Today I wanted to talk about a concept that I hold near and dear to my heart. The fact is that everything in life is marketing. If you think you are in a "pure" business and don't sell anything you are completely wrong. We are constantly selling, not just our products but ourselves. ... Views: 1045
Hey guys,
I have gotten into a couple of great time techniques with you. So far we have looked into the power of delegation and have really gotten into the subject of time blocking. With delegation, really you just want to spend your time doing the most valuable things and spend the least ... Views: 1166
I wanted to write this post as an official announcement of the creation of the psychodynamic marketing method. Psychodynamic can be broken down into dynamic meaning development and psychological or pertaining to the mind. Therefore, psychodynamic marketing is a method in which a company is ... Views: 1778
In this post, I want to go further into the secrets of time tactics. In 2013, I want you to be the most time terrific expert out there in the field. I spoke before about the power of delegation. The most successful individuals on the planet delegate. When you have the ability to delegate ... Views: 1349
What is more important to do than goal set and manage time. Like I have said before, time is the one resource the wealthiest of individuals and you share and well if you don't have goals, you just walk around in circles spinning like a dreidel.
I am going to talk to you about one of the most ... Views: 1106
Anger and Frustration as States of Mind - By: Joey Poltor
First of all, not having a support system that is on board with your goals is toxic and secondly, state of mind is a HUGE aspect of success.
Read this and then stop and imagine. The last time you got angry, really angry, why did you ... Views: 2624
Second Most Costly Misconception About Creating Success - By: Joey Poltor
There is only ONE way to become successful... There is only ONE way to make a million dollars and you are looking for that magical answer. You may know this, heck, you may have been referred to as this guy. The fact is ... Views: 1070
Want to Freak Out your Coworkers? It's Time to Deskercize! - By: Joey Poltor
Do You Deskercize?
If not, you most definitely should! Deskercizing is not just a fun way to annoy your co workers, but can actually improve your health and fitness! Try these moves and make a lasting impression ... Views: 1852
3 Best Steps to Bounce Back After Holiday Over Eating - By: Joey Poltor
Turkey, and Stuffing and Pie, Oh My!!
Holidays are for enjoying! Let’s be realistic, it’s impossible to resist all temptations, I am personally a sucker for anything pumpkin. But, you should never beat yourself up ... Views: 1816
Only Certain People Can Be Successful...
Often time people seem to assume that you can only be successful if you were born into money or you are overly artistic or fate has brought you success. This is an absurd belief… There are factors that contribute to success among all people that have ... Views: 1180
I wrote this just for you... Choosing to get fit and live a healthy lifestyle isn’t easy... Why? Because you are constantly being bombarded with misleading advertising, confusing claims, and simply bad information. From super low prices to unqualified ‘gurus’ and near worthless methods, ... Views: 863
Ahh, Holiday Weight Gain. Why in the world has this been something we're so willing to accept??? I suppose it's because most people set their New Year's Resolution to (once again) lose weight and get fit. I call Shenanigans on the whole situation. If you think about it, you're simply stuffing ... Views: 1020
"Love Handles"???
hmmm, think about that for a sec.
In the infatuation stage of a relationship, everything is fabulous. They're so thoughtful, sweet and try so very hard to impress you. You become happier each new day than you were the one before. It's L-O-V-E love! Then........ a few ... Views: 882
Remember a few years back, when we started to see commercials promising that High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) was totally fine in moderation? There were stereotypical Moms giving their children artificially sweetened beverages and popsicles reassuring one another that it was perfectly fine….. in ... Views: 1403
Dear Moms,
Choosing to get fit and live a healthy lifestyle isn’t easy. Why? Because you are constantly being bombarded with misleading advertising, confusing claims, and simply bad information. From super low prices to unqualified ‘gurus’ and near worthless methods, how do you ever find a ... Views: 1198
Batwings, Bye Bye Arms, Flarmies, Tharms (arms that are as big as thighs).......
Flabby arms!!!! Call them whatever you want, but we all HATE them!
Now, here's how to send them packing!!!
• Come into push-up position with feet together and hands spaced ... Views: 1840
Booty, Buns, Gluteus Maximus, Glutes, BUTT!
We all want it….. a Curvy, Tight Booty! I used to think that some people were just blessed with pretty butts, and I just wasn’t one of them. I started switching up my workouts and saw some shocking results. My butt started to lift and round ... Views: 2696
This time of year, with holiday shopping, events, parties, family coming in, or traveling -things can get a little stressful! We have never ending demands, almost no free time, which leads to an emotional roller coaster, which usually results with stuffing our faces full of junk! I will show ... Views: 1060
We all know Halloween time means eating a lot of sweets….. especially the “Mommy Candy Tax” we get to charge for toting our little ghouls and ghosts around.
But, the temptations aren’t just during Trick or Treat. We go to work and someone bakes scary cookies, or monster cupcakes. We visit ... Views: 1183
You are a Goddess and your body is your temple!
It doesn't matter how much you are dissatisfied with how it looks right this minute; you must cherish, love and respect your body. It's the only one you will ever have!
Please don't tell yourself that you will love your body when it ... Views: 1054
Yep, you read that right….. You CAN have Donuts with your Coffee, well, Bikini Mom Approved Donuts, that is…….and they’re loaded with protein. Homer Simpson would be beaming with delight. I swear, nothing is better on a crisp Fall morning than a piping hot cup of Joe and a warm, freshly baked ... Views: 1114
Why did I Start Fundraising Now?
Well, honestly to help people. I am a professional internet marketer so I know how the internet works. I know the power of captivating millions of people with the power of the written word and realized that this power should be used for more good in the ... Views: 1666
We all have it..... that little "pooch" under our belly buttons that comes from having our beautiful babies. It is without a doubt the most frustrating area for women. But, no need to panic! I have developed some amazing moves that will pull your tummy in tight like a corset.
Tighten ... Views: 1265
This post is for anyone who has had a great idea, or wanted to do something but was too scared to give it a try. This post is for the 'miss 100% of the shots you never take' crowd.
When I was in high school, I missed going to the state tournament in track by something like 1/100th of a ... Views: 1118
I get questions from Moms almost every day about how to stay focused and on the right path toward their Ultimate Weight Loss Goals.
So, I decided to put together some of my best tips that I personally use and that have worked wonders for my clients. Now, on their own, these tips ... Views: 1339
Oh yes, you read that right. You CAN have your “cake” and eat it too. Well, only if it is a Bikini Mom Method approved dessert.
Here are some of my favorite clean and delicious dessert recipes!
Firstly, a Fall Favorite…….
2 Cups ... Views: 1501
This statement changed my life! Most of you know it from Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich.
Faith is a State Of Mind
Wow! What else do I need to say. I have been one to ask of others their opinions, their insights because my childhood was poor and I had very poor role models growing ... Views: 1300
Many people are starting to get a better grasp over the high fat foods that are out there and are starting to avoid eating them for both their weight and health’s sake.
Much discussion has been made in the media about the harmful effects of trans fats on the body and as such, health conscious ... Views: 938
YES! It’s been one week, you’ve stuck to your diet and were hitting the gym every day; you’ve lost 3 pounds!! You are a woman on FIRE! Oh, yeah mama, zip up those skinny jeans!
Now, it’s Sunday and you’re out to a big lunch with your family.
“One, or two breadsticks won’t hurt, right? and I ... Views: 1135
So I said to myself, I want to create something with such paramount value that people love me, my wife and my company. Here it is:
How many people in the world do you think are just 'content' in their lives? Most people, for lack of statistics, are NOT happy in their lives. They take pills ... Views: 2066