Many years ago, I sat on the edge of my mom’s bed and eagerly watched her unpack a suitcase that was certain to hold a present for me. As she shuffled through the suitcase, she enthusiastically talked about finding whole sand dollars along a tame coastline. I could hardly believe it! I had ... Views: 1668
In the deep south, spring begins to show off during the month of March. She pushes Old Man Winter aside so her warmth can nurture the tiny buds that appear on the trees and plants. The birds sing loudly and the world seems alive again. Browns and grays are replaced by a rainbow of color. ... Views: 635
Can finding a stray rubber band flood a person's heart with warmth and joy? Yes! Especially if you are participating in a rubber band collection contest with childhood friends. Long ago, a friend challenged me to compete in such an event. I said yes and vowed to win. I frequently rode on my bike ... Views: 748