The term "brainwashing" carries connotations of propaganda at best, disappearance into ideological cults at worst. If we think of it as manipulation to change attitudes, then we're in the mainstream of contemporary society.
Our children are brainwashed every day. They are bombarded with ... Views: 1319
Have you heard of the Zone? Positive Contagion?
There's one in New York, Miami, San Francisco, the UK and
Israel so far--a zone for positive peer pressure.
When I read about it I was so excited I wanted to
blast it across the Internet. Here is what the Miami Herald
columnist Leonard ... Views: 1232
When we watch toddlers dance we feel their joy. When they trip, they don't fall far and their butts are padded. Their excitement at two-legged mobility is infectious.
When we see kids of all ages running, jumping, giggling and then falling asleep at ease, we assume children are carefree and ... Views: 1557
. . . or the Next Country
For the last 20,000 years, give or take a few, philosophers
and politicians have been dreaming up solutions to problems
with the idiots next door or with those moving in.
You may be more familiar with those problems in the last
thousand years. Remember the ... Views: 1386
"Deception and con games are a way
of life in all species and throughout
nature. Organisms that do not improve
their ability to deceive-and to detect
deception-are less apt to survive."
Harriet Lerner
That's some quote, isn't it?
What do you think about lying?
Is it "right" sometimes and ... Views: 3737
by Evelyn Cole
When I was nine years old my father suffered a "nervous breakdown," whatever that was. The term is no longer in vogue. He was sick in every part of his body. When one part healed another part hurt.
His doctor finally told him he needed to see a psychiatrist. That ... Views: 1372
What Happens to Communication When Subconscious Clues Are
What happens when all that is left is a hastily written and
then hastily read message on a computer screen?
Dire warning ahead!
According to a recent blurb from the Associated press, 71%
of business executives prefer to ... Views: 1244
I did not write this news release, but I submit it here and urge you to read it with all my heart:
San Francisco, CA (PRWEB) -- Despite the old saying about sticks and stones, evidence is mounting that words said in anger can hurt not just feelings but arteries as well. University of Utah ... Views: 1292
“It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is
not possible to find it elsewhere.” Agnes Repplier
Like computer programs, we can be misconfigured and need to re-program our subconscious minds.
Happiness is a subjective state, a temporary one by necessity. We can't know we are ... Views: 1242
“It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.” Agnes Repplier
One of the hardest illusions to die is the one thatsomeone else can make you happy or unhappy,joyful or angry.
We can be happy with another person only if weare happy with ... Views: 1341