Have you looked in the mirror lately? If you have, you’ve probably noticed a few changes as time’s gone by. A few more wrinkles, a few less hair follicles, and a horrifying shift in body weight. Let’s face it, we’re all getting older---and it isn’t pretty. If you’re over 50 it’s downright ... Views: 837
Sam was driving home from work. The same old tapes were playing in his head. How much he hated his job, how overworked he was, and how he couldn’t stand this commute one more day. Traffic started to back up and Sam could feel his blood start to boil. “I can’t believe I have to do this every ... Views: 898
Let’s face it Barbie is a cultural icon. There aren’t too many people who are known on a first-name only basis. She’s in the category with Elvis, Beyoncé, and Oprah.
To make matters worse—she’s perfect. She’s 54 years old and super sexy. She has a perfect body, perfect hair, and a perfect ... Views: 1324
Michael Jordon turned fifty in February. Where did the time go? As I read the recent piece in ESPN magazine on Jordon by Wright Thompson, I felt sad for Michael. Each of us reaches a place in our lives where we realize that most of the living we’ve done is behind us; and I believe it brings us ... Views: 1121
As writers we all want to be a success. We want to have our words touch people’s hearts; we want to somehow be immortalized through our work, and at the end of the day we want to sell books. That seems pretty normal---but percolating under the unconscious surface, could there be deeper reasons ... Views: 1132
Ok, you blew it; this wasn’t just a small faux paux, this was a hot mess. You went to buy a car with a specific budget in mind, and before you knew it the salesperson talked you into something you absolutely couldn’t afford---all because you couldn’t say no.
The result? The bank is after you ... Views: 1089
Fear is a problem, especially when it comes to flying. It’s estimated that approximately 50% of the population is afraid to get on an airplane.
Fear fuels all types of anxiety disorders, and is usually linked to an unpleasant experience, or the belief that an unpleasant experience will occur. ... Views: 957
So, here you are with another holiday approaching and you’re still feeling fat from the New Year. Why? Because you haven’t slowed it down since Christmas. You made all kinds of New Years resolutions to loose weight, but they only carried you as far as mid January.
You’ve over indulged again ... Views: 1210
Look around you. Everyone’s life seems like a hot mess. One in ten adults in the U.S. are depressed. People are struggling due to job loss, economic failure, war, terrorism, relational problems, shattered dreams and unmet expectations. It’s enough to make anyone lose heart.
Recent statistics ... Views: 995
Lucy felt stuck. She was bright, talented and frustrated. She was stalled in her career and overwhelmed in her personal life and it was creating major stress in her life.
The problem was she didn’t know which area in her life to tackle first, or how to come up with some next steps to move her ... Views: 2262