camera
For over 20 years, David Hawkins M.D., Ph.d and author of Power vs. Force*, researched human energy fields. A psychiatrist since 1952, he established that each of our emotions has a specific value. His research “involved millions of ... Views: 1898
Lie #7: The Devil wants you to believe that he’s stronger than God. I heard a lady say one time that she wouldn’t pray out loud because she was afraid that the devil would intercept her prayer before it got to God. That’s giving the devil more power than God, and that’s a mistake.
Lie #6: ... Views: 5907
Last month I was on another adventure, fishing Dog Lake in Northern Ontario. That trip really brought home to me the power of the Law of Attraction.
I have been reading about and practicing the Law of Attraction for several years now. It started with Lynn Grabhorn’s book, Excuse Me, Your Life ... Views: 1565
As I let go of all damaging beliefs about myself and others, I feel free.
Today, I visited my mind. It hosted many people in one big mansion. You know what I am talking about -- the committee up there. A judge, a worrier, a complainer, my mom and dad, my brother and even the nun ... Views: 1281
“What you need to do is to have some fun,” a therapist friend of mine told me last month. I wasn’t there as his client, but I could be, if that sort of conversation continues. You see, I’d just had what I call “fun”, in visiting with him. He’s funny, he listens to me, he has interesting ... Views: 7508
Turn Up Your Light installments are excerpts from my forthcoming book, The Passage to Freedom. There is no cost to you. Please accept them only if you want them. If not, click Reply, ask to be removed, and presto, tis done! If you have received this as a forward, and want to receive installments ... Views: 991
Turn Up Your Light installments are excerpts from my forthcoming book, The Passage to Freedom. There is no cost to you. Please accept them only if you want them. If not, click Reply, ask to be removed, and presto, tis done! If you have received this as a forward, and want to receive installments ... Views: 1101
These installments are excerpts from my forthcoming book, The Passage to Freedom. There is no cost to you. Please accept them only if you want them. If not, click "Reply", ask to be removed, and presto, tis done! If you have received this as a forward, and want to receive installments directly ... Views: 1112
I have never failed to bring into my experience my visualizations as long as I used the three keys I am going to share with you here: clarity, passion, and intention.
I can still feel the warmth and softness of the leather gloves as I slipped them on my hands.
I had a night class. The ... Views: 5597
The big yellow school bus is coming down my road again. The neighborhood kids seem happy. The dogs are not. The kids are no longer around during the day and Jersey is going to drop a little weight without all the treats they have been bringing her this summer. I must admit that when I see the ... Views: 1267
This isn’t the story about the four blind men and the elephant, this is the story of me looking at that 6 ton elephant in the zoo, tethered to that tiny stake, and wondering why on earth she doesn’t break loose. Instead she rocks back and forth when it should take an electric fence, iron bars, ... Views: 1185
When is it time to change? When you become aware of dissatisfaction in your life. What causes people to examine how they got caught up in their present situation? Often a word from a friend—not always a kind word either—a book you read, a speaker you heard. It begins when it occurs to you there ... Views: 4534
Get honest and focused about what you really want. This will bring clarity to where it is best to put your time, energy, and resources. You must also face the fact that the biggest obstacle on your way to achieving success is you. Brian Tracy said,"The potential of the average person is like a ... Views: 1185
Mother Theresa. How would you describe her? Compassionate? Kind?
That’s not what people who knew her said. In my Strengths course, I ask the learners to name the major strength of different well-known people. Here’s what Pamela Sheppard replied: “The standard is compassion, but, having ... Views: 1834
If you’ve been reading about Emotional Intelligence, the Catch-22 has probably occurred to you: Since EQ begins with self-awareness, the people who have the worst EQ are also going to be the worst at assessing their own.
Top EQ performers, said Daniel Goleman, Ph.D. (author of “Emotional ... Views: 1096
If you’d like to know one of the biggest pitfalls of life and how to avoid it remember one axiom, Substance over Illusion.
You see it all around you, the flashy sports cars, the designer clothes,and the latest greatest gadgets. Being trendy is in. It always has been.
One ... Views: 1511
At a recent outing, a woman seated near us lit a cigarette. My 7 year-old-son commented to her, “Smoking is bad for you.” At which the woman replied, “Yes, so make sure you never start.”
Every day you wake up, you make literally hundreds of choices. You choose your mood and your attitude. You ... Views: 1086
What do you do when you don’t know the language or customs? That’s when your EQ, or Emotional Intelligence, comes in handy.
On my recent tour to Russia, the people in large cities (Moscow, Saint Petersburg) knew English, but not in the small villages (Yaroslavl, Uglich).
I thought I’d pick ... Views: 1386
Relationships come and go. Some flourish. Some flop. Why?
One person has a business. Another person has the same type business. One business thrives. The other falls short. Why?
The Answer: Heart Failure
This is not the same type of heart failure as your physical body experiences – but it ... Views: 1151
As a hypnotherapist, I have people come to me who want to improve their lives. Many of them succeed with their goals. But some of them aren't ready for the change they think that they want. For instance, I had a client who wanted to stop smoking. He quit with very little problem, but a couple of ... Views: 1057
The multitude of personal development programs available in the market is vast and overwhelming. How do we know which programs are right for us? What can we do to maximize the benefits of a self-improvement course? Here are three steps that I've discovered to be crucial in starting any ... Views: 2657
The Genius Of
Your Unconscious Mind…
How To Accelerate
Mastering Your Life
Alan Allard
“Your Unconscious Mind, Skillfully Directed
Can And Will, Transform The ‘Impossible’
The Possible
And The Possible
The Probable
And The Probable
Your ... Views: 6555
A few years ago I was having dinner at a Hollywood restaurant with several of my husband's childhood friends-- one of whom was a movie producer who owned the restaurant, and another was some big deal in the music industry. I gave meaning and importance to their glamorous titles. I decided that ... Views: 1077
‘With most people unbelief in one thing is founded upon blind belief in another.’
Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742-99)
At the start of 1954, the sporting world did not believe that a human being could run a mile in under four minutes. Such a feat was deemed impossible and beyond human ... Views: 10459