What do you do when the money tree starts sprouting lemons?
It’s increasingly common these days to find middle-aged, mid-level managers suddenly faced with huge shifts of circumstance. Down-sizing, bubble-bursting, plant-closing, and consolidating are just some of the forces creating a class ... Views: 1004
I’m appreciating used things. I got a great gas barbecue on Freecycle; a practically new John Deere lawnmower for $50; a beautiful Le Creuset cast iron shelf from a friend’s basement, a lovely leather purse from the thrift shop. They feel like blessings. I get all the joy of something new plus ... Views: 890
Mid-way through our recent trip to Italy, my husband, Michael, got bronchitis. We had to take it easy to conserve his energy. After 4 days recuperating by the seaside we decided to venture into Pietrapertosa, a small mountain village in Basilicata. To get there by bus we had to go through ... Views: 786
This is for everyone who is sticking with a job that no longer fits. Maybe it was right for awhile, for a certain time and place in your life. But not anymore. When was the last time you jumped out of bed with excitement about what the day would bring?
"But I love the people I work with." ... Views: 1204
A few years ago I was having dinner at a Hollywood restaurant with several of my husband's childhood friends-- one of whom was a movie producer who owned the restaurant, and another was some big deal in the music industry. I gave meaning and importance to their glamorous titles. I decided that ... Views: 1077
A number of years ago at my first personal growth seminar, the wise group leader asked if I had problems with commitment. I clearly remember my thought processes. "Commitment? I'm not sure I understand what that means. Oh well, it's probably not important."
That was a pivotal realization for ... Views: 1214
All the great philosophers must have been plumbers. The work seems to lend itself to powerful insights. Plumbers unstop the blockages and get everything flowing. They plunge the depths and get rid of all the crap. Who better to pass along pithy rules of life?
I tackled a leaky sink the other ... Views: 1428
I went to a yoga workshop the other day. At one point we were instructed to find a partner for a few exercises. After overcoming my shyness with strangers I paired up with my neighbor. We tentatively began trying the moves together, being careful to make sure each other was safe and sound. It ... Views: 1271
I like a good challenge now and then. A couple of weeks ago I took on Mother Nature in a test of wills. I attempted to clear two feet of snow from my driveway through the power of positive thinking. I also used deep breathing, relaxation techniques, and openness. When those didn't work I tried ... Views: 1182
What if everything in your life was exquisite and working? What if you didn't tolerate anything that wasn't-- you fixed it, replaced it, or got rid of it. What if you only had around you things that pleased you? Everything else gets tossed, returned, or given away.
I have a sense that putting ... Views: 1308
What usually happens to your resolve in the New Year? Does it disappear before the pine needles are even vacuumed? Do you spend more energy on excuses than on execution? Can you even remember your intention by Valentine's day?
Try something different this year. Take some time to think through ... Views: 1422
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When It Was Fun - by Liz Sumner, Life Coach (WonderfulCoach.com)
When did it stop being fun to try things we're not already good at? There must have been a time when it was okay to experiment, before self-criticism paralyzed us with its withering attacks. It's so unfair to expect perfection the first time out. Wouldn't it be great if performance didn't matter ... Views: 1422
Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess who was on a diet. She really wanted a spoonful of Hershey's syrup from the can in the refrigerator. But no, that wasn't allowed. So she had some carrot sticks instead. Then some celery. But that didn't satisfy her desire. So she had some more ... Views: 1626
This is for people who can't seem to get everything done. Those of you who efficiently take care of every detail ahead of time don't need to read any further.
As a recovering procrastinator I have a great deal of experience with To Do lists. I've embellished them with multi-color highlighters, ... Views: 1334