September 11, 2001 was the world’s wake up call. After the chaos and confusion, we awoke to the realization that life is a precious gift and that it is our responsibility as a citizen and human being to lead and live our best life.
For most of us, that meant looking at our current state of ... Views: 1691
I am of the point of view that a life without meaning is not much of a life at all.
In my coaching practice, I have worked with people on the brink of “losing it” and wanting to give up on various levels---from quitting a job that could not bear, to wrestling with understanding the challenges ... Views: 1823
Like William Henley who once said, "I am the master of my fate. The captain of my soul," I agree that Life is a Do-It Yourself project. If you want to live a certain kind of life, you are going to have to be proactive so you can consciously create life as you would like it. You must first ... Views: 2401
Success and Happiness is a feeling every human being on this planet desires in their heart of hearts. And yet most of us look for happiness in all the wrong places and end up causing ourselves more suffering.
This is because we are looking outside of ourselves for some thing or some one to ... Views: 1962
Life is a Teacher: What Lessons Are You Learning?
By Michelle L. Casto, Ph.D.
Welcome to the School of Life! You are here to learn many lessons, why not choose to learn them the fun and easy way?
You came to this life to shine as the bright light you are and to live out your divine destiny. ... Views: 2237
Are You Heart Smart?
How to Enhance Your Emotional Quotient
By Michelle L. Casto
You don’t have to be Albert Einsten to be smart, although having a high IQ has been associated with being intelligent. Having a high IQ means that you are “head smart.” If you have a high IQ, you are good ... Views: 2205
Branding is a way of marketing yourself so that people know who you are and what you do. If you brand yourself well, it will send a message that is instantly understood by your buyers and customers. The best three ways to build your name brand are: 1) Know yourself, 2) Choose work that ... Views: 2005
La Fontaine once said, “By the work, one knows the workman.” He must have known long ago about the importance of branding. In today’s competitive marketplace, establishing and maintaining a brand name is essential to your career success. A service or trademark tells people immediately what ... Views: 1827
You don’t have to be Albert Einsten to be smart, although having a high IQ has been associated with being intelligent. Having a high IQ means that you are “head smart.” If you have a high IQ, you are good with book knowledge, including theories, facts, figures, etc. There is another way to be ... Views: 4272
The Department of Labor predicts that the #1 employer in 2010 will be “self.” A recent Internet poll of 25-44 year olds revealed that 90% of them hoped to own their own business. A survey conducted by Ernst & Young found that 75% of influential Americans believe that entrepreneurship will be ... Views: 2012
The way you feel about yourself impacts how and why you do everything in life. If you feel good about who you are, then what you do will be an outside reflection of your innermost thoughts and feelings. Contrary to popular belief, self-esteem is not something anyone or any accomplishment can ... Views: 4059
For far too long, we moderns have relied on our analytical/logical brain to make important life decisions. It is my belief that our imaginative/creative brain holds the key to better, smarter and more soulful decisions. This is because the right side of the brain, which loves creativity---taps ... Views: 2601
Money Magazine said that “A coach may be the guardian angel you need to rev up your career.” In fact, if you pick up any major newspaper or magazine, you are bound to come across a glowing article on coaching. It is one of the fastest growing careers, with an estimated 100,000 coaches in the ... Views: 2184
There are seven stages in a romantic relationship: avoidance, meeting, dating, breaking up, establishing exclusivity, commitment, and keeping the love you find. Each of these stages vary in length and intensity. At each stage, there are thoughts and feelings telling you what to do and when to do ... Views: 9454
Stress is an interpretation of an event or circumstance which is understood to be a threat. It can be any force or pressure put on a system (living or nonliving) which may result in a need for the system to adapt or change. Stress on human beings is like a rubber band.
You also stretch to ... Views: 2130
Occasionally making improvements is easily achievable for most people. While continuous improvement is mostly unachievable; however, striving for it separates the winners from the losers. There are many areas in your life that may need improvement: career, relationships, learning, finances, ... Views: 1573
To combat modern day stressors, you need to realize that things are going to go the way they are going to go, so you may as well just relax. The most important thing you can do for yourself is to practice extreme self-care which means putting your own needs first. We have had it backwards for ... Views: 2057
Career experts say that people will change careers (not jobs) 5-7 times in a lifetime. This being true, career management is an important life skill to develop and cultivate. There are six stages of modern career development: Assessment, Investigation, Preparation, Commitment, Retention, and ... Views: 3337
The 7 Stages of a Romantic Relationship
Michelle L. Casto, M.Ed.
There are seven stages in a romantic relationship: avoidance, meeting, dating, breaking up, establishing exclusivity, commitment, and keeping the love you find. Each of these stages vary in length and intensity. At each stage, ... Views: 3492
September 11, 2001 was the world’s wake up call. After the chaos and confusion, we awoke to the realization that life is a precious gift and that it is our responsibility as a citizen and human being to lead and live our best life.
For most of us, that meant looking at our current state of ... Views: 14052
Occasionally making improvements is easily achievable for most people. While continuous improvement is mostly unachievable; however, striving for it separates the winners from the losers. There are many areas in your life that may need improvement: career, relationships, learning, finances, ... Views: 6757