The dark cloak, the top hat, the intense've seen it many times, the mysterious hypnotist as they approach their subject to make them obey their every command. Dark, sinister...and not even close to reality! When I tell people that I'm a hypnotist, I get a wide range of responses, ... Views: 1688
"I’m leaving you!”
That may have been you that heard those words or said them. And, now, every time when you think about it, all of the emotional trauma returns to haunt you once again. Divorce is rarely, if ever, a reaction to a single event. It has taken time to develop. Time to ... Views: 2050
Years ago, there was an anachronism coined, DINKS. It stood for married couples that had Duel Income, No Kids. As the result of my search on the Internet came up with little related to the term, other than finance-related websites, I assume the term has gone mostly out of style. Much of the ... Views: 2540
The reasons to stop smoking are tremendous. Rather than go into all of the negative things that smoking can do to you, I want you to fully consider the positive things being a non-smoker will do for you. First, you'll discover things related to your health. Then, as you will see, financial ... Views: 1651
Millions of people have been displaced from their jobs in the last few years, because of this; many businesses had put a freeze on spending, hiring, consulting, and any new projects. With what objective in mind? To preserve the bottom-line. Was it successful? Not in most cases. In fact, what ... Views: 1103
Have you ever communicated an idea to another person and not received the response you wanted or expected? Have you ever experienced an easy flow of communication with some people, but there are others that you just don't seem to be able to get on the same "page" with? In this article, you're ... Views: 1478
If you were to rate yourself on how happy and fulfilling your life is right now on a scale of 1-10, with “1” being not at all and “10” being fantastic, where would you rate yourself?
It’s an interesting question, because, if you’re like most people, you use generalized terms to describe your ... Views: 1853