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“Enter into thine inner chamber… and shut thy door.”
–Matthew 6:6 (King James Version)
How Prayer Has Affected My Life
This message is the result of being asked to deliver a “timely speech” for the Monumental Baptist Church’s Women’s Monthly Prayer Breakfast in Memphis, TN.
Their ... Views: 3276
During the beginning of my pregnancy, Jimmy started to lose his eyesight. He lost weight and moved in and out of the hospital. I tried to breathe words of hope into his heart. Simultaneously, I was pulling away from him. I was afraid of not being able to survive without him. I meditated and ... Views: 1475
In Christianity, faith is the principle upon which we build our relationship with God. It is the key to experiencing God, seeing the hand of God in our lives, and fulfilling the purpose for which God made us. But many Christians struggle with the idea and concept of faith. This article will ... Views: 2166
Having faith, and teaching your children to have faith, is an important part of the fundamental growth of your relationship with your child and will determine how your child sees the world. First, we have to understand what faith really means in order to embrace the thought process that will ... Views: 3554
The Blessing of Abraham belongs to us as FatherGod’s Children and what a wonderful blessing it is. Some may say that this is just my opinion and is too good to be true, so that is why I have included a variety of scriptures in order to let FatherGod and our Lord Christ (Messiah) speak for ... Views: 2961
It is always appropriate to remember the numerous things Our Lord Christ/Messiah accomplished for us during His Death, Burial and Resurrection. Therefore, we Christian Believers are:
Children of FatherGod (1John 3:1-2).
Ambassadors for Christ/Messiah (2Corinthians 5:20 ; 6:1).
Like ... Views: 2519
Researchers at the University of Toronto found that believing in God can reduce stress and anxiety. The findings, published in Psychological Science, show distinct brain differences between believers and nonbelievers. Assistant psychology professor Michael Inzlicht, leader of the study, used a ... Views: 1403
The following links give information about the Ghost Dance, and the Rainbow Warriors, which this poem is based on.
They fought me til I ... Views: 890
Article Title: A Review of the Book ' God Has A Dream' by Desmond Tutu
Shared by: Craig Lock
Category (Key words): Success, Belief, Positive Thinking, Mind, Mindpower, Mind Control, Thought, Power of Thought, Empowerment, Motivation, Inspiration, Self Help, Personal Growth (enough there ... Views: 1956
It is reality of the nature of human to always want the best thing in life.
We are always striving for something better. We want to have a bigger home,
a better car, or more knowledge. Whenever we acquire anything we want, soon
another desire for something greater develops.
Therefore, we ... Views: 1602
I am often told to be tenacious, courageous, persistent, pushing, and dedicated to a direction. This post is about being aware of the signs when a change is needed and yet be dedicated to the right direction.
Here is my main thought around this subject.
Do not fight your journey when life ... Views: 1619
It has been said over time that those who hear voices are going mad. What about those who hear voices in their dreams? Are they mad also? How do we determine when we have heard the voice of the angels, and when we have received true guidance? One of the easiest things to do is to discount ... Views: 1829
It has been said over time that those who hear voices are going mad. What about those who hear voices in their dreams? Are they mad also? How do we determine when we have heard the voice of the angels, and when we have received true guidance? One of the easiest things to do is to discount ... Views: 1562
“When you have come to the edge...and are about to drop off into the darkness of the unknown, Faith is knowing...that there will be something solid to stand on -- or you will be taught how to fly.” Patrick Overton
When life’s circumstances seem overwhelming, when life has got us down, we ... Views: 3292
Forgiveness is a huge topic - one that deserves some study. How to forgive another, how to forgive yourself and even how to forgive God are concerns that we don't often discuss but at some level we're all wrestling with the subject of forgiveness.
It becomes an even bigger issue when you ... Views: 3422
If you want to create different and better results for yourself and your team, at work and/or home, consider going a step further in your self-development and expanding your inner self. If you continue managing your time, finances, people and stress, and additionally, focus your attention and ... Views: 1275
Article Title: Sharing Some More Information on Major Religions of the World: Islam - Are the Differences Between Muslim Shiites & Sunnis Major?
Submitted by: Craig Lock
Category (key words): Islam, religion, faith, beliefs, Shiites, Sunnis, spiritual unity
Craig's new blog is at ... Views: 1191
I remember feeling my mother’s sorrow as a child. Sometimes I would stand next to her and begin to cry. “Why are you crying” she’d ask bewildered? “I don’t know mommy, because you are sad” I’d say. Some of us physically register the suffering of others in our bodies. We tap into their feelings ... Views: 1108
In the beginning, our Creator brought forth in one instant, every possibility that our Divine Imagination could ever conceive. We have always had at our disposal the endless potential to tap into this vast array of every possible combination of our “unimagined dreams”.
We have been told that ... Views: 1715
There are two faces of religion; that which we profess, and that which we project. Our professed religion follows our scriptures and our beliefs and are what we declare to be our truths, our ideals. It's the talk we talk. Our projection of our religion is how we act, what we say, how we say it, ... Views: 1070
Coaching is a modern-day phenomenon that is taking the world by storm. This discipline has proven to deliver excellent results for people from various backgrounds. Helping people pursue their goals and turn their dreams into reality.
Coaching differs from counselling (which is intended for ... Views: 1195
I've worked with a lot of master champions. Some have mastered a sport. Some had a skill like ballet. Some have mastered a musical talent or instrument but some of them master everything. They do that by mastering life. They become enlightened.
To be in the presence of such a being is to me ... Views: 1172
Our Loving Heavenly FatherGod’s Power is within us HIS Children and is thus always available for us to use at all times to bless our families and all of mankind. Please read the following scriptures to confirm this for yourself.
Matthew 28: 18-20] 18And Jesus came and spake unto them, ... Views: 2072
Article Title: Sharing a Few New Thoughts on Faith
Submitted by: Craig Lock
Category (key words): Faith, inspiration. words of inspiration, spirit, spiritual writings, belief
Craig's new blog with thoughts and extracts from various writings is at craiglock.wordpress.com ... Views: 853
So it was New Year’s Eve, and family and friends together sharing what they wanted for 2010. So round the table we went, and I was very surprised to hear what people were asking for. It started with “In 2010 I would like to handle all the pressures thrown at me and cope better than I did in ... Views: 1311
Watch What You Say
What you say determines what is in your heart and eventually determines your placement in life. Out of abundance of heart speaks the mouth, since thoughts are words spoken that shapes our destiny, for better or for bitter.
“How long will this wicked community grumble ... Views: 1249
Stand Your Ground
God is not the author of confusion and you must not loose sight of the fact that He does not work or bound by human reports. He is not in the business of deception, oppression, manipulation or afflicts anyone. He is the light, and in Him is no darkness neither shadows of ... Views: 1201
The following scriptures assure us that our Loving Heavenly FatherGod is always present with us HIS Children. Therefore, we are always in HIS presence and have access to HIS help at all times.
[Ephesians 4:6] One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through ... Views: 2461
You can Make It Happen.
God gives every bird its food, but He does not throw it into the net!
You have a beautiful enviable future because destiny is not a matter of chance but a matter of choice. There is something about life, if you refuse to accept anything less than the best, ... Views: 1200
The Yeast to Rise
When God gives you a seed, He does not want that seed back; He wants a forest. He wants you to plant and grow that seed with the ability He gave you. Myles Munroe
Use the talents you possess, the wood would be very silent if no birds sang except the best. For those ... Views: 1305
You are the handicap you must face. You are the one who must choose your place. James Allen.
The price of not knowing the rudiments of certain things in life could lead to frustration, embarrassment and untold hardship. Some penalties we pay in life are due to ... Views: 1030
You are more than Conquerors
Persistence makes you to stand your ground in Christ any day. It makes you to stand for the cause you believe. It brings you into the realm of not turning back from your assignment. It makes you to forgo pleasure and endure to the end for the crown set for the ... Views: 1293
I had a great session with a wonderful Medium the other day. I have felt as light as a feather ever since and yet very much rooted firmly to the ground as well; I guess the overall feeling is one of believing that I am exactly where I'm meant to be and also know where I should be going...and of ... Views: 1365
Who is God? Who is Jesus Christ? And how about the Holy Spirit? The entire Bible clearly supplies all the information we need in order to know about them, so here, I will briefly answer these basic and fundamental questions using the Bible, God's final written authority for us.
Why is knowing ... Views: 3606
This morning I received some news that left me feeling as if I’d been kicked in the stomach. Although a misunderstanding occurred, I didn’t know how to fix it. As a matter of fact, in my own strength I couldn’t fix it. I began praying about it and got the notion to call a partner ministry to ... Views: 1348
“By doubting we come to inquiry; and through inquiry we perceive truth.”
~ Peter Abelard (1079 -1142). He was a French philosopher and theologian.
“Most institutions demand unqualified faith; but the institution of science makes skepticism a virtue.”
~ Robert King Merton (1910 – ... Views: 1112
“But what human judgment outweighs the commandments of God on the scales of opinion? What “person of God” would ever say, “Well, yeah, God forbids it, but I think it’s okay?”[1]
~ Dr. Laurence B. Brown, MD
Author of The Eighth Scroll, MisGod’ed, God’ed, and Bearing True Witness
You can’t ... Views: 1009
With only a few days left till Christmas morning springs itself upon us with all the giggles, excitement and love; many may be trying to figure out how to get the enormous lists of toys the children are wanting. Isn’t it funny how when I was a kid we asked for one toy maybe two, for me usually ... Views: 1120
Hi everyone, the last month for me, was filled with numerous experiences I perceived as challenges which tested the level of faith I have in my path, process and what I’m doing, and as such I felt compelled to write about this topic. I figure there are many more out there that are going through ... Views: 2482
Prayer is communication with Jehovah God Almighty; it is a two-way conversation. So when you pray to your Father in heaven, He will answer you according to His will.
However, there are hindrances to prayers--things and behaviors that will prevent an answered prayer. Here, let us briefly go ... Views: 5322
We live in very challenging times and need to find ways to help us stay centered. The best practice is to go deeper within oneself by talking with God. Prayer is a simple communication with God. The best prayer is the practice of gratitude. The more gratitude we are able to feel, the better our ... Views: 7604
How do we get saved? What are required for us to receive salvation? Since salvation is a gift from Jehovah God Almighty through His Son, Jesus Christ, accepting this gift is easy, not tricky at all.
We are saved the moment we 1) repent of anything bad we've ever done and 2) accept Jesus as ... Views: 4224
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Struggling for My Way - by Jennifer Young, LPC - Telephone Christian Counselor with www.Thy-Kingdm.com
Sometimes I just have to laugh and shake my head when I think of all the times, all the ways I have tried to make things turn out my way. I am proof that our God is a patient God. I get this idea in my head that I know the way things should go or what is best, and then I struggle, stress, and ... Views: 923
Do you believe in Jehovah God Almighty?
If you answered "Yes," your answer would match about half of the human population, because Christians, Muslims, and Jews, all believe in the same God, Jehovah (though Muslims use the name Allah for God).
While I do not doubt the depth or strength of ... Views: 5424
If you’re like me and thousands of others on this planet, you’ve either read The Secret, watched the DVD or know what it’s about. Those of us who are familiar with the Law of Attraction (LOA), know that it has been around since Jesus and other prophets walked the earth. All we need to do is read ... Views: 2062
Think …on purpose
Have you heard the story “The Emperor’s New Clothes”? The story is about a ruler who cares more about clothing than anything else. He hires two swindlers who promise to provide a bespoke suit of clothing like no other. They tell the Emperor they posses a very special cloth. ... Views: 1361
Growing up, we never said "grace" in my house. My mom was raised Catholic and my dad a Baptist. Somewhere along the line, they both left their childhood churches, and by the time we came along, religion was no longer part of their daily lives.
I suspect that they were unable to reconcile the ... Views: 1470
So said the Buddha. In the months that followed his death and burial, I felt confused, afraid, and lost. I tried to help my mother manage her grief even as I struggled to handle my own. To say that my life unraveled would be an understatement. Within twenty-four months of his death, I left the ... Views: 1430
Teaching his disciples how to pray to God, God's beloved Son, Jesus Christ, began the model prayer with, "Our Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name." (Matthew 6:9, American Standard Version)
When we pray "Hallowed be thy name," we are seeking sanctification and glory for God's ... Views: 6545
“I am surrounded by an Infinite Ocean of Mind that receives the imprint of my word.” Ernest Holmes
If I believe God is ALL there is (and I do) how can I possibly doubt that I or anyone is not part of that magnificent whole. If the One Mind is like an Infinite Ocean accepting thought like ... Views: 1254