After a few unsuccessful plays, an athlete can sometimes get caught in a slump. They start performing far less than their potential. For instance, a basketball player wouldn't be able to sink a ball even if he was standing over the net. By this time, he's trying too hard and it interferes with ... Views: 767
Recently, a belief surfaced for me that was an aspect of a deeper issue concerning the need to struggle. This specific belief stressed that I could only learn and grow through difficulty. It claimed that it was necessary for me to experience blocks and obstacles, since that was the only way to ... Views: 1360
Many years ago, I participated in an exercise at a workshop to show us how at ease we were with allowing good into our lives. As I imagined a little extra good flowing in, I was fine. But when I visualized a lot more good, I started to get anxious, even scared.
The exercise continued, ... Views: 790
I've heard many people say, "I intend to … stop smoking, lose weight, exercise more, eat more vegetables," when they actually mean, "I'll try to ..." In this sense, "intend" simply means, "If it's convenient and easy for me, then I'll do it." That's not a strong commitment to a goal. It's more ... Views: 717
When you set an intention, you're focusing your energy to create a new behavior, attitude, or experience in your world. You're saying to yourself, and the Universe, "This is what I want." The Universe always says, "Yes," to your goal, for It supports all of your endeavors.
However, your ... Views: 705
Sandy came to see me to be hypnotized to quit smoking. As we talked, she indicated that she'd tried everything else, and this was a last resort for her. If this didn't work, she was going to give up. Unfortunately, that was the message her subconscious got. Not that she wanted to stop smoking, ... Views: 778
Our culture considers asking for help a sign of weakness. You're supposed to be able to take care of things by yourself. And most people were taught that "God helps those who help themselves," which discourages turning even to God for assistance. So, you work to become self-reliant and try to ... Views: 968
Over the years, I've worked with many people to make changes in their lives. Some succeed completely, some partially, and others disappear when they begin to make breakthroughs. I've discovered that there are four main reasons why a person may not follow through and achieve their goals.
1. ... Views: 865
I recently watched another video of some marketing hotshot disparaging the Law of Attraction as pie-in-the-sky dreaming. The people dismissing the Law of Attraction are ignoring the fact that action without belief or confidence will fail. A salesman trying to get an order will be rejected more ... Views: 821
You have the authority to change the circumstances of your life. They have no power over you, even though it may seem that you are powerless to change them. Sometimes, as events roll out of control, it could appear as though they're stronger than the person who originally constructed them. But, ... Views: 863
Several years ago, I needed a new car. Excuse me, a new "pre-owned" car. I wanted an economy car. So I researched what I could, with "Consumer Reports," to find the most reliable, most inexpensive cars. I picked about five that I decided to look for, with one model being the most desirable. ... Views: 1906
As a teacher of how to use one's mind to manifest the things a person wants, I very often get the objection, "But what if what I want isn't what the Universe, my Higher Self, wants for me?" My response is, "Why wouldn't the Universe want the best that you can imagine for yourself? Your Higher ... Views: 856
Many years ago, a friend of mine walked up behind another friend who had just returned from two tours of duty in Viet Nam with the Marines. The vet didn't hear my friend until she was right behind him. His training kicked in, and he whirled and struck out with a karate chop. Fortunately, he ... Views: 786
I had a friend who learned Transcendental Meditation and practiced almost every day. She felt happier, more relaxed, even blissful as long as she meditated. If she missed a few days, she found that she didn't feel much different than before she began to meditate. Although she felt better when ... Views: 876
Years ago, a friend of mine planned to move from one job to another because she didn't feel valued in the one she had. Since I was afraid she hadn't dealt with the reason she'd attracted the original job and feeling of being mistreated, I wondered if changing jobs was a good idea. She asserted ... Views: 783
When I first began my hypnotherapy practice, I was in a depressed emotional state. After I opened, some people said that hypnosis wasn't in demand in our area. That belief lodged in my already disheartened mind. Although I advertised, spoke at clubs, networked, and gave seminars, my attitude was ... Views: 1204
I once had a friend who would agree with others' low opinion of her. When her parents had claimed that she was a "bad girl" and that she was unlovable, she agreed with them. No amount of explanation would convince her that at one time she'd been a normal, exuberant child. Even when it was ... Views: 983
As a hypnotherapist, I have people come to me who want to improve their lives. Many of them succeed with their goals. But some of them aren't ready for the change they think that they want. For instance, I had a client who wanted to stop smoking. He quit with very little problem, but a couple of ... Views: 1057