When it comes to all of the bad things that are taking place in the world, it can seem as though there is very little that the average person can do. Thanks to this, the only way anything will really change is if the people in power do something about what is going on.
Someone can then want to live on a planet that is full of love, peaceful and harmonious, and where everyone is able to meet their basic needs, for instance, but they won’t be able to do much about this. Consequently, they could feel pretty hopeless and helpless.
Two Sides
They, along with most of their fellow human beings, will then have to hope that the world changes sooner rather than later. That’s not to say that they will believe that there isn’t anything that they can do.
But, if they believe that there are things that they can do, they won’t believe that these things will have much of an impact. For example, they could do what they can to be kind and generous, donate money to one or a few charities and even volunteer.
Another Angle
However, what if they, along with most of their fellow human beings, are not powerless and the people that are in power don’t actually have all the power? After hearing this they could find this hard to accept.
What could enter their mind is that the people at the top, so to speak, are the people who have all the money and make most of the big decisions. Thus, it is to be expected that they wouldn’t believe that they, along with most of these fellow human beings, are unable to do a great deal.
Going Deeper
Nonetheless, what they will need to keep in mind is that it is not just what takes place externally that impacts what is going on in the world; it is also what is going on internally. This means that what is going on for them and their fellow human beings has an impact on what does or doesn’t take place on the planet.
So, while their disconnected mind can create the impression that they are merely an observer of reality, this is not the truth. In other words, the sense of separation that their mind has is nothing more than an illusion.
A Closer Look
When it comes to what is going on inside them and their fellow human beings that have an impact on the external world; this will be their thoughts, beliefs, and feelings, among other things. Together, these elements will define what is going on for them at an energetic level.
This is because although they have a physical self, they are not actually solid and neither is anyone or anything else. In reality, they, along with everyone and everything, are made up of vibrating energy.
The Power Is Within Them
With this in mind, even though it can seem as though a small handful of people have all of the power, if it wasn’t for what was going on for the rest of the population, they wouldn’t have this power. Without realising it, then, they, along with most of their fellow human beings, are unknowingly giving their power away and are playing the role of not having much power.
As powerful as these people are, they will be being energised and kept in place by what is going on at an energetic level for most of the population. The key is then not for them, or their fellow human beings, to focus on purely changing what is going on externally, but to primarily focus on getting their inner world right.
A Different Experience
If what is going on inside them is influencing what is going on ‘out there’, it will be clear that the external conflict, chaos and misery is a reflection of the inner conflict, chaos and misery. As they, and their fellow human beings, resolve their own conflict, become more settled and deal with their own pain, the external world will follow suit.
Their inner world, the projector will change and, therefore, what is on the screen, the external world will also change. What this illustrates is that the external world is a reflection is what is going on inside the collective consciousness and what needs to be dealt with internally, as opposed to a sign that those at the top are causing problems and need to be ‘dealt with’.
Inner Work
When it comes to someone dealing with what is going on inside them, they will be facing pain and integrating parts of themselves that have been repressed. A lot of this material is likely to go back to what took place during their formative years.
What has been repressed and removed from their conscious awareness will have been forgotten about by their conscious mind but will have continued to impact how they experience life and what takes place on the planet as a whole. Their conscious mind or conscious sense of themselves is then just a small part of them.
Final Thoughts
If someone can relate to this and they want to embody the change that they want to see in the world, they may need to reach out for external support. The assistance of a therapist or healer, for instance, can allow them to go where they wouldn’t go by themselves and work through their inner wounds.
Author, transformational writer, teacher and consultant, Oliver JR Cooper, hails from England. His insightful commentary and analysis cover all aspects of human transformation; including love, partnership, self-love, self-worth, enmeshment, inner child, true self and inner awareness. With over three thousand, seven hundred in-depth articles highlighting human psychology and behaviour, Oliver offers hope along with his sound advice.
To find out more go to - http://www.oliverjrcooper.co.uk/
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