Responsibility. Webster defines being responsible as: 1 a : liable to be called on to answer b (1) : liable to be called to account as the primary cause, motive, or agent (2) : being the cause
I rather like that when I think of what MY role is in YOUR life. First off, you are calling on me to answer your need, after all you are reading something that I wrote and you are doing so seeking my answers to your weight loss, motivation and health concerns.
I am honored that you called and I am glad to be accountable to motivated you or to be the cause that makes you change. Let's roll up our selves and get busy doing just that, shall we?!
My new motto and it is one that I hope you write out and place somewhere where you will see it often throughout your day:
"Life richly rewards action and ruthlessly punishes inaction!"
I find that to be an amazing quote, I can't take credit for it, I didn't write it, but am assuming ownership of it and going to make it the driving force in my day.
I meet a lot of people from all walks of life and am fortunate for that, as they teach me many things. Sometimes I tend to talk too much rather than listen, that’s a shame because we learn a lot more when we are listening than when we are talking! Today, I listened! (thankfully!)
I was at a training conference (yes, there is training for what I do!) and was amazed by each of the speakers I heard. Each gave me many great points to take away and apply to my life, career and family. Most of the things that I learn are so empowering to me that they then become my responsibility to share the knowledge that I have gained with others and with you! So, in keeping with my new motto, rather than wait to tell you about what I have learned, I am going to cancel my dinner plans and spend my Saturday night writing and sharing what I have learned and tell it to you in such a way as it applies to this, your weight loss journey (—don’t worry, I am not upset to miss the dinner party, I am jazzed! Totally pumped up and want to get this knowledge into your mind so that you too are jazzed and ready to take the action needed to improve your life.)
I want you to state your vision today—right now. I want to take a piece of paper and on it write down exactly what you want out of not only the weight loss aspect of your journey, but every aspect of your life. Write it down and don’t think ANY dream is too big, it isn’t!
Here’s a great story about vision and how what we see or don’t see affects our outcomes; a professional golfer was asked to go to Saudi Arabia and play in the King’s tournament. He went and played golf there for a week, even playing privately with the King and helping him improve his game. Upon his departure, the King asked the golfer what gift he could give him to thank the pro for a wonderful week, the pro declined and said no gift was needed. The King insisted and said “anything, just name it and it shall be yours.” The golfer admitted that he did collect golf clubs and said that a new club would be appreciated. On his way home, he fantasized about a solid gold club or one encrusted in diamonds, but after a few weeks at home and nothing coming in the mail he forgot about it. However, many weeks later a letter came baring the King’s royal seal. When it was only an envelope, he assumed it was simply a thank you note, but when he opened it, can you imagine his surprise as he read the deed giving him ownership of a 500 acre Golf Club?! Apparently Kings dream really big!
As you write down our dreams and goals, don’t allow small vision to stunt your potential outcome. Dream for the Golf Club rather than a golf club! You see the difference between the two, right?!
If you simply write down that you would “like to lose some weight” you might just lose some; 1-5 pounds! But, if you write down “I am going to lose 50 pounds!”—you just might!
You are only limited on this journey by what you see your outcome being. Over the weekend a woman emailed me and said that she wanted a refund for my program because she “just didn’t think that it would work for her”—even though she had only gotten it the day before! I am unwilling to accept a copout answer like that from myself or from anyone seeking my help. It isn’t giving a refund that bothers me; it is allowing someone to accept failure, to let someone leave my program without having tried it, to give up on their dream without having even taken one step towards realizing it—that is what keeps me up at night! I KNOW without any doubt in my mind that ANY person who wants or needs to lose weight will realize success with my program, I hear from too many people each day who are succeeding with it to think otherwise. Therefore, it is my responsibility to push someone past any discomfort they may have, to challenge someone not to accept defeat before even trying to fight, or to accept another failure without even having given it a shot.
Defeat wears on us, it eats away at our self-respect and our ability to overcome the next challenge in our life, but success enables us, it lifts us up and allows us to tackle anything that comes along—I think that is what my job is really, to enable people to conquer anything in their path! I spoke with the woman wanting a refund and challenged her, just as I am challenging YOU, to NOT give up, to not throw in the towel and to give herself the chance to succeed. She accepted the challenge, wiped off her tears and is now headed in the right direction
Today, I want to you to read the dreams and goals that you wrote down and then I want you to identify 3 steps that you should take that will help you get there. I know that drinking more water should be the first step, I think getting LifeChanger should be on your list as one of them, and I think getting better nutrition in your body must be one of them!
Let me know your list! Email me at and I will let you know if you are missing something or if I can be of any help to you!
Julia Griggs Havey Master Motivator, Author, Motivational Speaker
• Expert and 2000- present; 14 Million readers worldwide
• KeyNote speaker World Obesity and Overweight Congress, September 2005
• Key note speaker “Success in the City” Houston, 2005
• Warner Books Author; Best-selling “Awaken the Diet Within; from Overweight to Looking great!” #2 on Health ranking (just behind the renown Dr. Atkins!), #10 overall.
• Missouri Governor’s Council on Overweight and Obesity
• LifeChanger creator, Internet’s most popular motivational weight loss program.
• St. Louis Post-Dispatch “Health & Fitness Challenge”
• **Summer 2006** St. Martin’s Press is releasing, “The Vice Busting Diet!”—endorsed by Dr. David L. Katz (The Way to Eat) and Dr. Mehmet Oz (You, The Owner’s Manual)
• Motivational speaking nationwide, various size events from 200-3,000 attendees TV & Radio & Print:
• QVC; live on air host 1999-2000
• Webcast weekly radio “Take it off w/ Julia & Dr. Patrick Havey”
• Wayne Brady Show, January 2004 “Diet and Fitness Guru Week” (other ‘gurus’ were Bill Phillips, Billy Blanks, Jim Karas and Tony Little)
• Discovery Health Channel Documentary “I Lost It” (about my 130 lb. weight loss)
• Show Me St. Louis, numerous appearances
• Over 200 television/radio interviews given across the country 1999-present
• Time Life Direct Infomercial: “Take it Off w/ Julia; LifeChanger Program”—winner Questar Gold Medal “Best Commercial” 2003
• “Awaken the Diet Within” selected by USA Today January 2003 “one of the must read diet books of the year”
• First for Women, Woman’s World, Women’s Own, Glamour, Bride’s, NurseWeek, Parents, National Enquirer, Pounds Aweigh, St. Louis Post Dispatch
• Two real life reader Success Stories Covers features on Woman’s World 9/10/04 & 11/01/05Mrs. Missouri 1999National Spokesperson: Octane Fitness
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