Nowadays, there is less pressure on people to have a traditional relationship and even to get married. Thanks to this, people have far more freedom to express themselves and experience something that is actually right for them.
So, for a while now, casual encounters have been an option, and, ... Views: 138
A long-distance relationship is the manifestation of a strong and courageous love that braves all odds in the sophisticated choreography of modern romance. Trust is not easy to come by in an era when technology makes it possible for people across continents to connect, making a lack of trust the ... Views: 216
Laziness is the biggest disease of humankind! This might sound silly to you but the deep meaning of the statement can only be understood when you think of the lost time & opportunities because of this laziness in your life. Unfortunately, we still speak less about the context and its bad effects ... Views: 202
For a little while, someone may have experienced thoughts that are having a negative effect on their wellbeing. Along with these thoughts, there can be feelings that also arise.
These thoughts and feelings are then not going to be positive and empowering; they will be negative and ... Views: 126
One of the strangest and most meaningful experiences of my life occurred when I went through Rolfing (ten brilliant sessions of deep-tissue bodywork) in my early 20's. The fifth session works on the stomach area, and I was anticipating (= dreading) the release of buried sadness. Instead, there ... Views: 198
In the same way that someone can more or less always wear the same outfit, they can also more or less always behave in the same way. And, as part of how they behave, they can also typically wear the same type of clothes.
They are then going to be a whole human being that has many different ... Views: 128
Private schools catering to individuals with special needs, like Puzzle Box Academy, offer a unique and tailored educational experience for children with developmental, learning, and behavioral challenges. These schools provide a supportive and nurturing environment that caters to the individual ... Views: 211
What can be normal is for a man to hide how he feels and to make out that he is fine. It could go further than this, though, as he could typically be unaware of how he feels and not have a strong connection with his part of him.
Assuming that this is the case, he will look like a whole human ... Views: 131
Although a man’s childhood is well and truly over, it doesn’t mean that he will generally feel like a strong and capable adult. Instead, he can generally feel low and be full of doubt, and be anxious and fearful.
If he is consciously aware of what is going on, he could believe that he is this ... Views: 123
After having been with a man who was entangled with his mother, for however long, a woman could be greatly relieved that she has now cut her ties with him. One of the reasons for this is that she could be exhausted and no longer have the desire or energy to experience life in this way.
So, ... Views: 127
What might soon stand out, if someone were to step back and reflect, is that they have the tendency to end up with people who are not right for them. This could be something that has happened so often that they question if they want to be with another person.
But, as fed up as they can be, ... Views: 134
At this point in time, someone could be in a relationship with someone who is not available. So, they might not be able to emotionally connect with them and they might not spend much time with them either.
Assuming that this is the case, they will be emotionally out of reach, and at times, ... Views: 136
Now that someone is an adult, they could typically ignore a number of their needs. But, if this is just what is normal, they might not be aware of this.
If so, apart from their basic needs, most if not all of their other needs will seldom be met. To be specific, they can generally take care ... Views: 133
A previous JOT - admit fault and move on - was about our relationship with other people. This JOT applies the same practice to ourselves.
Most people know they have less than wonderful qualities, such as too much ambition (or too little), a weakness for wine or cookies, something of a temper, ... Views: 187
Even though someone has the right to be here and deserves to exist, it doesn’t mean that they will realise this. They can have this sense that they don’t have the right to be here and to exist.
Along with this, they can feel deeply worthless and unlovable. If this is so, they are not going to ... Views: 129
If someone were to look back at their early years, what might stand out is that this wasn’t a time when they were generally loved and cherished. Instead, they could see that this was a time when they were typically treated like they were nothing.
This can be how their mother and perhaps ... Views: 154
What a woman may find, if she was to take a step back and reflect on her life, is that she continually attracts men who are not available. This could be something that has taken place for as long as she can remember.
At this point in time, she could have had enough of experiencing life in ... Views: 124
Nowadays, it is not uncommon for someone to have difficulty falling asleep. Furthermore, they could know at least one person who has the same challenge.
And, even if there isn’t anyone in their life who has spoken about this, it doesn’t mean that there is not someone in their life who is in ... Views: 130
Based on how someone typically behaves, it can be as though they are wearing a straight jacket and don’t have a voice. The reason for this is that it can be normal for them to go along with what others want and not to speak up when they need to.
They are then going to be an individual, who ... Views: 150
During someone’s early years, they may have had a mother who wasn’t very warm and was often very cruel. She would then have been their mother but based on how she often behaved, it would have been as though she was their enemy.
Thanks to what they went through throughout this key stage of ... Views: 127
If someone was to take a step back and reflect on the feelings that they experience, what could soon stand out is that they often have moments when they feel as though something is missing. They will then look whole and complete but they will seldom feel whole and complete.
By having this ... Views: 126
Introduction: In the landscape of personal growth, few modalities promise the swiftness of change that hypnotherapy does. It’s a realm where science meets the subconscious, offering individuals a direct route to profound transformation. The question on many minds is: How rapidly can one expect ... Views: 204
What can be normal is for a man to only have the desire to share his body with a woman, nothing more nothing less. Then again, he might have the need to share his mind with her, but that could be about it.
Either way, this is likely to mean that he will only have casual encounters and will, ... Views: 106
What a man may have come to realise, as the years have passed, is that his mother wasn’t very warm when he was growing up. She would then have been his mother but she wouldn’t have been very motherly.
However, he could wonder why it has taken him so long to see his mother clearly. For most of ... Views: 131
In general, someone can live a life that seldom if ever changes. So, they might have lived in the same area, had the same job, and had the same friends for most of their life.
Therefore, their life will be very stable and very predictable. However, although this will be so, this is likely to ... Views: 123
Even though a man can have the desire to be with a woman who is available, he might not believe that this is possible. The reason for this is that he may have been with a number of women who were not available.
In fact, he might have only been with women who were not available. Thanks to the ... Views: 110
If someone was greatly deprived during their formative years, they are likely to be carrying a lot of pain and a number of unmet developmental needs. This is, of course, assuming that they haven’t started to work through any of this pain.
The reason for this is that missing out on the love ... Views: 161
Have you ever watched two people quarrel, or otherwise be stuck in a conflict with each other? Usually, if either or both of them simply acknowledged one or more things, that would end the fight.
Recall a time someone mistreated you, let you down, dropped the ball, made an error, spoke ... Views: 188
If a man is in a position where practically his whole life revolves around his mother, it is likely to show that he doesn’t feel comfortable with his own needs. Along with this, he is unlikely to even be in touch with his own needs.
Therefore, he will be out of balance but he won’t realise ... Views: 134
After not being in a good way for however long, someone could come to the conclusion that they need help. Due to this, they could end up looking for a therapist locally or online.
They might not care about whether they work with a man or a woman, or they could have a preference. Assuming ... Views: 133
How does health atm works? Navigating your well-being adventure in a rather individualized manner, and there are countless gear and strategies available to help you along the way. The best system is Health ATM, a concept that combines diverse aspects of your properly being right into an ... Views: 219
Even though women are imperfect human beings, not gods, it doesn’t mean that a man will realise this. In general, he could have the tendency to treat women as though they are from another realm.
Or to be more accurate, this can be how he often treats the women that he is attracted to and ... Views: 123
One thing that someone is going to carry, if they were mistreated during their early years, is a lot of hurt. To handle what was going on, this hurt would have had to be pushed out of their conscious awareness and stored deep in their brain and body.
If this hadn’t taken place, they might ... Views: 128
Over the years, a woman may have been with a number of men who were abusive. However, although she would have felt deeply unsafe around them as time passed, she probably felt radically different around them at the beginning.
If this is the case, she would have felt safe when she was first ... Views: 125
Health ATM is a touchscreen hardware tool that delivers primary care services to people remotely. It is a nice machine that arrives in healthcare centers to increase satisfaction and improve customer enjoyment. How does the health ATM work? There are some health ATMs hooked up across diverse ... Views: 215
In the same way that a man won’t just have a masculine element, a woman also won’t just have a feminine element. Just as with a man then, her appearance will be an expression of one element but when it comes to her inner world, she will contain both elements.
Nonetheless, although this will ... Views: 134
If a woman has been with a number of men who were focused on their mother and, thus, were unavailable, she is likely to question if this area of her life will ever change. But, if she has been in this position on more than one occasion, this is to be expected.
What could make this even harder ... Views: 114
“Stress should be a powerful driving force, not an obstacle.” ― Bill Phillips.
I guess you are familiar with the adage, “Nothing good comes easily.” In every aspect of life, we face unprecedented challenges that, in many cases, negatively impact our well-being. Modern society has increasingly ... Views: 222
As a kid, I was really out of touch with my body. I hardly noticed it most of the time, and when I did, I prodded it like a mule to do a better job of hauling "me" - the head - around.
This approach helped me to soldier through some tough times. But there were costs. Many pleasures were ... Views: 184
If a man is in touch with his power, he will be able to be assertive, take action, and to stand up for himself. This will show that he has a strong connection with his body as this is where his power will be found.
Of course, his mind will provide him with a certain level of power but the ... Views: 167
Manifestation is a powerful practice that allows you to bring your desires and intentions into reality. By harnessing the power of your thoughts, beliefs, and actions, you can create positive changes and attract the things you want in life. This document will provide you with a step-by-step ... Views: 216
Manifestation is a powerful practice that allows you to bring your desires and intentions into reality. By harnessing the power of your thoughts, beliefs, and actions, you can create positive changes and attract the things you want in life. This document will provide you with a step-by-step ... Views: 203
If a woman hates men, this can be something that is very much part of her personality or it might not be. When it comes to the former, she could spend a lot of time thinking about how bad men are and having numerous conversations with other women about it.
This could go even further, though, ... Views: 136
Even if a man wants to develop a loving and harmonious relationship with a woman, it doesn’t mean that he has been able to make much progress. He could be in a position where he hasn’t been able to find a woman who is suitable.
Alternatively, he might have dated at least one woman but for ... Views: 145
In the same way that someone can live in a building that has many levels and spend most of their time on the top floor, they can also inhabit a body and spend most of their time up top. As a result of this, they will generally be unaware of what is taking place in their body.
The outcome of ... Views: 146
Feeling empty inside can be difficult to describe. Like any other emotion, many people experience it differently. Depending on what’s causing you to feel this way, you may have different signs and symptoms each time.
Sign 1: You feel completely devoid of all emotions, whether they’re good or ... Views: 195
If a man was to think about how his mother treated him during his formative years, he could be filled with gratitude. The reason for this is that this is likely to have been a time when he was loved and cherished by her.
However, if another man was to think about how his mother treated him ... Views: 136
What someone could see, if they were to reflect on their life, is that their inability to handle their emotions is having a negative on their life. They could also see that this is nothing new as they have been this way for as long as they can remember.
Due to this, they might not need to ... Views: 131
What someone could struggle to get their head around, if they were abused as a child, is why their parent treated them in this way. The person who was supposed to love and cherish them wouldn’t have done so.
If they had been harmed by someone at school or a stranger, for instance, it would ... Views: 141
If a man is in a position where he is overly focused on his mother and is not there for himself, it will be clear that something is not right. This is based on the fact that he is not on this earth to be an extension of anyone else – he is here to live his own life.
So, as this is not taking ... Views: 145