Un-Game Principle: Beware of driven behavior. Although valued in American culture, it’s not always the best course of action.
I was on a radio show recently, and it was a complete bust for me.
I’m not innocent in the matter. There are plenty of things I could have done differently. I ... Views: 1040
Perfectionism hurts our relationships
When making things perfect is our top priority, we tend to expect others to live up to our rigid expectations for performance. When they don’t, we’re likely to forget the other person’s intentions, efforts, or good work. Instead, we focus on the “less ... Views: 1519
Un-Game Principle: Belief creates the fact
Who doesn’t love the unself-conscious little boy or girl, the undaunted miniature explorer who moves with unbridled enthusiasm to experience life?
This morning I walked to the barn to feed my three horses. I go out sighing and contemplating divorce ... Views: 1437
From the world stage to your work place or your home, everyone is a manager. Your kick-butt department could be your family. Or the Little League baseball team you coach. Or the Neighborhood Association you’re a part of. Everywhere where people are gathered, courageous conversations are sorely ... Views: 1050
For the Perfectionist Manager and the Perfectionists They Might Be Managing
“I’m a perfectionist.” Have you ever hear these words come out of your mouth? Perhaps you’ve declared your status with a slight sense of smugness and a secret belief that you’re just a tad bit better than the ... Views: 1078
Have you ever had the thoughts “I have too much information and too many choices without a way to choose what’s right for me. I don’t have time to do all I need to do. I need to go on an information diet.”?
“I need to go on an information diet” is our solution to the uncomfortable experience ... Views: 1427
Some will call me terminally naive. I prefer visionary and practical. I’m uninterested in intellectual ruminations without practical application. I should explain. I am originally from Germany. Enough said.
Now then, what if we were courageous enough to stick our neck out for the public ... Views: 1141
Interrogate reality doesn’t only mean the other person’s reality. It means we begin with our own. Always. If we harbor thoughts like “John is unreasonable. How in the world can I tell him without him getting defensive?”, we’re looking in the wrong place. Courageous conversations are first of ... Views: 3288
Let’s face it. Business school wasn’t the best preparation for managing a business unit.
For most of us, learning how to effectively lead a team comes from on-the-job training.
Whether you manage two assistants or a large department, coaching your team is a powerful path to success. When a ... Views: 1875
1. Interrogate Reality
2. Tackle the Tough Stuff
3. Invite Learning
4. Enrich Relationships
Here’s a BELIEF from which you can lead as a leader, manager, be it in corporate America or in the privacy of your home: “Conversations can either enable you and increase your capacity for ... Views: 1583