I was born in Karachi, Pakistan at 10:00 PM on September 28, 1976. At least, that's what my parents tell me -- I really don't remember a thing before I was four years old.
My first recollection is of myself in kindergarten being separated from everyone else. I didn't know why I was separated, ... Views: 902
For 10 days in March, a small group of Toronto-area entrepreneurs is going to accomplish the seemingly impossible – create $100,000 out of nothing.
10 days starts Tuesday March 6, at 9 PM EST…
Individually, they are all entrepreneurs living in and around Toronto. Regular folks. They love what ... Views: 1176
"My life is perfect
Because I accept it as it is."
- Lenny Kravitz
I remember not going out for recess in elementary school. I couldn't play tag or do any activities that required sight. Since my skin was sensitive to the sun, the school staff would allow me to stay indoors. Unfortunately, ... Views: 1356
Sometimes people say or do things that they later regret. We all make mistakes. Has someone ever wronged you? Have you forgiven them?
Here's a beautiful 2-minute movie about forgiveness:
Click http://www.ForgivenessMovie.com
My life is busy and sometimes I work 13 hours in a day and get ... Views: 1177
I know what it's like... I had times when I wasn't happy doing anything that I did. I did some great things, but I was never happy. All I knew is that I wanted to feel better, and whatever I did to try and feel better, didn't work. I felt horrible. Even though others thought I looked good, ... Views: 1124
What makes you, you? Think about that for a moment... There's probably a bunch of characteristics that come to your mind. Sometimes, the most basic of traits we overlook. For example, did you think about your gender, your ethnicity, or your age? We tend not to describe ourselves with these ... Views: 1326
Back in 1976, my family was living in Pakistan, where I was conceived. My dad had borrowed just enough money to fly himself to Canada. It took him four years before he could save up the money to fly my mom and my five siblings to Canada as well. So, I had absolutely no communication with my ... Views: 1179
Three Steps to The Art of Conversation
Do you want to feel more love and connection in your life? One way to accomplish this is to have more conversations! It's that simple.
Think about it... Have you ever been in elevator with a dozen people and nobody said a word to each other? Why do we ... Views: 1248
Honor Your Body!
We've all heard how regular exercise is vital for good health and a well-balanced lifestyle. Now, how many of us have tried to lose weight, buff ourselves up, or join a fitness program, only to be disappointed by the lack of results we see? Maybe we do workout periodically, ... Views: 1003
Let's talk about sex, baby
Let's talk about you and me
Let's talk about all the good things,
And the bad things that may be
Let's talk about sex
- Salt N Pepa (1992, Written by Herby Azor)
- - - - - - - - - -
Let's Talk About Sex...
Sex can be an uncomfortable topic for some people. How are ... Views: 1946
Your Most Important Decision of 2005
In the next couple of weeks, some of us will be thinking about what we really want for our lives in 2005, and some of won't be. Perhaps some of will make the time to write down a New Year's resolution.
Your most important decision of 2005 will be your ... Views: 1151
I'm sitting on the subway across from a beautiful woman... I want to strike up a conversation, but my fears get the best of me. Then, this beautiful woman starts up a conversation with another person on the subway who is also a stranger to her (I eavesdropped on their conversation). Now I ... Views: 1059
What’s Love Got to Do with It?
Well, I got dumped... As a performer in the DECIDE urban musical, that is. I was having so much fun on stage, doing what I loved, and making a difference for people. Most importantly, I loved working with Stuart Knight, the director.
How could he do ... Views: 1403
You Have No Choice
I wasn't having a good day. Let me tell you about the straw that broke the camel's back: I was in rehearsals for the Decide Show... We were watching a videotape of a previous show. I walked between the TV and VCR and tripped over the wire, almost causing the VCR to fall ... Views: 1530
The Meaning of Life
Some people believe that I'm always a positive thinker. Well, I have "not-so-positive" thoughts just like anybody else. For example, on the date of the DECIDE anniversary show (an inspirational urban musical), I started having disempowering thoughts. I found out that we ... Views: 1153
Have you ever heard the phrases, "if you want love, give love" or "if you want joy, give joy?" Is it true? Does it work?
It's difficult to quantify love or joy. However, there are other things that we can measure. Here's an example that relates this concept to networking:
One of my good ... Views: 1289
Time... doesn't really exist.
Boredom... can be a gift.
What do you want?
When the time is gone, you'll wish you had it.
Think big.
You're much more than you're experiencing.
Do now what you wish you would have done,
looking back on now.
Escape regret.
It doesn't matter whether we live only ... Views: 1184
What has people feel empowered? What has people make things happen?
Choice. We become conscious of the options that are available to us, we pick something, and then we act upon that choice.
It's simple, but it's not easy. Are you with me? Let's take a closer look at what we're talking ... Views: 1082
Where is Your Life Headed?
From Gangster Rap to Poetic Justice, to Ordinary Words...
I remember sitting in a subway car on my way home from grade nine. I had an 88% average and I was making good money at my job, yet I was depressed out of my mind. I wasn't in a rush to get home -- I would ... Views: 893
Where is Your Life Headed?
From Gangster Rap to Poetic Justice, to Ordinary Words...
I remember sitting in a subway car on my way home from grade nine. I had an 88% average and I was making good money at my job, yet I was depressed out of my mind. I wasn't in a rush to get home -- I would ... Views: 1273
What makes your day a great day? When you get an unexpected visit from that special someone, when pleasant surprises happen, or when serendipitous moments occur, things are great! How do you have a great day when you feel stressed, when activities become routine and mundane, or when your life ... Views: 826
What makes your day a great day? When you get an unexpected visit from that special someone, when pleasant surprises happen, or when serendipitous moments occur, things are great! How do you have a great day when you feel stressed, when activities become routine and mundane, or when your life ... Views: 1076
What makes your day a great day? When you get an unexpected visit from that special someone, when pleasant surprises happen, or when serendipitous moments occur, things are great! How do you have a great day when you feel stressed, when activities become routine and mundane, or when your life ... Views: 775
[This is a follow-up article to last week's issue on asking. If you haven't read it yet, you may want to view on our homepage, http://www.ordinarywords.com.]
Does asking really work? Is it "that" simple? Did you try it?
Some people tried it on me! A few subscribers wrote and asked me if I ... Views: 1547
Please read this... It will mean a lot to me.
Thanks. I appreciate you taking the time to read this. Now, why do you think this means a lot to me? Take a moment and think about it. What got you to start reading this? If you don't read "every" issue, what got you to start reading this ... Views: 1419
--> Time <--
“Aren't you beginning to feel time gaining on you? It's like a predator. It's stalking you. You can try to outrun it with doctors, medicines, new technologies but in the end, time is going to hunt you down and make the kill.”
- Soran, Star Trek: Generations
Time. It’s our ... Views: 1237
Mythology can be intriguing to study. The stories that are portrayed in myths may be fictional, but there is usually some truth that has allowed the story to be passed down from generation to generation. That's what "myths" are -- they are not completely true or completely false. Here we will ... Views: 1133
Intimacy, Chemistry, Love & Desire
What is intimacy? I think it's about being ourselves with each other. When we can be completely free, to say whatever we want - no matter how personal or sensitive - then there is intimacy.
What is chemistry? I think it's when people feel a certain ... Views: 1287
Fear Factors: 4 Simple Steps to Feel the Fear...And Do It Anyway!
1. Feel It.
This can be the most difficult step. It's natural to want to get past our fear and not feel any anxiety. In our attempts to "overcome" fear, we tend to sometimes ignore it or suppress it... That doesn't always ... Views: 3248
Don't Get the Holiday Blues
~ Learn to deal with some holiday hang-ups
It's that time of year where people are more cheerful, helpful, and caring. What a magical experience when so many of us radiate warmth and harmony . . . But amongst the celebrations, there are invariably some individuals ... Views: 1716
The first thing we may think of when we think of giving, is money (or gifts and presents which cost money). However, some of us may feel financially constrained . . . The second thing we may think of when we think of giving, is our time. With fast-paced lifestyles and busy schedules, perhaps ... Views: 1183
Napoleon Hill, best known for his book "Think & Grow Rich" itemized the twelve components to true wealth as follows:
1. A Positive Mental Attitude
2. Sound Physical Health
3. Harmony in Human Relationships
4. Freedom from Fear
5. The Hope of Future Achievement
6. The Capacity for Applied ... Views: 2463
I know it's hard to look up sometimes.
I know it's hard when everything is on your mind.
It's hard to play what some could call a game.
When we can't even quit the game we chose to play.
But dreams come true...
When you have people who believe in you.
Dreams can come to life...
Your heart knows ... Views: 1751
Who is in charge of my life?
If I was in charge, would I not achieve
at least those things that are attainable through effort?
It's one thing to give away to destiny and unknown forces,
those things where other forces have say,
but what about those things that simply require effort?
Is it ... Views: 8092
Many years ago, as my personal-growth journey was expanding, I strived to find the fundamental principals of success that would be consistent to the entire personal development industry. I was happy to find some of these principals, yet I was shocked as I noticed that one principal would ... Views: 2518
"The Power of Words" was the theme of one of my speaking engagements that I had scheduled in Atlanta. Little did I know that I would personally go through a challenge, that had me live what it is that I teach.
I had an engagement that I was hoping to get confirmed. I left several messages and ... Views: 2169
By now many of you have probably heard of the blackouts that spanned the north-eastern US States, Ontario (Canada) and now London, England. I was listening to the radio and heard an official talking about emergency situations and how these situations could and should be dealt with. He talked ... Views: 1904
Before we begin, let me say that I use the term "personal development" very loosely. Anything that we are doing in life that helps us to grow personally, is personal development. So, taking a new cooking class is personal development . . . Deciding to travel to a new country and experience ... Views: 1278
The multitude of personal development programs available in the market is vast and overwhelming. How do we know which programs are right for us? What can we do to maximize the benefits of a self-improvement course? Here are three steps that I've discovered to be crucial in starting any ... Views: 2657
Have you ever heard someone say, “I don’t have the money” or “I don’t have the time.” Have YOU ever said that to other people? Here’s a bold statement: Time and money are never issues - they are only excuses. Why? Because both time and money are concepts we, as humanity, have invented. They ... Views: 2681