We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Overcoming Fear". If you have expertise in Overcoming Fear and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
If a man is in a position where he spends a lot of time doing things for his mother and neglects himself, he could believe that his mother is the problem. Therefore, if it wasn’t for her, he would be able to live his own life.
Due to this, he could come to the conclusion that until she ... Views: 33
Tuesday, December 10, 2024 was a sad day for me. Legend R& B singer, Frankie Beverly passed away at the age of 77 years old. I had to pay tribute to the man who brought much joy to individuals around the world with his music.
Frankie was born Howard Stanley was an American singer, ... Views: 48
If a man were to think about the experiences that he has had with women over the years, he might soon experience a number of ‘negative’ feelings. This is because he may have been with a number of women who were not very loving.
So, these women might not have typically been interested in his ... Views: 123
Does it sometimes appear like everyone around you is confident and sure of themselves? Chances are, they have doubts just like you. So, what did they discovered about how to be confident?
They know that confidence is not something you have, it’s something you create from within yourself. ... Views: 303
If someone was to take a step back and reflect on their life, what might end up standing out is that they often experience a sense of disgust. When this takes place, they will be around something or someone that causes them to be repulsed and they could even feel sick.
This will then be a ... Views: 355
Thanks to a platform that offers a ‘virtual girlfriend experience’, a man can receive far more than he did in the past. Before this platform was available, he would have been able to view pictures and videos of a woman but that would have been about it.
Now, by paying a certain fee to a ... Views: 383
Now that a man is no longer in a relationship, he will be free to meet other women and take things further. However, although this will be so, it doesn’t mean that he will allow himself to do this.
In general, he could keep his distance from women and not go anywhere where he is likely to ... Views: 403
What is Our Basic Nature?
Bill Cottringer
He who has so little knowledge of human nature as to seek happiness by changing anything but his own disposition, will waste his life in fruitless efforts. ~Samuel Johnson.
A turtle was about to enter the water on the edge of a large ... Views: 420
It is part of the human experience to need others but, that doesn’t mean that someone is able to accept this. In general, they could act as though they don’t need others and this could be something that they feel quite proud of.
They might often criticise those who do make it clear that they ... Views: 420
As I sit writing this monthly newsletter the shock of the last few days has lessened its grip on me, but it’ll always be there. You see, inequality has always been a pet peeve of mine. In thinking about this I wonder where it all began, was there an event that shaped my hard and fast rules ... Views: 466
“Don’t saw off the branch you are sitting on.”
- International Proverb
“Don’t shoot yourself in the foot!” I heard this warning from my grandpa when he addressed my childhood anger issues.
What does it really mean?
Shoot yourself in the foot: “To damage or impede one's own plans, ... Views: 584
In The Life Divine, Sri Aurobindo describes the sevenhold ignorance which limits the human being. We live in a world about which we know very little, and we lack a complete understanding of the significance of our lives, the meaning of existence, or the processes of Time. As a result, we act as ... Views: 511
A number of years ago, a crowd of anti-war protesters in Washington DC were gathered in front of a federal building and were suddenly confronted with a phalanx of heavily armed police wielding guns, batons and potentially tear gas cannisters, arriving with numerous paddy wagons, who surrounded ... Views: 589
Wherever we focus attention, we create a direct relationship with the object of that attention. It may be through aspiration towards a higher consciousness, devotion to an ideal or through love for a revered guide or teacher; or it may be through the reaction of fear about some person, event or ... Views: 577
Do you have a healthy relationship with yourself? That’s one tough question to answer. It’s not even something most of us think about that often.
But it’s a question of prime importance now more than ever before. The systems, the people, the places that we relied on for so ... Views: 628
Having a regular routine to practice yoga and meditation is an important part of managing all health-related issues and taking them off you. But let’s face it, it’s not always facile to stay healthy and active all the time. It is not easy to deal with health issues or maintain perfect health all ... Views: 768
Have you ever wondered what is meant by the statement, “You create your own reality”?
Some people feel empowered when they hear this statement. Others think it is ridiculous BS. Those who feel empowered by it sometimes lose their empathy and compassion. They may go around challenging people: ... Views: 681
“Sometimes the worst place you can be
Is in your own head.”
I feel like a mime lately. All the COVID-19 “air hugs” and using my hands more to be understood makes me feel a bit awkward. I also find myself raising my voice to penetrate the barrier of a mask. And, like many, I ... Views: 646
The racism that produced Black enslavement and subsequent inequities is the same racism that drove the war in Viet Nam is the same racism that sent Japanese Americans to internment camps is the same racism that fuels the anti-Asian hate and violence we are seeing today.
The construction and ... Views: 629
Got Doubt? How to Stay Positive and Overcome Those Doubtful Thoughts
Doubt and business seem to be two words that are never far away. Doubting yourself is so easy to do when working because there is so much pressure. You want to make sure that you do everything correct because having a job is ... Views: 611
This article was originally published at rochizalani.com
Mmm, it is honeysugar, the beginnings. Every gesture so sweet, every crossed boundary charming, and every habit adorable. All of us possess a little bit of this sparkly honeymoon period nostalgia at the back of our palms.
It most ... Views: 734
If someone is an adult, it could be said that what took place when they were a child will be over. As a result of this, the pain that they experienced during this stage of their life will be firmly in the past.
What could add weight to this view is that if they were to think about this stage ... Views: 647
CoVerified, a leading provider of custom software platforms and COVID-19 testing for colleges and universities, announced its program to bring COVID-19 testing and an education-focused software platform to K-12 schools across the nation. Working with Mirimus, Inc., a high-throughput pooled ... Views: 695
2020 was a year that forced us to make changes we didn’t want and wouldn’t have chosen to make, and we made them anyway. It was a year filled with disappointments, loneliness, disruption, and heartache for many, and we survived. It shined a spotlight on areas of our life that weren’t working and ... Views: 860
Happy New Year! We are all expressing this greeting, hoping this year to be better than 2020. Last year was a year many people felt fearful, depressed, and lacking in optimism for the future, for many different reasons.
Some of us lost loved ones, experienced illness in our families, job ... Views: 750
You say, you’ve been preparing for the GATE exams ever since March. It means you have studied well, and you are already prepared. But due to psychological effect, you are feeling nervous and depressed. When one is depressed, self-negativity starts, “I cannot pass. I cannot write my exams ... Views: 623
How to solve Love marriage problems by astrology?
Now a days Love marriage problem is a very complicated problem. Mostly Youngsters face problems in their love life. No one wants their love marriage problem to exist for a long time. If you want a Love marriage problem solution using astrology ... Views: 779
Backbone Tools: From Codependency to Dignity
If you grew up in a family with lots of dysfunction e.g. alcohol, anger, illness physical or mental, Borderline/narcissistic (it is all about me), or any other phenomena other than adult people being normal loving parents to their children you may ... Views: 900
For thousands of years, people lit candles at night, traveled no faster than a horse, and went outside to the bathroom. Men have walked on the moon and traveled faster than sound. Science has enabled so many advances that make life better.
All true progress is in harmony with natural laws ... Views: 876
We all have healthy fears and unhealthy fears. Our healthy fears act as the natural safeguards which we use to sense and avoid dangerous situations. Our unhealthy fears, on the other hand, hold us back from growing and can cause chaos in our lives because one is constantly trying to get rid of ... Views: 801
Fear is one of the most powerful emotions as it has a very strong effect on our mind and body. It makes us worry and holds us back in life, especially when that fear or worry is regarding losing someone or something in life that is of great value to us.
I too had a lot of fears and worries. ... Views: 770
Jeremiah 29:11 tells us, “I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for good and not for evil, plans for a hope and a future.”
Some have said that “the opposite of fear is faith.” However, we are living during a time in which many people are experiencing fear; fear of the ... Views: 953
Attraction is all about being available and drawing the right people, ideas, and opportunities to you. The attraction is the point at which we are intrigued, interested, or want to float towards a person or thing.
Do you want to become a more vibrant, versatile, memorable, and attractive ... Views: 1399
The global pandemic of coronavirus has already made thousands of men and women physically sick. Unfortunately, some of them have died. However, it is not everything. There is one more problem, which is not less important. A lot of modern people cannot even imagine the emotional trauma that this ... Views: 840
Just because someone was as abused as a child, it doesn’t mean that they will realise this now that they are an adult. This can primarily be the result of the defences that their mind has in place.
To handle what took place during their early years, so that their life didn’t come to an end, ... Views: 971
I am sharing an article with important message from Russia to the Global Community and WHO: The number of healthy people is growing rapidly around the world:
Thousands of such people were discovered in China, as well as in Italy, Russia, Ukraine! The health virus also crossed the Atlantic ... Views: 884
Rational means it makes logical sense in a mathematical, quantifiable way. Think Spock from Star Trek, or even Dr. Manhattan from The Watchmen. At times, they are coldly rational and only consider pure logic even if absurd moral or ethical sacrifice is involved.
Reasonable means it is a ... Views: 892
Fear is one of the most powerful emotions as it has a very strong effect on our mind and body. It makes us worry and holds us back in life, especially when that fear or worry is regarding losing someone or something in life that is of great value to us.
I too had a lot of fears and worries. ... Views: 695
Title: Panic Away
Language: English
Author: Barry Mcdonagh
Official Website: panicaway.com
The Panic Away program is filled with tools used to treat general anxiety and panic attack disorder. This program is supposed to teach you hot to end panic attacks in 21 seconds, and ... Views: 944
The world has been shaken upside down with this greatest ever disaster hitting the mankind with an incomprehensible virus attack. Almost majority of sectors like apparel, automotive, travel, etc are seriously affected and are under major metamorphosis. The mayhem is certainly imminent.
It ... Views: 999
With all the negativity of many worldly events surrounding us, one of the most common fears is fear of the future. People ask, “What will happen if......?”
When we ask ourselves, “What is the worst that can happen,” we have a tendency to make common mental errors. We may not only ... Views: 881
Can the COVID-19 Pandemic Get Worse?
Almost everywhere we go and everything we do has been altered by concerns about the Coronavirus.
It is downright shocking, upsetting, and frustrating. Many people are bored and feel trapped at home and are getting stir crazy.
How can we cope with the ... Views: 771
“5 Steps to Finding your Purpose and Destiny”
by Marlie Love
I had the great privilege of interviewing Marlie Love for her now available as an e-book “5 Steps to Finding your Purpose and Destiny” published by Bootstrap Publications. In this book, she touches on topics that readers can ... Views: 1037
There are many positives to living in an increasingly globalised and connected world. Endless information is at our fingertips. We have the ability to immediately see and talk to loved ones on the other side of the world. We can enjoy food from all over the world without needing to travel. And ... Views: 830
Fearing the future can be a common problem. With climate change and disease an ever-growing concern, coupled with the uncertainty of what lies ahead can make it hard to focus. Such situations make giving into fear and anxiety extremely easy. The future is by its very nature an unknown. People ... Views: 744
The world is going through a difficult time with COVID-19 causing so much harm and even more panic and fear . No doubt that it is a time that we need to be alert but also be hopeful.
we know, Globally we all are sailing in the same boat. As they say “*Shared Pain and problems Brings People ... Views: 894
Knowing that most of you are being affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, I want to share some thoughts I’ve had for how to cope with the challenges you’re facing as a result. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed or unsure about what to do; this is uncharted territory for us all.
The most important ... Views: 856
For many people around the world, paying attention to the mainstream media is part of life. It is then not something that they need to think about doing; it is merely something that they do.
Most, if not all, of these people, will have probably been this way since they were very small. Their ... Views: 820
I’ve always considered myself an emotionally resilient person. On top of that, I also never doubted my driving skills and confidence behind the wheel. However, due to a recent unfortunate event, I had to face a challenge that I never thought I would come across – the fear of driving.
I was a ... Views: 1058
Do you find yourself overwhelmed with fear while you are on the verge of making some important career decision?
We generally give in to our apprehensions when we have to make choices or take risks that could have a long term and/or a large scale effect on our life; or where our mind starts ... Views: 607