Acceptance simply means "EMBRACING WHAT IS". Acknowledging the "what is"......may include yourself, your spouse, significant other, job, house, health or a set of circumstances. With ACCEPTANCE, we embrace PEACE. And, it's in this peace that miracles happen.
For those of us that thrive on personal growth and are constantly looking for ways to improve, and better ourselves, the idea of "accepting" ourselves may feel like embracing "mediocrity" or "settling". Won't I get complacent if I totally accept myself? Will I lose my edge or drive? If I "accept" my significant other just as he/she is, does that mean I'm encouraging them to stop growing? NO. NO. NO.
When we "accept" something.....we let go of resistance, the fight or struggle....and what is left is peace. It's this resistance to WHAT IS, that keeps US or our partners in a locked a set of behaviors - that won't change. When we resist circumstances in our lives, our energy is tied up in the struggle. As soon as we just ACCEPT the circumstances, the energy is free to move about. We can dance with the WHAT IS in a different way, often creating the very movement we're looking for.
Acceptance doesn't mean retiring "growth", or your situation not changing. It simply means that you embrace WHAT IS. In fact, I'm finding that as I ACCEPT certain people and situations (that I previously resisted) more and more.....the growing/progress happens more naturally, and often more quickly.
For example: I'm 36 years old, single and the clock is ticking because I would love to have children. I realized recently that this was causing me to put a lot of undo pressure (otherwise known as "resistance") on myself and thus various men I've been dating. I finally decided to come to a place of "acceptance" around the fact that I may not have children...or ever get married. Wow. Coming to peace with this has been powerful for me. There are numerous joys in this new "acceptance" of WHAT IS. And, in this acceptance, I decided to investigate getting my ovary "eggs" frozen (in case my eggs aren't eager to conceive if "my beloved" shows up later on). But, more importantly, it's taken the pressure off of me. Does this mean I gave up my desire to have the most amazing relationship on the planet? No. Does this mean I'll stop looking for my "beloved"? No. Does it mean I'll stop trying to GROW in the area of relationships? No. However, in this new state of ACCEPTANCE, I feel more freedom to be myself, enjoy the moment, and go with the flow in my current relationships. And, I'm growing even more in a way I never have before.
SOULFUL CHALLENGE: What are you resisting most in life? Step into a place of ACCEPTANCE this week. Embrace this "what is". See what happens. And, feel free to share your results at .
Mary Allen has been a respected Professional Life Coach for over five years, and has authored the engaging online newsletter Soulfully Living since 2002. Mary inspires readers to experience a deeper level of fulfillment in their lives through her unique and empowering articles. Her extensive depth of knowledge, years of coaching experience, combined with her authentic connection to her readers, allow her to effectively integrate and communicate concepts in a refreshing and powerful manner. Mary is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Madison with a degree in Psychology. She is a certified professionally through The Coaches Training Institute as a CPCC, and The International Coach Federation as a PCC. She enjoys a full coaching practice working with individuals who share a commitment to success and inner fulfillment. Mary is also the author of the acclaimed eCourse program Living in Choice. For more information about Mary Allen, visit
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