Are you and your spouse not seeing eye to eye on much anymore? Find out in this guide whether it's time for marriage therapy and get that spark back.
Staying in a long-term, committed relationship is one of the most difficult things human beings demand of themselves. When you live ... Views: 2215
For my birthday last year my wife made up a beautifully framed
picture of my name, and then underneath it she listed 32
positive qualities I possess. Needless to say, it was one of the
finest gifts I have ever received. Some of the qualities even
taught me about me. After that ... Views: 11567
In the "Anxiety Disorders" section of the manual entitled
"Diagnostic Criteria from DSM IV," which is used for the
diagnosis of mental health conditions, there are 12 anxiety
diagnoses covered.
The fifth, and what may appear to be a soft diagnosis, is Social
Phobia (Social Anxiety ... Views: 3089
A tremendous amount of stress occurs when you don't understand and accept your limitations. When you attempt to control something in life that is not within your sphere of influence how do you feel and react? What is it like for you to experience powerlessness?
Can you control another's ... Views: 2605
I've heard it said that by the end of January, over 90% of individuals who make New Years resolutions don't remember what they were. Why is this so?
People are often sincere, however, they are not yet in the right place for big changes in their lives. Many others want to continue same ... Views: 2723
The holidays bring grief to an all new height for those who are
suffering from losses or struggle with depression, anxiety,
chronic illness or other such disorders. This newsletter is for
those who suffer and for those who love them.
If it's a merry Christmas for you, please take a moment ... Views: 3155
I like to think that as a professional psychotherapist & coach, the space in which I work in my office is a smaller reflection of our much larger culture here in the USA.
Let me explain. Our culture is constantly on the move towards faster, more convenient ways of doing things. I'm caught ... Views: 2736
There I was, running around trying to juggle umpteen items
and doing only a fair job of it at best. There was my
therapy business, and I have been putting big pieces into
place to add coaching to my business along with having to
prepare a presentation for an annual convention. Then ... Views: 5441
I yawn, stretch my arms behind my head and stare at the ceiling. I've been in bed for a few minutes. Ahhh, the peaceful quiet all around. The room is dark. The kids are asleep. It's an expansive moment for my mind. My mind seems to fill the entire room.
Okay, it's been 20 minutes now. The ... Views: 4302
Ah yes, the you can just now begin to feel the cold bite in the air during the mornings and evenings. Soon the leaves will turn all sorts of brilliant colors. The autumn season is on it's way. I love the fall. It's my favorite season of the year.
Unfortunately, for many who suffer from a ... Views: 3795
Relationships in which one individual is depressed are ninetimes more likely to divorce. Wow, the normal divorce rateis already over 60% nationally! But, it's not always aspouse who is depressed, sometimes it is a child or anextended family member.
In this article, however, we'll be focusing ... Views: 4331
Don't worry, I'm not going to get in the pulpit but I willchallenge you to take an objective look at what faith maybe able to do for your depression. In doing so, we'll belooking at many people who use faith in different ways.
Did you know that someone who practices healing touch, suchas ... Views: 4255
Are you suffering from depression or a medical condition? Depression can be a symptom of an undiagnosed medical condition.
Decision trees are used in psychotherapy much like they are in other professions. At the top of the decision tree are always two items to rule out FIRST, before making a ... Views: 3328
I received a disturbing email this week. It's one of many on the same theme which I have received over time, so I knew it was time to address this issue. Here's the story.
A young lady's boyfriend went to see a doctor for depression. She shared with me that the doctor apparently said he has ... Views: 3114
Have you ever overheard people talking about couples that have been married for a very long time? One of things often said is how a couple will begin to look alike over time. How and why do you think this occurs?
This phenomenon parallels a tea bag being steeped in clear water. After a while ... Views: 2639
You have and will experience sadness. It might be the loss of a job, pet or a loved one. Yes, even a loved one. The trouble is, particularly here in the United States, we have a quick-fix for everything... why not sadness too?
Our quick-fix for sadness is that it's simply not allowed. Healthy ... Views: 3077