Rob White is The Official Guide to "Empowerment". You can find complete information on Rob White and his products by visiting
The lines are drawn. The savings account passbook lies between you, mute witness to the debate. Arms crossed, you stare at your (usually beloved) husband across the table. "A new dishwasher," you announce. "A new set of golf clubs" he retorts. "Huh!" you exclaim, "How can you be so selfish! At ... Views: 962
When it comes to taking control of our lives and making them what we want them to be, our FEELINGS are more important than our knowledge. Whether you understand and embrace the Law of Attraction or not, it is still working for you. It is a Universal law that you are powerless to escape. However, ... Views: 849
Skyrocket Personal Success – What the Experts Say
by Tom Nicoli, BCH, CI.
Ah, success. The word either creates a warm feeling or makes you feel scared to death. If it scares you, I believe it’s mainly because you don’t have the tools to become as successful as ... Views: 1107
As Dr. John Hagelin says in the amazing movie ‘The Secret’, “You can have, do, or be ANYTHING”. Rev. Dr. Michael Beckwith backs him up in the same movie when he says, “You could start with nothing, and out of nothing, and out of no way - a way will be made”.
These are powerful statements and ... Views: 787
Meet Mr. J., a grade school librarian. Through the years, many students came through the halls of this particular school and they all adored Mr. J. He had a way with children by knowing each student by his/her name and making all of them feel special. It was not unusual to walk past the library ... Views: 725
Vision is fuel, energy, passion -- or, as I like to suggest, as important as water to a garden. Unless that vision is clear in your mind, it is hard, if not impossible, to complete the process of refining your dream into an actionable plan. Furthermore, without clarity of vision the hard work ... Views: 1334
Have you ever had the feeling while reading a newspaper, listening to a lecture, or sitting around a dinner table talking with friends about current events, that “Something ought to be done about that”? Or perhaps you have felt appalled by an injustice of some sad event and thought, “What is to ... Views: 1060
For most people on they spiritual journey, it’s been long and bumpy roads. Knowing what we want isn’t always easy and knowing how to get there is sometimes even more mysterious. A good question to begin with is ‘where are you now as opposed to where will you be next week?’ By creating and ... Views: 1439
This past weekend I was exploring the Virginia Creeper Trail in Damascus, VA. Along the drive up the curvy road to our drop-off in Whitetop, VA, the driver for our shuttle made idle chitchat about the history of the area and different places to visit. We rounded a particularly sharp curve lined ... Views: 1270
Overnight you went from being a single rather cranky woman dateless for lo these many months to Miss Adored Sunshine of His Life in THE most amazing relationship you've every had. You've never felt so beautiful, so wanted, so loved. This is a fairy tale come true. He was wonderfully passionate, ... Views: 936
We all know that smiles are contagious. So are bad moods. Experts in the field of psychic energy say it's that energy – not the actual smile -- that connects you to the good mood of the other person. Now there are a lot of people that DON’T believe, but there is a growing percentage that believe ... Views: 1917
How much of a shock would it be for you to realize that in order to get everything that could ever want in the world, all you have to do is INTEND to get it?
Seems simple and unrealistic, doesn’t it? The truth of the matter is that you can have anything that you want by simply Intending to have ... Views: 890
The question of who is in charge of any person’s life would seem to have an obvious answer. If someone were to say to you, “Who is charge of your life?” you would likely answer with, “I am”! That is exactly the correct answer, and we will explore that in more detail. However, let’s first look at ... Views: 781
You are what you love, and you love whatever you are giving your attention to. Eastern Spiritual psychologies profess that whatever you give your attention to, is what you are making your God. If, for example, you spend all your time thinking about that next cigarette, then you have just made ... Views: 699
We've all experienced situations in which we've been nervous to speak our own personal truth. Perhaps it's a conversation about politics, and we are shy
about giving our opinion, feeling it somehow insignificant or trivial. Or maybe we're involved in a discussion of religion or spirituality, and ... Views: 918
You went on another job interview today. It went OK, you guess. Nothing really dramatic happened. Your qualifications were right for the job, you'd brushed up on the latest "What to say when they ask you what your greatest strength/weakness is" and you felt you answered appropriately. But you ... Views: 865
We build our reality on our beliefs.
And although we don’t admit that they are only our beliefswe do set our lives by them. They become us – our reality -and woe to anyone who tries to ridicule or challenge ourfaith.
Through the recent discovery of certain biblical-likedocuments, scholars ... Views: 794
Bravi Azurri! The Italians deserved to win. They outplayed and outmaneuvered the opponents, including using what they call “furbo.” It means being wily, cunning, or tricky. It’s an integral life skill as well as football skill. It works and it’s part of emotional intelligence.
As you ... Views: 1740
Whether you want to achieve short term goals or manifest life long dreams it all begins with the end in mind; knowing inside and out what results you want. The more clearly you are able to visualize what you want and get a sense physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally how it will ... Views: 997
I’m appreciating used things. I got a great gas barbecue on Freecycle; a practically new John Deere lawnmower for $50; a beautiful Le Creuset cast iron shelf from a friend’s basement, a lovely leather purse from the thrift shop. They feel like blessings. I get all the joy of something new plus ... Views: 890
1. Ask Yourself: What Do I Want? To know what you want is the first step for you to get it. If you don’t know what you want, how are you supposed to get it? Many people know what they don’t want, but that does not help them to get what they do want.
Walking through life with a clear ... Views: 2176
We’ve all done it. You become upset by something someone does and you blame them for doing it “to” you. I mean, it’s their fault. They should know better, right? People should know what sets you off. Don’t you agree?
The fact is that people don’t know how to treat you unless you tell them. They ... Views: 977
There are you are, going along OK in your life, no big dramas, no crises, but frankly, not a lot of joy, either. Oh, you can’t complain, as a matter of fact that’s what you hear yourself say most of the time. When friends say “How’s it going?” you say “Can’t complain.” So why are you bored and ... Views: 998
Millions of people consider themselves shy. This common, frequently painful feeling is often accepted without question. Shy people may look on it as something they're stuck with, like being short or having curly hair.
Some nervousness or hesitancy in social situations is normal. Everyone ... Views: 773
We are all made up of many layers - the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Each of the layers needs to be given as much respect and attention as the others.
Traditionally, we have given more attention to the physical aspect, reflecting on our physicality and the physical world. Our ... Views: 600
On a business trip last week I left early in the morning. Half way through my journey the sun began to rise. I just knew it was going to be beautiful and so I pulled over to watch.
I looked out the car window, over the country wall, down into a valley above which the amazing sunrise was about ... Views: 649
STRETCHING doesn’t have to just involve physical motion. I’m talking about stretching yourself – moving outside of your box, shifting your comfort zone, trying something new. It’s hard work. It’s uncomfortable. It’s scary. But it’s also crucial to your wellbeing and success.
Many clients come ... Views: 858
Your manager has announced that everyone will have to take a pay cut . . . or join the unemployment line. Aargh! You're barely keeping up with your bills as is. Or you're self-employed, and your competition is undercutting your prices in a way you can't compete with and still feed your family. ... Views: 972
By Kathleen Gage and Lori Giovannoni
We design our life with specific goals, plans and actions for achievement. Yet, in a moment all can change. We are then left to ponder the question, “Have you chosen your life path, or has it chosen you?”
Even with the best laid plans there comes a time ... Views: 1046
People make all kinds of excuses as to why they cannot get involved in investing or trading the financial markets. In this article, some of the most prominent are debunked.
"I don’t have time"
Despite being one of the most frequently heard, this is probably the most pathetic excuse for not ... Views: 790
It's been a miserable day. Nothing went right. You slept through your alarm because the neighbors kept you up half the night having either a wild argument or wild sex (hard to tell which), you were late to work on the one day when the client was showing up in person, your car sprang an oil leak, ... Views: 922
It's not having been in the dark house, but having left it that counts.
-- Theodore Roosevelt
I have been thinking a lot about courage lately. In part it is because of the work of Sandra Ford Walston, and her ... Views: 2164
Are you living a life of "Frustrated Potentiality"?
I wish I had this phrase 5 years ago when I was sitting at my desk, wanting to bang my head on it, thinking how much more I could be doing if I wasn't working 60 hours a week at a job that wasn't meaningful to me. At least I would have had a ... Views: 1582
You're going along in your relationship for 7 years now, it's a little on the hum-drum side, but hey! No major fights, no major hassles, and yes, you're way past the honeymoon stage, but what can you expect? You're both busy with work and the kids, church or community activities, what with one ... Views: 938
Everyone makes a mistake at some point in their life. Most of us make the majority of our mistakes when we are young. Teenagers and twenty-somethings are especially prone to make some whoppers! After we make those big mistakes, we naturally want to fix the problems and get on to better ... Views: 1514
It’s more then just a bad hair day. Truth is, you don’t even care how your hair looks because everything that can go wrong is going wrong. It’s not like you created the problems yourself and are having to fix your own mess. That’s easy enough to deal with. No, this is about those days when ... Views: 8709
So many in the world today believe that in order to attain wealth that you must be smarter than the “average person”, be fortunate enough to be able to afford an education at some prestigious university, that you must “work harder and longer”, that you must “invest wisely”, or “just be plain ... Views: 1382
A friend of ours was walking down a deserted Mexican beach at sunset. As he walked along, he began to see another man in the distance. As he grew nearer, he noticed that the local native kept leaning down, picking something up and throwing it out into the water. Time and time again he kept ... Views: 1007
Fear is natural and necessary. Why? It helps keep us safe. But, fear is supposed to protect us from danger, not keep us from living fulfilling lives.
My Life Coach training was through iPEC (Institute for Professional Empowerment Coaching). Bruce Schneider, founder, presented keys to success ... Views: 885
Air Canada Flight 154
I was boarding a flight in Edmonton, Alberta, bound for Toronto after a long day. As I handed my boarding pass to the Air Canada gate agent, I asked her if she was having a good day. Her response has been in my mind for nearly two weeks. She looked at me, smiled, and said, ... Views: 801
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HOW NOT TO FEEL LONELY - by Piercarla Garusi, Life Coach & NLP Practitioner, Director of PG Coaching Ltd
We all are alone sometimes, but that does not mean feeling lonely; we can be alone and be perfectly happy, so what is it that makes us feel lonely and how can we make ourselves feel good?
But also why do we feel lonely?
I have worked with many clients who have experienced abuse in one form ... Views: 1023
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HOW TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY - by Piercarla Garusi, Life Coach & NLP Practitioner, Director of PG Coaching Ltd
The key to happiness is taking full responsibility for us and our life.
I have worked with many clients who have experienced abuse in one form or the other in their lives and there are 2 common factors they experience: they all have a sense of anger, associated with a sense of powerlessness, ... Views: 905
We are used to think that communication is between people, that we need to communicate to express our feelings, our ideas, to create bonds, good feelings, harmony,…and we all know that good communication is key in relationships, whether this being with partner, friends, family, neighbours, ... Views: 1742
There’s an old saying, “if Christmas isn’t found in your heart, you won’t find it under the tree.”
The same is true of other things, and at other times in your life.
Happiness is not under the tree. Happiness is not a beach cabin in Hawaii. Happiness is not the perfect guy or girl. ... Views: 930
“I forgive you.” These three words can be the most freeing words spoken. They offer immediate release, immediate acceptance and immediate love and compassion.
These words need not even be spoken aloud. They can be a silent statement – a thought, almost a prayer. When we forgive someone for ... Views: 1812
Persistence : Any great accomplishment that has ever been achieved has been brought about and made possible by an all important trait called persistence.
Have you ever thought about how many things “might have been” in our world, that don’t currently exist simply because the person or persons ... Views: 1560
Have you ever wondered what enables some people to make positive changes throughout their lives while others seem to be standing still in situations that they are clearly unhappy with? What enables some people to take risks and use courage to forge into the unknown to grow and develop in ... Views: 1190
The family is getting together for the Holidays – at your house. For the first time. Lucky you! All these years you’ve managed to plead one reason or another why you couldn’t host the “do,” but you’re out of excuses, nowhere to go, so it’s time to grin and bear it. And we’re not just talking ... Views: 1320
It is very appalling considering the rate at which people pass through this world without getting to know what power they carry inside of them. For some time now, I have stopped listening to news because I realize that most of what we hear read to us seems not to be good news. We hear people ... Views: 925
From the beginning of time, people, in spite of their needs, in the midst of all their attachment to material things, have been intuitively conscious of the limited, transient, and illusionary nature of their material existence, and in their wise and silent moments have tried to reach out into ... Views: 756