Rob White is The Official Guide to "Empowerment". You can find complete information on Rob White and his products by visiting
Ask someone to walk to the moon and you’ll hear, “Not realistic,” as a response. They wouldn’t have a problem giving that answer. Ask some people to be perfect and you can almost hear the inner and outer dialogue start — “You have no idea how hard I try to be just that.” This person might even ... Views: 1044
Healing means being able to let go, to move forward and to grow with the conditions life provides for us individually and collectively. The real meaning of health is balance and adaptability, a positive picture of the present, and confidence to embrace the future in its uncertainty. Within this ... Views: 694
In a search for happiness, many people look for it in other people and not within ourselves. Many people feel that things like money, a better job, better relationships..etc will make them happy. In reality, to find true contentment you must look inside yourself and learn to be your own best ... Views: 932
The Magnificent YOU Sharon Walker
Dear Sharon,
I hear a lot about our unconscious mind being so much larger than our conscious mind and therefore it runs the show for me. I intend to change my health for the better and don’t feel my body is responding. Do you know how I can reprogram ... Views: 769
By Jennifer Rodriguez-Allen
At this moment in human history, one of our most controversial relationship is our natural and healthy relationship with our closest star, the Sun. We are caught between our need for sunlight to keep us healthy and happy and; a fear of the sunlight that penetrates ... Views: 834
When failure comes, be more determined than ever to succeed. The more feeling there is in your thought the greater its power. You steadily and surely become in the real what you constantly and clearly think that you are in the ideal. The more you believe in yourself the more of your latent ... Views: 2952
Did you see “The Polar Express”? It is a wonderful movie about a young boy’s questioning the existence of things unseen, like Santa, and of his inner transformation on that exciting journey. I think each one of us has the choice to board “The Transformation Express” every day. Each morning as ... Views: 1336
The effects gems will have depends on the nature of their Planet lord's attitude or placement in each individual horoscope. There are two types of planets in every horoscope, viz., ANUKUL-GRAHA or favorable planets, and PRATIKUL-GRAHA or unfavorable planets. Gems will act accordingly. Below are ... Views: 883
Beating procrastination can literally lead to a whole new life— all it takes is a desire to change, a decision to act, and a little help from your subconscious mind.
Ask any random group of people what they’d like to change in their life and chances are you will hear a great list of worthy ... Views: 1174
If one thing is for certain, each of us will experience some form of adversity while we are still breathing on this Earth. Unfortunately, some of us will experience more than our fair share of adversity, either in the workplace or in our personal lives.
Over the years, I feel I have been ... Views: 3264
Something happened to me some years back that is worthy is sharing with everybody all over the world. When I started running my business, things were very tough for me to the point that I could hardly afford to have a dime on me. One of those days, I was at home and very hungry with no hope of ... Views: 1025
Self-confidence is your assessment of your own self-worth. It plays a large part in determining your happiness through life. So how do you create confidence? Well here's a surprise - you take action! If you don’t currently have much self-confidence, let’s explore the options on how to ... Views: 914
How many times have you heard someone say, “Hey, cheer up!” or “Turn that frown upside-down!”? Unconsciously we all seem to know that optimism is a virtue and that a negative outlook is something to be concerned about. And did you know that there are actually a host of concrete reasons why this ... Views: 1038
Things just have not been going well at work lately. A new co-worker is kissing up to the boss and the boss is eating it up. You can see your shot at a promotion going swiftly down the drain. Your "task list" (who comes up with these PC cover-ups for more work, anyway?) is ever increasing, and ... Views: 1183
With the advent of crude oil in Nigeria, solid minerals exploration and exploitation, as well as agriculture, have been relegated to the background. There is however no doubt that crude oil is the mainstay of Nigeria’s economy. The solid mineral, baryte, is of a strategic importance ... Views: 8643
I am fascinated by investments. Did you know that there are mutual funds out there that can consistently give you a return on your investment between 12 - 18 percent? I don't know how much you know about financial returns on investments, but that's a really good rate of return!
Think about just ... Views: 928
One of the main reasons that may hinder us from reaching ourinnermost goals and desires is our inability to be flexible.
This fact may be hard to swallow, but it's true. We doeverything we can to eliminate any type of suffering in ourlives, yet challenges and pressures can bring out the bestin ... Views: 751
Newspapers from my hometown said there had been a rise in suicides. Crisis centers were straining. Thousands were suddenly out of work. Factories that had given Akron its nickname, "The Rubber Capitol of the World," were shutting down. No retirement would go to those who dreamed mainly of ... Views: 981
Epochs ago I defied theconventionalism and pittance that rule this mortal world. I opted to commit to awondrous new Centrum of spiritualism only to finally discover the Genesis withinme; ... Views: 1118
You know that old saw about the constant husband-wife battle over who puts the toothpaste cap back on and who leaves it off? What's with that? Why is it so true?! And how can something so simple be so hurtful?
Your husband knows perfectly well you don't like to sleep with the windows open, yet ... Views: 949
Have you ever wished you had stronger willpower? How can you make yourself stop doing things you don't want to do? There are ways, and the first thing to do is to redefine the concept of willpower.
Self Awareness Instead Of Willpower
It's hard to resist temptation sometimes, isn't it? That ... Views: 790
"Make Me Feel Special"
This quote from George Cummings, says it all.
"Every person you meet in life has a flashing sign on theirchest. It says, 'Make me feel special'."
There is no greater thing that we can do in each human interactionthan to make the other person feel special.
Now, this is ... Views: 7105
Sometime ago, I came across a poster with the picture of the legendary boxer Mohammed Ali having a caption IMPOSSIBLE IS NOTHING. Little did I know at that moment that the caption was going to cause a revolution in me.
At about 2am I was jolted from sleep, and the first flash that came to me ... Views: 858
There are many experiences prove to me that there's power
lies in the sentence "Ask and you shall receive."
Whenever I know someone is going overseas, I will not
hesitate to ask him to get me one or two bottles of Coca-
cola for my collection. You know what, they are more than
willing to buy ... Views: 860
It’s common knowledge that athletes must have trainers and coaches. It’s a long tradition, not even questioned. The results of the coaching are also obvious … athletes engage in physical actions, and one can easily see the results. They are using what’s called “gross motor skills” – hitting ... Views: 1518
So many of us go through life knowing we could have more, but unsure of how to get it!We know that we have greater potential and long for a better life; spending countless hours thinking and searching, but still frustrated because nothing seems to answer our questions!
How would you like to ... Views: 4634
It’s a bright sunny day. Well, it’s a sunny day. It started out bright, but now as you sneeze, cough and ache your way increasingly through the hours, the day is getting duller and duller. You make it through your work and drag yourself home. “How ya feeling, Hon?” your devoted Significant Other ... Views: 1333
One cold November morning I noticed a sunflower coming into bloom on my patio. It was growing up from a crack between the house and the paving stones underneath
the birdfeeder.
The little flower stood straight up. It had a thin stem with mottled green leaves and a small, round burst of ... Views: 656
You've heard people say that opportunity only knocks once. I say it knocks a thousand times, or at least it can. The problem is, we often don't listen, we don't see, or we don't want to work. The biggest problem, though, is that opportunity really isn't opportunity, if you're not ready for ... Views: 938
Q. I just finished a job interview. Everything went well. But I can't get excited about the job. The people were nice but frankly, I got bored.
Should I withdraw my application or hang on to see what happens?
A. Let me share a secret. I love country music – especially the classics. Your ... Views: 1397
I will be the first to admit that every time I have formed unhealthy attachments in life, it has invariably led to trouble! Trouble such as resentment, fear, anger, discouragement, low self-esteem, and limiting beliefs, which all seem to be the potential result of unhealthy attachments! One day, ... Views: 1069
Arnold Schwarzenegger. Abraham Lincoln. John F. Kennedy. Martha Stewart. What do these names have in common? They have “IT”. They have that mysterious quality I like to call the "IT Factor". What's that, you ask, the "IT Factor"? The "IT Factor" is that elusive and singular quality of ... Views: 1124
It is high time you know the truth about yourselves. You can be whatever you desire, you can do whatever you think or imagine. You have the magic key in your pocket, which opens the door to all your highest dreams and wishes, the key, which opens the gates of prosperity and abundance beyond your ... Views: 694
Millions of people, just like you, end up with a customer service problem that they just can't seem to get resolved. No matter what they do. Even though you are in the right, even though you are being treated improperly. You may needle and wheedle them, bellow and battle, but your problem still ... Views: 990
I’ve been studying proverbs from around the world in order to produce an inspirational PowerPoint. There are some beautiful slide shows out there, and as far as I’m concerned there can’t be enough of them, and I’ve not seen one with great proverbs, of which there are plenty.
They are a ... Views: 2498
You're rooting through your closet for that perfect thing to wear. Maybe this, maybe that - no, not THAT! Your eye lights on a brand new pair of jeans - that you'd completely forgotten about. Perfect! Then you remember why they were bought and then forgotten. You purchased them when you were on ... Views: 907
Many service business owners these days are
"giving away" their business services – and then
wonder why people aren't hiring them in droves. In
the name of "marketing," business owners are
providing way too much information for free. Some
shifts in thinking are necessary if these business
owners ... Views: 3996
(c) 2005 Laurie Smith
Wonders never cease. Just when those in our area of the Delaware River were beginning to recover from the recent floods, a whale arrives to shake things up.
A 15-foot Beluga whale-now identified as named "Helis" and hailing from the St. Lawrence Estuary in Canada--has ... Views: 1205
I know the reason why so many people do not achieve so much of what they want. It's a simple reason and a simple solution. Ready? You may fall into one of these truths. The thing is, you may already know it.
So if you know it, why haven't you already achieved your goals, aspirations, dreams or ... Views: 1017
Is it possible for someone to fear abundance? Who would not want to live the abundant life?
Polarity is a universal law. The law of polarity contends that everything has its polar opposite. The scales of life assures the existence of polar opposites. In conjunction with the Law of Rhythm, ... Views: 1976
I get many clients who come to be because they have found that they can’t seem to stick with their resolutions or reach their goals and they ask my help in figuring out why and helping them break through their barriers. I thought you all might benefit from the following suggestions and ... Views: 1182
There are those who say life is like a sprint or a marathon. I say it often feels like a sprint combined with a boxing match because we are not only running but we are getting hit along the way. Every day we face challenges and obstacles that feel like we are getting hit with left jabs and right ... Views: 1773
LOVE THINE ENEMY (%^&*$?!!!)
You hate your supervisor. There – you finally said it. You’ve been pussy-footing around it (and her) for long enough now. That’s it, you’ve had it! Let the truth be told – you hate your supervisor.
Your reflection in the mirror scowls back at you. You sigh, ... Views: 896
One of the major reasons why people fail to succeed is the non-implementation of their thoughts, ideas & desires.
Let us see why people fail to implement whatever they wanted.
1. Non-implementation of anything is due to lack of ... Views: 815
Growing up, I remember my Dad had some really great friends. They had the most amazing, positive and magnetic energy. Arguably, they were also among the "coolest" of their time. One in particular, is not only admired by me, but by countless others who affectionately know him as, "Big O." ... Views: 1530
When your life is over how will you be graded? Will you get an A or a B or will you get a C Average? Will your time on this earth be rated as average? None of us want to be average. We all want to be successful. We all, deep down, have the desire to achieve something in our lives.
So why oh ... Views: 1123
“Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway.” – John Wayne
"Courage is the cliché hallmark attributed to the hero. I say cliché because people talk about courage as if it is some mysterious force only a hero is born with. Courage is a vague and fleeting concept for many people ... Views: 993
Limiting beliefs, just like positive, empowering thoughts, provide a foundation for our experiences and what we demonstrate. Old beliefs can leave us behind – and are often stale, lingering ideas left-over from our childhood experiences or from other areas of life that no longer carry any ... Views: 1632
You’re running behind at work – which worries you, understandably. You’re having to bring work home, which is interfering with your family life – and that worries you, of course. Your kids, who are teenagers now, are behaving like teenagers – and that really worries you. Plus your plumbing is ... Views: 1397
If you go around and ask, "Do you want to become a millionaire?" I believe 9 out of 10 will say yes to your question.
But why isn't everyone a millionaire?
Let's use becoming a millionaire as an example to share my thoughts. What I'm going to say applies to anything that you want to achieve. ... Views: 920