I originally sourced these success quotes to motivate and inspire the wonderful businesswomen in our Success Club and realised they’re too good to keep to ourselves! I’ve added questions to challenge you to really internalize and take on board the specific learning in each. I suggest you choose ... Views: 2538
Forget setting New Year Resolutions – a one off activity at the start of each year that often feels forced and hurried, and leaves you feeling guilty and inadequate when they’re inevitably broken or discarded a short while later. Why not resolve (make a firm decision) at another time of year, or ... Views: 1066
My recent experiences of vendors selling in the streets of Egypt has inspired me to write today’s article. Because the approach taken by these market traders is very different to the more traditional western business approach. Now there’s nothing inherently wrong with their approach, as I’m ... Views: 1128
These success quotes have inspired and motivated me to keep going at one time or another in my dance (in my life and business journey) as they challenge my thinking, open up new perspectives or remind me of who I really am, what I’m capable of, and what’s important to me. I hope they can do the ... Views: 2899
As a success coach I often get asked variations on the theme Is there a recipe for success? Are there sure-fire strategies to get me there? Are there certain steps that will guarantee my success? A simple key?
And my answer to all of these is yes – there most certainly are. However knowing ... Views: 1112
These success quotes have all challenged my thinking, opened up a new perspective or inspired and motivated me to keep going at one time or another in my dance (in my life and business journey.) I hope they can do the same for you!
1.The last of the human freedoms is to choose one's attitude ... Views: 1231
It’s important in life when you’re feeling low, have an illness, or when a close family member is ill, to have a network of supportive family, friends and neighbours you know you can call on when you need them.
And it’s the same in your business.
The time to think about who and how people ... Views: 1003
Are you a member of the ‘Not enough money’ brigade? By this I mean do you find yourself thinking or saying on a regular basis ‘I can’t afford that’, ‘I don’t have enough money’ or ‘I can’t justify that’? This could be in relation to that fabulous new pair of shoes, that fantastic new dress or ... Views: 1461
What Are You Willing to Do?
Let’s face it, running a successful business takes effort and a lot of hard work (although probably no more than running an unsuccessful business or hobby!) Running a home and a career also takes effort. And I know that many of you are willing to work hard to make ... Views: 3107
One of the biggest challenges I see with women entrepreneurs is how to find people willing to pay for your services, and more specifically how to find people willing to pay more – higher end clients – those who see the value in what you offer and who don’t end their conversations with you saying ... Views: 1079
Here’s a quick and easy quiz, based on my own experiences of leading – myself, my family, team members and others, as well as working with hundreds of other business leaders and managers over recent years. Leadership is particularly appropriate in the current climate, when so many people are ... Views: 1327
Those of you who’ve heard me speak or know a little about my work know that I’ve created a DANCE system for business women to get you clear and focused on how to create a profitable business that serves you and allows you to live the life you truly desire. A system that helps you get out of your ... Views: 1231
I have a confession to make. I’m so passionate about getting my message into the world, sharing my secrets to success and helping as many women in business as possible become the star dancer they’re born to be, that I’ve not told the whole story. Without intending to I’ve been keeping this ... Views: 974
Success, to many modern women (and men), is something to aspire to – to attain by stepping up, changing up a gear, or up-levelling. It’s something to strive for, something to chase. But do we really think about what success means to us? Well let’s do that now……
•What is a successful life to ... Views: 1064
Success, to many modern women (and men), is something to aspire to – to attain by stepping up, changing up a gear, or up-levelling. It’s something to strive for, something to chase. But do we really think about what success means to us? Well let’s do that now……
•What is a successful life to ... Views: 1004
There seem to be 2 schools of thought on holiday productivity.
1.Productivity goes down during the summer (and Christmas) months because people are winding down and taking holiday
2.Holidays are good for productivity because they give you a break, allow you to re-energise and be more ... Views: 1272
Reaching a milestone birthday has a way of focusing the mind! And what I’ve been focusing on as a result is the wonderful people I have in my life – the people who support me on an intellectual, emotional, physical, and spiritual level.
But showing appreciation for those who share in and ... Views: 943
Celebrations, Challenge & Achievement
Do you get so caught up in moving from one goal to the next that you never stop to enjoy your wins and successes along the way? If so read on, because all of your achievements, however small, are part of your success story.
But what story do you tell ... Views: 1014
Throw out the Measuring Tool!
If you’re measuring your success currently, then can I suggest you take a moment and explore how you’re going about it?
Because in my experience the majority use other people’s yardsticks, others’ measurement criteria as their own.
Now that would be fine if ... Views: 981
Writing this put me in mind of the Tina Turner song ‘What’s love got to do with it?’ And I’m imagining many of you might be thinking the same, particularly in relation to business? Well, my immediate response to that is ‘everything’. Love is the be-all-and-end-all of everything........in life, ... Views: 1022
If you’re not satisfied with your business results or with any part of your life then you need to clear the way. It’s important that you tackle this rather than leaving it, ignoring it or suppressing it, because tackling it brings it to your conscious awareness, it allows you to discover what it ... Views: 959
How do you tend to make decisions? From your head? Or from your gut?
If right now you’re thinking I usually avoid making decisions altogether, or my strategy tends to be to wait and see what others do first, then you’re fooling yourself, because deferring a decision is a decision in ... Views: 1126
‘TRUST and HAVE FUN’ has long been a motto of mine yet it's sometimes necessary to remind myself of this! To remind myself that if I’m not feeling good or having fun and trusting in myself to do the right things, I’m sabotaging myself – worrying about all the things that aren’t getting done ... Views: 1066
This might seem like a strange title for a business success article, particularly for women entrepreneurs. But it’s actually very appropriate.
Indeed a woman just this week described to me how she felt like she’s “being going 10 rounds with Mike Tyson!” And I know she’s not alone, because ... Views: 1107
What amazing women we are!
I've been inspired this week by the creative and courageous women I’ve met who want to develop their business and are prepared to do whatever it takes to do that.
Are you one of them? Really? What are you prepared to do?
Are you willing to let go of your story? ... Views: 939
Do you feel you’re so busy being busy you don’t have time to get yourself feeling energetic and full of life? You hope a good night’s sleep will do it, or a session at the gym, or maybe a luxurious bath once in a while?
Now I’m not saying these aren’t good things and that they won’t help in ... Views: 1142
How many times do you say ‘I need to manage my time better?’ or ‘If only I had more time?’ or ‘Time just seems to disappear?’
If it’s quite often then you’re not alone – the vast majority of the clients I work with and the women I come across every single day say time is their biggest issue – ... Views: 1232
This equation is actually really simple, yet many of us persist in making it complicated.
‘We only change when the cost of changing is less than the cost of staying where we are.’
Now this makes perfect sense at an intellectual level, but at an emotional level we just don’t seem to get it. ... Views: 1263
I want you to be honest with yourself here. As a woman in business are you on your stage or waiting in the wings?
You know exactly what I mean by this and you also know what is true for you at the moment.
This is about whether you’re playing small or full out, whether you’re the understudy ... Views: 1036
In a previous article I explored the myth that all you need to succeed is the strategy and know how. The myth I’m exploring today is that of the Lone Ranger woman in business – thinking you should be able to do everything yourself; that the way to succeed is to rely on no-one but ... Views: 1154
So many women entrepreneurs I speak to and work with have fallen into the trap of believing that having the right information and knowledge and getting your strategy right is the key to guaranteeing a successful business. But for the majority of women in business this just isn’t the case.
I ... Views: 1200
In my previous article we considered what it means to leap and whether you’re ready for a leap, and today I want to explore how you can get ready. This is important to women business owners if you’re not happy with the status quo, if your current business or life is causing you anxiety or worry; ... Views: 1029
Before we explore your readiness to leap I want to ensure you understand what I mean by the words ‘step’ and ‘leap’.
The difference between a step and a leap.
A step is a small change where you’re fairly certain of the outcome, and as a consequence it holds little risk. It’s a decision ... Views: 1102
I was reminded of my own learning and how this mirrors the experience of many other women in business, during my recent experience of running a dancing competition and the different approaches taken by different dancers on the day.
Some dancers focus purely on the job in hand – on winning. ... Views: 1194
It’s true. Although I’ve worked with lots of men as well as women over the years and although everyone suffers from self-doubt to some degree, it’s definitely women who ‘take the biscuit’ (come out on top) when it comes to worrying about whether you’re doing the right thing, whether you really ... Views: 1104
There seems to be a myth amongst women in particular, that caring for yourself, by which I mean consistently taking time to attend to your own needs so that you stay energised and feeling good most of the time, is somehow selfish. But let’s just take a moment to examine the implications of ... Views: 1196
Feeling overwhelmed? Like there’s never enough hours in the day to get everything done you need to get done? At work you’re trying to get new clients, serving current clients, chasing payments, networking, using or getting to grips with social media. And if it’s not work, it’s the children, it’s ... Views: 1018
Have you fallen into the trap of chasing after “success”? Success as defined by other people - by the media, society, business colleagues, your partner, family, or friends? If you have then you’re not alone. Many of us have adopted the “we can have it all” mantra without really considering what ... Views: 1009
“The purpose of man is in action, not thought" Thomas Carlyle
One of the main thing's I've learned over the past 6 years since I handed my notice in, stopped being an employed manager and first thought seriously about developing my own business is that taking action is even more important ... Views: 1217
There are many points in the year when it is useful to pause, take stock and create and amend your future plans. And at these times it’s useful to reflect on all the things you are grateful for.
If you have a home, family and friends, and sufficient food. If you own a car, ... Views: 966
In previous articles I explored passion and leadership. I want to continue this theme today to answer the questions I received from some of you who are struggling in this area and from some who find that passion is something that you display some but not most of the time. As you read through ... Views: 1437
1.Focus on others
I’ve fallen into this trap myself – trying to motivate and inspire my team when not fully motivated and engaged myself. The starting point to this is to recognise this in ourselves. A coach can help with this; but you might want to first try being more aware of the effect ... Views: 983
Here’s a quick and easy quiz, based on my own experiences of leading – myself, my family, team members and others, as well as working with hundreds of other business leaders and managers over recent years. Leadership is particularly appropriate in the current climate, when so many people are ... Views: 1447
I was asked recently by a leader in education what 3 things I’d teach teenagers for Leadership and Success in Life.
This is an absolutely great question and goes to the heart of what I’m passionate about – leadership and success in their broadest context i.e. leading the life you want – a ... Views: 1230
Question raised during a recent success survey:
Why are there fewer women than men in leadership and management positions?
My perception is that this is changing, as women throughout the world are now better educated and make up a greater proportion of the working population than ever ... Views: 1192
Stephen Covey’s 2nd habit from his 7 Habits of Highly Effective people is “Begin with the End in Mind.”
By this he means that all things are created twice – they must first be created in your mind, before they can become a physical reality. So if you want to lead a more successful and ... Views: 982
I got an email this week from one of my subscribers who in response to a recent question I posed about what you’re doing to keep motivated and growing, said “reading books and information that give me a chance to develop my skills as a business leader. Is this sufficient? And if it is not what ... Views: 994
The 3 step process to presenting with confidence is:
1. Harness your attitude
2. Improve your approach
3. Work authentically through your own personality
In this article, we’ll explore the third and final step – Working authentically through your own Personality. This step also ... Views: 931
There are 3 Steps to Presenting with Confidence and in this article we’ll be exploring step 2 - Improving your approach.
Improving your approach is about ensuring you do everything possible to fully plan, prepare and practise what you’re going to say and how you’re going to say it, so that ... Views: 862
As a business leader or a manager of people, presenting information to groups of staff, to customers, suppliers or prospects may very well take up a large portion of your time. Communicating in this way takes practise and a willingness to share information in a way that people will easily ... Views: 853