One major problem in marriages across the United States is the in-law intrusion. What this means is somewhere between the time their child was living at home and after the moment he/she said ‘I do.’ to their new spouse, the parents never gained the understanding that their child now has a new ... Views: 3588
I am fascinated by investments. Did you know that there are mutual funds out there that can consistently give you a return on your investment between 12 - 18 percent? I don't know how much you know about financial returns on investments, but that's a really good rate of return!
Think about just ... Views: 928
I know the reason why so many people do not achieve so much of what they want. It's a simple reason and a simple solution. Ready? You may fall into one of these truths. The thing is, you may already know it.
So if you know it, why haven't you already achieved your goals, aspirations, dreams or ... Views: 1017
Outrageous lifestyles of successful living are envied by most of the world. Are you part of the envied? Or are you part of the envying? If you are living a successful life by your own standards, congratulations. If you haven’t quite reached that level yet, then this article is for you.
There ... Views: 1054
Is successful living really that elusive? As adults we are so chained to a certain way of living. We are creatures of habit. When it comes to change aren’t you like that baby sitting in a poo poo diaper? It’s stinky. It’s gooey. It’s gross. But HEY! It’s yours! (I hope your idea of successful ... Views: 1273
The American Dream. The Pie in the Sky. It's what everyone seems to be searching for. It's an endless search for Successful Living and happiness. Do you look around observing how certain others seem to be living that life of success that you are after? Does that lifestyle seem to be slipping ... Views: 1656
I hope you had a great weekend. I really hope you were one who had a long weekend. It wasn't exactly the holiday a lot of people had planned on. If you are in the path of any hurricanes or have been in the path recently, I hope you have not and will not suffer.
I have a couple of friends who ... Views: 1127
When anyone tells you that something is impossible what is
your response? Not only your outward reaction, what are
your inner thoughts?
Do you accept it and go on thinking to yourself, "Yeah! It’s
probably too hard too…" or "They’re right. That could never
work." Or do you ... Views: 1121
When anyone tells you that something is impossible what is your response? Not only your outward reaction, what are your inner thoughts?
Do you accept it and go on thinking to yourself, "Yeah! It’sprobably too hard too…" or "They’re right. That could neverwork." Or do you ... Views: 1040
There is a problem with the majority of success minded
individuals way of approaching success. It^s not a complex
problem, but the intensity of it is enormous. What I mean is
most people have a success block or barrier that hinders any
action for victory. The solution, however, is simple. ... Views: 1216
Our world today seems to be too busy for our own good. Day after day is a balancing act with tons of demands on your time such as working, personal relationships and maintaining your health just to name a few. With all these priorities, a very important area of life gets put on the back burner. ... Views: 1085
Our world today seems to be too busy for our own good. Day after day is a balancing act with tons of demands on your time such as working, personal relationships and maintaining your health just to name a few. With all these priorities, a very important area of life gets put on the back burner. ... Views: 966
Our world today seems to be too busy for our own good. Day after
day is a balancing act with tons of demands on your time such as
working, personal relationships and maintaining your health just to
name a few. With all these priorities, a very important area of life
gets put on the back burner. ... Views: 1054
I attended a seminar this past weekend and found myselfdisappointed and accelerated with excitement all at thesame time.
I went to this seminar ready to be blown away by some fairly popular speakers and entrepreneurs. When it cametime to listen to the first keynote (who I was pumped ... Views: 1028
Relationships come and go. Some flourish. Some flop. Why?
One person has a business. Another person has the same type business. One business thrives. The other falls short. Why?
The Answer: Heart Failure
This is not the same type of heart failure as your physical body experiences – but it ... Views: 1151
How many times have you felt like giving up? How many times
have you thought it's not worth it? How many experiences
have you had that made you think, "Why am I doing this?" It
could be a small business venture you're going for. It
could be a relationship you decided to go into.
Maybe ... Views: 1411
This FORWARD-LIVING Legend has taken his abilities and energy and focused them in such a way that enabled him to overcome many obstacles throughout his life. His childhood was one of poverty, slavery and some of the most debilitating work known to man. He was born in 1856.
During his years of ... Views: 1157
What do you consider a natural yearning within you? I would
jump out on a limb to say that your answer to that question
would be the same answer that a great number of people on
this planet would have. Let's think about what drives people.
What changes their behavior to achieve a deep rooted ... Views: 1156
I've been thinking a lot about success and achievement lately.
I've come to believe that our success is not something that
“just happens”. Our success or lack of success is a direct result of the decisions we make.
If we want to become wealthy, we must make wealthy decisions.
If we want to ... Views: 1118
He was a student in the 6th grade. He was great in all subjects except Math. His step-father was sent to his room to help him with his Math homework. After a few minutes of silence, a loud yell of anger reverberated throughout the house.
His mother came in to after her son was slapped in the ... Views: 1590