We’re at a turning point. We claim we want civility. But let’s be honest; what we really want is for the other side to shut up.
We can criticize the politicians, but how many of us truly want to collaborate or cooperate?
Here’s the deal, people: Congress works for us.
They’re not ... Views: 623
Which is harder, trying to get a job or trying to keep one?
With 14.8 million people unemployed, job competition has never been stiffer.
If you’ve already got a job, there are plenty of people out there who are quite eager to take your place. And if you’re looking for work, you already ... Views: 816
F. Scott Fitzgerald once said, “The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function.”
Mary Kay did it when she combined selling and nurturing to create a cosmetics empire.
Apple does it when ... Views: 1184
Growing up, we never said "grace" in my house. My mom was raised Catholic and my dad a Baptist. Somewhere along the line, they both left their childhood churches, and by the time we came along, religion was no longer part of their daily lives.
I suspect that they were unable to reconcile the ... Views: 1477
An open letter to men:
We love you, we really do. We know you're different than we are, and we like it that way.
It's true we often ask you to act more like we do. But if we're honest, we know - and you know - that our differences make things more interesting and exciting.
People ... Views: 1142
How do you enjoy your life when you're constantly worried about money?
Can you learn to live in the moment when your moments are constantly being interrupted by the nice folks at Visa reminding you that "minimum payment" doesn't mean the minimum you feel like sending? It means that you ... Views: 1273
I don't know which is worse - losing your job or being the one who has to make the cuts. Yes, I know there are still some heartless execs out there slashing jobs while taking huge bonuses and sleeping soundly in custom sheets.
But there are also millions of business owners lying awake at ... Views: 1077
Outbursts in Congress, cursing on the tennis courts, and grabbing the mic from a young award winner; everyone is lamenting our loss of civility as more and more public figures continue to behave badly.
To quote my grandmother, "I think someone has forgotten their manners."
It would be ... Views: 1139
We want our customers to love us.
We want our employees to love their jobs.
Yet if you bring up the “L word” in the context of leadership, people get uncomfortable.
They envision an afternoon of holding hands around the company campfire with the staff swaying to the strains of ... Views: 849
Work/life balance is a crock.
The elusive goal of balance keeps us teetering on a tightrope of insanity as we frantically juggle the plates of our compartmentalized lives.
Balance may be the big buzzword in corporate America, but parceling yourself out in the quest for perfect balance ... Views: 905
Who's got your back?
Do you have people in your life that you can count on to support you, no matter what?
Sometimes it all depends on how you interpret the word "support."
We all need people who will be there for us in our darkest hours. People who will drop everything to come hold ... Views: 744
Welcome to the new normal.
Your 401(k) has tanked, your job is hanging by a thread, and purchases you once considered routine are now major life decisions.
Many have suggested the current economic challenges are causing us to rethink our values.
That may be true, but I'm also still ... Views: 819